Sunday, June 28, 2009

Storm blows in from the Northwest

It's unusual for a storm to come from the NW but it has been happening all spring. No thunder and lightning just rain, I feel cheated. I don't know how to explain the weird weather patterns but some of my friends assure me it is not due to global warming because it still snows in the winter.

Quincy enjoyed the rain. More pix of the puppy on my Facebook page


  1. You forgot to mention the Cap and Trade vote as well. Does anyone in the area realize that Kanjorski voted FOR it and Carney AGAINST? If they don't realize it now, they sure will when energy prices go through the roof.

  2. I'm sick of this rain. Someone said it rained around 20 days in a row. Do we live under some sort of El Nino weather pattern? Like Seattle?
