Friday, June 26, 2009

We interupt the coverage of Michael Jackson to bring you some news

I don't think that the death of the Pope John Paul II got this much coverage on the cable news channels.

So what else is going on?

Iran is having a revolution

The US health care system is going to be overhauled

North Korea is rattling sabers

US forces are leaving the cities of Iraq

Swine flu may kill us all

All this will take a back seat for the next few days while our librul media obsesses about MJ


Anna Nicole Smith is still dead


  1. Lady Di, all over again.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    michael jackson is dead... how many regular folks died yesterday?
    there are important events going on in the world and in peoples lives. but they will cover this non stop all weekend...
    sad for his family....

    may God have mercy on his soul

  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Like him or not, he was an icon and his death was unexpected. All of the issues you listed are not going away anytime soon. When Presley and Lennon died there was no cable news, had there been so then they would have received the same coverage.
    Any journalism student worth his salt would put the Jackson story first. There will be plenty of time to talk about health care, Iraq, etc. etc. in a few days.
    I never cared for his music, but one can't deny his impact on culture both musically and with the scandals; he is one of the few artists to have more than one induction to the Rock Hall of Fame. WOuld it have been proper to announce the death and blow it off?

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "WOuld it have been proper to announce the death and blow it off?"

    actually, yes it would have been, he was just a guy who could sing and dance. he entertained. he did not find a cure for AIDS, he did not find a cure for cancer, he didn't bring food to the hungry or shelter to the homeless. he was nothing more than an entertainer.

  5. Iran doesn't matter because Michael Jackson never performed there. Same for North Korea. And if Michael Jackson didn't perform there, it's not really a real place, anyway.

    We need to overhaul our health care system because once we do, maybe we can figure out a way to resurrect Michael Jackson. Who died from Swine Flu.

  6. You forgot the overhaul of the countries energy sector that will increase our electricity bills and create a state revenue loss of about $219 million.

  7. This just in...Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead. According to official military sources, Generaralissimo Francisco Franco is still bravely clinging to death...

  8. Mean Old Man8:03 AM

    To Hell with Michael Jackson!! Not only was he a talentless entertainer, but he wore commie outfits and once played the Kremlin (no doubt, free of charge). He had the nerve also to deliberately die a few hours after that fine actress Farrah Fawcett and upstage her shining moment in the news. I remember when Charlie's Angels first came on the air and my wife Thelma Jean dragged me into the living room to watch it. I was completely against it because nobody would ever believe that a woman could be a cop but after watching one episode I have to say, those were some fine and tough little ladies, and the fact that they were pretty much supervised by Charlie, a tough guy, made it okay. It was tough for poor little Farrah after she quit Charlie's Angels. But 30 years later she finally has another shot at headliner stardom and twirpy Michael Jackson dies and steals the poor little girl's thunder. To Hell with Michael Jackson, to Hell with the moonwalk, to Hell with Bubbles the Chimp, I hate you all!!!! God Bless poor Miss Fawcett (and even her wimpy loser husband Ryan O'Neal), and Most of all God bless our Sainted Senator Santorum. And to all the Michael Jackson fans who surf this commie blog, I hate you all!!!!

  9. Even the Sanford thing knocked the really important stuff out of the news. Sanford is probably glad about the Michael Jackson story. Although the Sanford story itself, shouldn't be the #1 story.

  10. The "news", if you even call it that...what you see on TV.

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    i understand they are going to remove all of the plastic from MJ's body, melt it down and reform it into legos so little boys can now allegedly play with him!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous3:37 AM

    He really died of a fod poisining

    He had some 11 year old nuts
