Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Carlson gets a promotion

HARRISBURG U.S. Attorney Martin C. Carlson has resigned his post amid the ongoing Luzerne County corruption probe to assume a position as a U.S. magistrate judge in Harrisburg, a federal judge confirmed Monday.

It seems like every prosecutor wants to be a Judge. He was appointed US Attorney by the last administration but I think that his performance in all the Luzerne/Lackawanna scandals show that he is the kind of person that he could care less about politics. Look for President Obama to appoint him to the next vacancy on the federal bench.

His replacement is Dennis Pfannenschmidt, who was appointed interim U.S. attorney. We are going to have fun with that name. The President will nominate a permanent replacement with the advice of Pennsylvania's Senators and consent of the full Senate.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    he just got appointed magistrate. he won't get a spot on the federal bench and he knows it...that's why he resigned.

  2. I think Carson was booted upstairs, I don't think Casey was happy with him. I think his abrupt resignation is proof of that. I think he is having a disagreement with Casey over some charges in the corruption probe. He will never get appointed as a Federal Judge.

  3. Well, I think we all know we'll have at least ONE honest judge somewhere!
