Sunday, August 09, 2009

Specter on CNN

Senator Arlen Specter (PA-D/R/?) got the last word on CNN's State of the Union with John King today and discussed health care and his reelection campaign.
King asked him he thought if all the ruckus going on in town hall meetings across the country was orchestrated or just people expressing their opinions spontaneously, he said it was both.
On the much maligned public option that seems to be driving much of the misinformation about the health insurance reform proposal he said it would be very helpful and should be fully explored but reminded King that the Senate has not produced a bill yet.
King then showed a clip from 1994 where Specter was on the Senate floor with a complicated flow chart outlining Hillary Care. I think you may have seen something similar about the present proposal. Specter said that the 1994 plan was different because it included a single payer system and the new plan doesn't.
Responding to Joe Sestak's contention that "I'm not sure he is a Democrat" he pointed out that he broke with the Bush administration over stem cell research, was pro choice and supported the nuclear test ban treaty.
He then attacked Sestak for missing 104 votes saying if he was still in the Navy he would be court martialed for being AWOL.
They finished up with the recent polling showing people in PA don't think he should be reelected and is in dead heat with Pat Toomey. He said he is willing to go toe to toe with all comers and said
"I didn't ask the President to clear the field."
I think if he was asked what his favorite color was he would respond plaid.


  1. Everyday he sounds more like someone just trying to keep his job and not really standing for anything in particular.

  2. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Arlen stands for something. He gets very erect for increasing his personal worth. How much would you guess it is, including the whole shebang? 500 million? Will you disclose that figure Arlen, when you keep your word and return all the campaign contributions to your former supporters, those Republicans, remember them?
    How dare any one question your commitment to the Democratic Party line! Shame on them. Yes you have voted on their side of the issues historically. But, tell us, Your Royal Shrewdie, why did you get ticked when your buddies to the right accused you of leaning too far to the left?
    Arlen Specter, King of all Thespians. You fraud. You pathetic little phony.

  3. Our esteemed host wrote, "I think if he was asked what his favorite color was he would respond plaid." That's a great one, and is my new blog tagline -- with appropriate credit given, of course.

  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    i will switch my registration for the primary to vote against this self serving piece of trash..

    btw i voted for him in the past and donated consiederably to his campaigns. guess i was a fool

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Toomey will wipe the floor of either of these guys.

  6. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA8:35 AM

    Mr. Specter's dilemma is reflected in the attitude of the political party he has adopted; like a transient orphan roaming from one unwanting family to another. Obviously, his move to the Democrats was the best effort he could contrive to survive politically, but it may not be enough. Circumstances will castrate his political future (or lack thereof). When the federal government gets into the banking, investment, auto and health care industry at a cost to the taxpayers of one or two or three trillion dollars, one can expect retaliation at the ballot box. Leopards do not change their spots and politicians are no different. Billions of wasted dollars and the strangling of corporate freedom will see our economy go further into a downward decline as our personal debt increases. One cannot seriously fathom a Democratic victory in the mid term elections fifteen months from now. Mr. Obama has proven himself to be inept, grasping at straws, much the way his eyes are dependent on a teleprompter to tell him what to say. Just one look into those eyes will tell you that he is in over his head and like Mr. Clinton and Mr. Carter before him, will take the ship down with all of his brethren aboard. In short, students, it is not necessary to debate Specter vs. the Admiral; it is akin to debating the merits of chicken salad over tuna salad; to sum it up, it really does not matter as the course has already been set. Class dismissed.

  7. Dana, I'm honored.

  8. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Professor- Rush has tutored you well....
