Saturday, August 08, 2009

Challenger for Carney

Iraq veteran announces run for Congressional seat

Christopher Bain of Williamsport... will challenge U.S. Rep. Chris Carney, D-Dimock, for the 10th Congressional seat.

Bain has also run for Williamsport city council and the PA-84th State House seat. He announced his bid at a Tea Party.

He is the first Republican to throw his hat in the ring and we can expect a few others to join the fray.


  1. Mean Old Man3:28 PM

    Let's hope that that fine young man Mr. Mueser will step up to the plate once more. You don't get too many second chances, but with Danny Boy going up against the elitist toy soldier Carney, we will finally have for the first time since Mr. Sherwood a Congressman we can be proud of!!! I only wish that I lived in his district but I can root for him. Of course, the commie who operates this site was buddy buddy with the turncoat Hackett in the last election only to turn on him once he got the nomination. Don't fall for false supporters Mr. Meuser. I hate you all!!!!

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I heard Skrep is going to change like specter and run as a republican. He's qualified - he's a football player!

    Fact of the matter is Carney will be tough to beat - but the environment will likely be much better in 2010 and a good, clean republican who can carry a conservative message and raise money can do it. The question is, can Christopher Bain do it?

  3. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Meuser never moved into the district. He's not running.

  4. Nice Old Man6:35 PM

    MOM (Mean Old Man) is probably going to accuse Mr. Meuser of simply buying that half-a million dollar home just so he could pretend he lived in the district. Nothing could be further from the truth. And, hey anonymous 6:18, Dan can still run. Granted, it is taking a little longer than we had anticipated to get his house completed, but once its done, you better believe he is moving into the district. You probably thought the whole "I'm trying to comply with the spirit of the law, not just the letter of the law" deal was a scam and a lie. Well it wasn't. Dan Meuser would never lie about something this fundamental.

  5. Anonymous10:09 PM

    I hear Vince Sweeney has been contacted by "the powers that be" to seriously consider running this time around.
    At least he doesn't have to cough up the money for name I.D. Who the heck is Christopher Bain???

  6. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Let the destruction from within the local GOP start. Congrats on your 3rd term congressman Carney

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    all we need now is for KAR to come and tell us how much more patriotic Meuser is because he did not serve in a war.

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sweeney would be an absolute BOMB for the GOP. The guy is a republican "at this time" but used to be a democrat: GAG! Read his blog. Carney would absolutely destroy him and the GOP base would throw up before they'd vote for him. He will go down in flames.

  9. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Re: Carney destroying Sweeney in a contest for Congressman,here's something to think about: Three years ago, Wyoming County residents were hit with flood waters which destroyed homes and displaced a lot of people. Where was Carney? In fact, the only time I hear about him is when he's at a pancake breakfast or a county fair. Come on! It's a known fact that Sweeney has the biggest "Q" rating in northeastern & central Pennsylvania. And he's not afraid to go to bat for ANYONE-Republican or Democrat.
    We're all in this together, boys.
    Let the best man win.

  10. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I can't stand Carney and hope he loses. HOWEVER, 12:57 is, unfortately, correct. Sweeney is a political dead-man. He will never rally the base: NEVER! On many issues, he would be to the left of Carney, therefore Carney will have a lot of crossover voters. I agree: Carney is totally void of any leadership for the district. However, "three years ago" was before "one year ago", and one year ago Pancake-flipping, no-help Carney won reelection. Sweeney will be blown away.

  11. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Anon: Are you talking about three years ago when Sherwood was in Congress? Are you talking about the floods that occured in June of 2006? As I recall general elections in the United States are held in November. Carney was not even in office when the flooding happened, but when he did get in he demonstrated leadership by getting Wyoming County money for bridge repairs and for housing flood victims. Things that Sherwood should have done for his home county--but didn't.

  12. Show me the money! It's now three years and counting...
    Where's your God now, Moses???
