Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Carney schedules Town Hall Meetings

Washington , D.C. – Congressman Christopher P. Carney has announced the first three Listening Tour Town Hall Meetings for the August District work period...

“I came to Congress with the goal of listening to the people of Pennsylvania ’s 10th District. This town hall meeting is a unique opportunity for me to explain the actions Congress is taking, how my office can help and for people to tell me about the issues that matter most to them,” said Congressman Carney. “Now more than ever, all of our citizens need to be asking questions and getting involved and these town hall meetings will allow them to do just that.”


If what has been going on in town hall meetings in the rest of the country is any indication you can bet that some people will get involved. You may want to bring a video camera and a flak jacket.


-Wayne County Chamber of Commerce. 32 Commercial St , Honesdale , PA.
Monday August 17, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm
-Sullivan County Courthouse, Main & Muncy Streets, LaPorte , PA
Thursday August 20, 2009 from 11:00am to 12:00pm.
-Eagle Hose Company, 1 Eagle Lane , Dickson City , PA
Monday August 24, 2009 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.

Additional dates during August Recess are being scheduled, and details will be released soon. Stay tuned for a Town Hall meeting in your area. All are invited to attend.

My post about the ambush of one of his staffers got some reaction in the lefty blogosphere. Howie Klein of Down With Tyranny said Chris Carney... found out that the wingnuts he's been catering to for the last 3 years hate him. Dim witted Limbaugh and Beck fans ... don't know a Blue Dog from a Marxist. FireDogLake's Jane Hamsher; Blue Dog Chris Carney Wants to Feel the Teabaggy Love Ingrates.


  1. Mean Old Man2:17 PM

    I'll be there!!! I don't want the government involved with any of my health concerns!! And while we're at it, I don't want the government messing with my Medicare!!!

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Good for Carney, now if that old shit kanjo can have a town hall meeting for us in the 11th that would be good. Maybe he can have it at Meuser's house, o wait that is in the 10th..

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    No Meuser's house is in the 11th or maybe it is the 12th by now..

  4. Anonymous3:02 PM


  5. Mean Old Man: "you don't want gov' messing with your Medicare". Umm, you do realise that you would not HAVE Medicare if it were not for the government don't you?

    From what I understand Rep. Kanjorski is overseas with a fact-finding Congressional Delegation in early August. Hopefully some town halls will be scheduled in the 11th when he returns.

  6. Anonymous8:46 PM

    i thought i saw kanjo in wilkes-barre...

  7. Anonymous12:15 AM

    kar..kar... where are you?? Are you at Harveys Lake cleaning up Meusers summer residence??

  8. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Carney is in his last term of office right now.

    Conservative Scr. Area Catholic

  9. Carney tell constituents to read a bill he says has not yet been written - explosive video from Wayne Co town Hall

  10. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Anonymous 12:18 said...
    Carney is in his last term of office right now.

    Conservative Scr. Area Catholic.

    Are you serious? Do you know that Carney is an Irish Catholic who got 88% of the Vote in Dickson City? You clearly don’t know the district if you think anyone from Lackawanna County could beat Carney. The folks in the rural area love him and would vote for a D before they vote for someone from the "city” Besides, who is going to run against him from Clarks Summit, Joe Peters? HA!! Nobody from the valley would even waste their time. Take a look at the pools when they come out. His popularity in the district is over 70% He is untouchable!

    Sorry Tea baggers!!

  11. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Carney just did his third Town Hall Meeting in a week. Where is Kanjo? Carney has shown he has the guts to stand out there and take the initiative. He'll be very difficult to beat in 2010.
