Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Santorum for President

This should warm the heart of the Mean Old Man.

POLITICO has learned Santorum will visit first-in-the-nation Iowa this fall for a series of appearances before the sort of conservative activists who dominate the state GOP’s key presidential caucuses.

Our former junior Senator and Virginia resident is going to Iowa which always starts Presidential speculation about any politician. The great mentioner has also plugged him for Governor in 2010 and in real fit of delusion even a Supreme Court nominee when Sarah Palin becomes President in 2012, among other posts. Vice President Michelle Bachmann would be in charge of getting him confirmed by the Senate.

Thanks to for highlighting this.


  1. Mean Old Man6:06 AM

    Every morning I read your stupid column and am ready to vomit; but with this news I hate to say that a commie like you has brought a smile to my face! To hell painting the ol' pig pen, and to hell with pruning Thelma Jean's lilac bushes, as for me, starting now I am popping open a Steg, lighting a Lucky and top it off by listening to the soothing sounds of Kate Smith singing "God Bless America". You've made me so happy Mao, I mean, Gort, that I'm not even going to tell you to go to Hell. God Bless our Sainted Senator and next President Santorum, and to Hell with your subversive readers!!!! I hate you all!!!!

  2. What is the terror color level alert at right now, after this announcement?

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    for God's sake. How fucking delusional is this asshole?

  4. Should it be Palin/Santorum or Santorum/Palin??

    I saw this first thing this morning and it made my day.

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hey 3:02, About as delusional as Governor Chris Doherty is..heh heh

  6. Whenever I think of Rick Santorum, two things come to mind:

    1. An asinine speech he gave on the floor of the Senate years ago showing off some rusty old Iraqi shell casing as "absolute proof" of WOD. In point of fact, it was just an old rusty shell casing.

    2. His chief legislative accomplishment: banning puppy mills. Thank God for Dan! No more fake golden retrievers.

    3. Dan Quayle.

    Please God tell me that there are Republicans out there who are right at this moment shaking their heads in disgust.

  7. Make that '3' things come to mind...

  8. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Let's all be reasonable, I think we need to support a more viable candidate. How about someone a little more to the left and more marxist than obama?

    Perhaps an affirmative action successful, female, lesbian, minority?

  9. Steve, you sound like the Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition:

    "We have 2 chief weapons, no...3 chief weapons"

    Spanish Inquisition
