The Times-Leader today has another nifty graphic by Gary Visgaitis about the reelection intentions of our Luzerne County state legislators. State Senator Lisa Baker (R) is being coy but the rest of them all said they are running for another term. There has been some rumblings from various challengers such as Tarah Toohil saying she will take on Todd Eachus (D-116) in the Democratic primary but no Republicans have come forward yet in this or any other races. Eachus' problems in the Bonusgate scandal has been well documented by McGruff and others.
I think this is a test for Luzerne County GOP Chairman Terry Casey and Executive Director Renita Fennick to find viable candidates to run against Ray Musto(PA-14), Todd Eachus, Phyllis Mundy (120) , Eddie Pashinski (121) , Mike Carroll (118) , John Yudichak (119) and Jim Wansacz (114). If any serious candidates can be found, unlike the usual cranks, the back mountain big money boys should drop a few bucks to help them.
14 hours ago
the problem the Republican party has is they have lied to candidates in the past. they promise the world, get the candidate in, and THEN they run a poll showing the Republican has NO chance of winning and they pull their support. in today's state elections it cost well over a 100,000.00 to run a race, without state party help no independent funded candidate can do it. and if potential Republican candidates do a search of cash on hand in the State Republican coffers they will see there is NO money. so your challenge to them to find viable candidates is honorable,but in the end the Republican State Party will do the dishonorable thing and lie to get a NOBODY in, just to throw a person in. we shall see but history supports my assessment.
First, Gman,,WELCOME BACK!!!
Now to the comment about have got to be kidding me..After Luzerne County...and the rash of Democratic admissions of guilt in Bonusgate you would want to go me off the ground...I couldn't stand up from the laughing...and the Great Obama who can't speak without a prompter....don't get me wrong..there are Republicans and Democrats who need to be swept out...but it is up to the voters to tell the PA legislature they had enough of the raid on our tax money to benefit the few who serve us...McCall getting a $90,000 pension...his seat is like the family business...ohhh...I just realize you were really joshin...sorry.
Thhe only way Republican's win in Luzerne county is by default. Musto is 80 years old and for people to think this guy will be an effective Senator as he passes 81, 82, and 83 must be smoking dope. Mellow took a small bit of the county on the northern tip and with his arrogance, it is unbelievable that the Republicans are so slow in mounting viable campaigns. Could it be their leadership? Democrats don't win because they are organized, they win because the Republicans don't have a clue. Mark Buffalino is Democratic Chair? Pleazzzzzz!
and the Great Obama who can't speak without a prompter....
i just got finished watching Bush and Clinton being interviewed about their role as fundraisers for the tragic situation in Haiti.
Obama needs a prompter, but i have to say, BUSH needs a brain. lol. he talks but nothing comes out.
hey talking about BUSH, what did Barletta get out of that friendship other than being told "Lou fill those pot holes" seems at best he got a photo op....
nothing like being invited to a small intimate holiday dinner at the White House and come home with "Johnny" in your hand.
whoever is running the local GOP probably is paid off by the democratic party is my guess. thats how things are run in the county and state according to all the news lately. not hard to believe in this area.
One thing's for sure, there's no decency, morality, or integrity in this area. Lead on demoncrats.
Luzerne County is full of politically incestuous relationships, which makes it very difficult for anyone from outside "the family" to be successful. It's not impossible, but it's not easy either.
The other strike Republicans seem to have against them is many local Democrats in NEPA are fairly conservative when it comes to social issues, which neutralizes that wedge. In fact, the only prominent "pro-choice" local Democrat I can think of is Scranton's Mayor, Chris Doherty.
I think the only way Republicans can be successful is to really, really, really work the pocketbook issues, such as high local taxes. Local governments in NEPA are too many in number and too bloated in expenses. However, being successful in this area requires two things in short supply among local candidates from either party:
a)The guts to spout some new ideas (running against "evil Democrats" doesn't cut it...the PA Legislature is full of evil scum-bags from BOTH parties & we all know it)
b)The ability to speak in a way that inspires sound smart.
For example, while I strongly disagree with Newt Gingrich on most social issues, I find his economic ideas & passion in explaining them very compelling. I'll listen to ol'e Newty any day...may not vote for him, but he always gets my ear. Why? Again, bold ideas & the ability to effectively articulate them.
Republicans are opposed to high local taxes? Someone needs to tell Lou Barletta that. We are getting hammered in Hazelton, and it is only going to get worse when he loses that appeal.
Dear Mr Albert, There was a candidate in this past election that had more ideas on his campaign web site than you could shake a stick at. What did it mean? Nothing! almost 70% of the people didn't care enough to vote and that includes Republicans. So with that fact stairing into your face, tell us again what is needed. You my friend don't have a clue. But I do have one question. You make the statment that local government is bloated with expenses. How about a few facts to back that up? When you speak of politically incestuous and "families" what the hell are you talking about. The old guard left the scene with Crossin and company. Time to get off the text book rethoric and put forth some facts.
Mr/Ms Anonymous (7:54pm)...
You said...
"You my friend don't have a clue."
First, I don't know you, so I'm not sure you are my friend (the whole Anonymous thing does present a problem). Second, I have plenty of clues...people may not like them , but that's a different argument. Note that I'm not claiming to have all the answers, but I do claim to have plenty of questions and opinions. Finally, when last I checked, there wasn't anything illegal or immoral about having questions or opinions. What's more, since I post under my own name, you can rest assured that these actually are my questions & opinions...and that I stand by them. That doesn't give what I write any more weight, but it does mean that I am man enough to be accountable.
"You make the statment that local government is bloated with expenses."
I'm not going to spend hours with citations here, mainly because responding to anonymous postings on a blog isn't really much of a value-add time wise. That noted, here are some references for you:
First, Illinois and Pennsylvania rank first & second in terms of the number of local governments. Reference here...
Pennsylvania also has the second most expensive legislature in the country. Reference here...
Also, the per-capita cost of government varies dramatically from municipality to municipality in Pennsylvania. I actually did some research on this (see
Finally, you said...
"When you speak of politically incestuous and "families" what the hell are you talking about."
My use of the word "family" was in quotations because I wasn't referring to actual family members, but rather a system whereby closed group of individuals seem to control a large amount of power and influence. If you don't actually see this, then there is NOTHING I can write here that will make much of a difference, now is there?
Let's face it... in Luzerne County the only way to win an election is to have party backing and an electorate that does what their party asks. With our turn out ratio and the quality of the people we elect it's apparent that few of the actual voters care or even know what the issues are. Most voters here are making their selection based on who can deliver them their piece of the government largess. And don't kid yourself it comes from both side of the aisle.
Mr Albert, I'm not taking sides but you did say "local" governments and then quoted state government. I went back and read your post and I also had the opinion you were talking local as in Plains, Nanticoke, etc.
The reason there is a major difference in the cost of local government from one town to the next is due to the services offered. Police and fire protection are good examples of municipal services offered. Some towns offer more than others.
Your correct about government and family. Every group that takes over brings their own family to the public trough. I do believe that the reformers are the worst, just look at Vonderspend and Skrep. When Trini and Phillips took control, they loaded up the county payroll with per diem employees. So party affiliation or being a reformer means very little. That's why I smile at the "reformers" doing the Home Rule. They and most other people think that changing the form of government will make a difference. They just don't get it that its the people, not the form of government. Will the form of government get the 70% who didn't vote in the last election to take an interest? Hell no! As I've read here before, "better the devil you know than the one you don't." The new batch of reformers want bigger county government management so all we will get is a higher number of people fighting and making deals for jobs and let's not forget the cost of 5 - 7 - 9 or 11 who will take the place of the current 3 Commissioners. Do they think these people will serve for free and do they think they will work full time to legislate the county? No, they will get a pittance for a salary, know nothing about what's going on and the new County Executive will be very much like the School District Superintendent except that he will have much more power and the "Council" of however many will be just as uninformed and blind as the current school board mw embers ... oh yeah, let's change the form of government, that will work. :)
Finally, many people post anonymously because they don't want the personal attacks and don't have the urge for public notoriety.
"The reason there is a major difference in the cost of local government from one town to the next is due to the services offered...."
To Anonymous 4:20AM...
In my post I didn't just compare smaller towns, but also cities...such as Scranton compared to Wilkes-Barre, Erie, etc. In theory the cost of services in Erie should be higher than in Scranton, as they get far more snow. However the per-capita budget in Erie is actually less than that of W-B or Scranton.
The above makes a larger point: in this area we need to stop thinking that the universe consists of "the Valley". This "my world consists on the Valley" thinking is what politicians...both big and small...rely on to stay in power. Take a look at some of the local "burg" mayors who have been in office for a decade or more...these are people who run little fiefdoms that exist as much for personal benefit as much as anything else.
Look, I think we all want the same thing: a government that is more efficient, effective and responsive. Doing things "they way they have always been done" will guarantee that this will never occur. The fact that these discussions are even being held is a positive step.
I didn't see a comment box on the TL article, so I'll make my notes here: Both Carroll and Pashinski were elected in 2006 and are in their second terms. The article said they were both freshman.
The Luzerne County Republican Party only exists to make Terry Casey think he is important and to pay a salary to Renita fennick - that's all it does!!!
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