All this news of contaminated drinking water and explosions related to the gas drilling has Ptolemy worried about his water supply. Being an environmentally conscience feline he decided to protest this activity by staging a sleep in on the window sill. He ruled out a hunger strike.
On the other hand Quincy has sold out to the drillers and has been hired as a sub-contractor to excavate the holding ponds.

Mr. G: I'd try to capture the solar heat generated by that mostly black cat. Might be able to sell some back to the utility.
Young man, totally unrelated, yet viewing your photograph of your dog I notice how green your grass is. I find it amusing that an environmentalist who is against the capitalistic and correct practice of drilling would waste precious water for vanity sake.
Alas, students, once again the hypocricy of the liberal establishment.
Class dismisssed!!!
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