Tuesday, May 15, 2012

8 years of Another Monkey

Spring must be the time to start a blog. The Yonk just marked his 6th blogoversary and I just went past7 but DB Echo has been tapping away for 8 years now at Another Monkey, almost as long as the Blogfather. Harold occasionally writes about politics and invited me to help him build NEPA Blogs in the early stages which has become an online directory of local bloggers of all stripes. I don't post over there much anymore because he and Michelle usually post a link to a new blog that I spot before I get the chance to list it. They have built it into 'thee" place for information about the local blogosphere including a regular TV gig on WBRE.Cool.

My favorite features of Another Monkey are the astronomy posts and his Stained Glass Window project.

And we all know he has become a world renowned expert on Headless Rabbits.

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