15 hours ago
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tis the Season
A Yuletide Message by Mean Old Man
Once again we are upon
that holiest of seasons, the observance of the birth of our Lord Jesus
Christ. But what with all the damn commercials and sales pitches for
everything from cell phones to Ford F150’s you wouldn’t know!!! And to
top it all off,
all of the spoiled, bratty kids squawking about wanting this and that
and-----Hell---everything!!!! No one even talks about Jesus anymore or
all of his good works. Except for this week when some bleach blonde on
Fox news stated that our savior was white.
Now, I wasn’t around then, but all I know is every single picture of
Jesus Christ that I have seen has him white, so I have to accept it.
End of Story!!!!!!! But there is another thing that the dumb bimbo
brought up that I need to get off of my mind.
Santa Claus, the biggest
detractor to Jesus that ever existed and more likely an early invention
of the Communist party…..perhaps Karl Marx’s grandfather came up with
the idea. Anyways, once ol’ Santa got into the mix that’s what
everybody seemed to start
talking about. Hell, even I believed in this silly fat Soviet invention
at one time as a child, until ol’ Pops put an end to it. I remember it
so well…..
One Christmas around the
time I as 7 years old, I was obsessed with getting a new baseball glove
as a gift. So, I went upstairs to the bedroom that I shared with my two
loser brothers, Mike and Bye (who were older than me, by the way). I
sat down at
the small desk that Pops made for Mike and began to write a letter to
ol’ St. Nick. I don’t think I got to my second sentence when the door
slams open and there standing, big as life was Pops.
“Hey dimwit!” He screamed
louder than a banshee. “I get home from the breaker and I find that
the furnace is almost empty. What the hell are you up to?!?!?!” I told
him that I was writing to Santa to ask for a baseball glove. Pops face
turned redder
than Gloria Steinman at a pro-life rally and he nearly went nuts.
“I’m gonna let you in a
little secret moron, there’s no such thing as Santa Claus and even if
there was he wouldn’t give a lazy dope like you a damned
thing!!!!!!!!!!!” Pops then proceeded to ball me out for not shoveling
the coal into our furnace. He
then grabbed me by my shirt collar and lifted me up from the chair while
slapping me around like a rag doll. Then he proceeded to fling me down
the stairwell into our parlor. Once there he rushed down the steps and
made a quick 180 to the ice box to fetch
a bottle of Steg. While slugging it down he grabbed me once again with
his other arm and flung me down the cellar steps.
“I had better see enough
coal in the furnace to keep the King of Siam warm, or your spending the
night making an igloo out in the yard!!!”
While shoveling that
night, I could feel the blood seeping from my forehead and the pain in
my lower back each time I bent to pick up a load of coal. It was
painful, horrifying and degrading….and I loved it!!! Because Pops
taught me an important lesson
that day, to face reality and not count on any handouts. Good ol Pops,
there’ll never be another like him. I miss him a lot.
So, all you liberal,
commie idiots out there screaming about some bimbo saying Santa is
White, forget it. There is no Santa and there never was. But that
doesn’t mean you can’t have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, that
Christmas I didn’t get my baseball glove. Instead I got a new shirt
because Pops had ripped my old one when he hoisted me up like an
ornament. It was one of the best gifts I ever got!!!!!
So all you goofballs have
a Merry Christmas….and make sure you got your cards out early to the
Kremlin and Peking. As for me, I’ll be sitting at home, enjoying a
Lucky and hoisting a Steg while listening to Nat King Cole singing the
Christmas Song.
Merry Christmas!!!!! I hate you all!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Bob Guzzardi for Governor
PoliticsPA is reporting that Montgomery County attorney Bob Guzzardi is asking people to help him gather signatures to get on the Republican ballot for Governor next year. People who follow PA politics know that Guzzardi has donated to many republican candidates and a few Democrats over the last few years. On his recent Facebook posts he talks about the Forgotten Taxpayer and regularly rips GOP lawmakers that have voted to increase spending and debt.
The latest transportation funding bill seems to have pushed him into running saying “Why would you want to be complicit in the nomination of a Promise Breaker to represent you? This is a moment,” Guzzardi wrote.
“The polls tell us that Tom Corbett is very likely to lose and not likely to get better with the Corbett Gas Tax.”
He knows this a long shot and may not even get the 2000 signatures to get on the ballot.
“Winning is unrealistic,” he said. Instead, he wants to send a message.
“My goal is to mobilize a disaffect grassroots, the Forgotten Taxpayers, who are forced to fund Unions and Government Contractors and Vendors.”
Bob has an informational website and a Wiki page.
The latest transportation funding bill seems to have pushed him into running saying “Why would you want to be complicit in the nomination of a Promise Breaker to represent you? This is a moment,” Guzzardi wrote.
“The polls tell us that Tom Corbett is very likely to lose and not likely to get better with the Corbett Gas Tax.”
He knows this a long shot and may not even get the 2000 signatures to get on the ballot.
“Winning is unrealistic,” he said. Instead, he wants to send a message.
“My goal is to mobilize a disaffect grassroots, the Forgotten Taxpayers, who are forced to fund Unions and Government Contractors and Vendors.”
Bob has an informational website and a Wiki page.
Saturday, December 07, 2013
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Possible 120th HD candidates
First of all I want to say say thank you to Phyllis Mundy for being for being a friend and an outstanding State Representative.
Just as I was getting worried that we wouldn't have many competitive state legislature elections next year Phyllis drops a bomb shell. Right now Pashinski, Carroll, Mullery, Toohill, Yudichak and Baker don't have an announced opponent but that will change as some guy with a tri-corner hat gets the itch. So far only Karen Boback has a serious opponent in Laura Dickson.
Bill O'Boyle in the TL runs down the likely candidates.
On the GOP side 2012 nominee Aaron Kaufer gives kudos to Phyllis and sounds like he will run again. She cleaned his clock 56%-44% after the state GOP pored a ton of money into the race. And there is always speculation that Kingston Mayor for Life Jim Haggerty will try to lose another election outside of the Municipality after getting shot down for State Senate and Judge. I'm sure some other names will pop up.
The Dems will have plenty of candidates. Edwardsville Councilor Gary Mack is interested as is West Pittston attorney Laura Dennis who is said to be able to self finance. This line from the TL article kind of bugs me. Dennis said she wants to run for elective office; she has to decide if the state legislature would be the best fit for her. In other words she wants to run for office to be somebody instead of doing something. She has time to clear that up.
The early frontrunner for the Democratic nod has to be West Wyoming Council Prez Eileen Cipriani. She has been at Phyllis' side and organized the West Side Council of Governments that has been able to pool the resources of the west side to get things done.
Other names being thrown around include:
Former W. Pittston Mayor Bill Goldsworthy who is working for the the Guv and ran against Phyllis in 2010. He may want to get off the Corbett sinking ship before it goes under.
Just for shits and giggles a commenter says: I say Michael Szustak- did a bang up job with Gelb and Cartwright. Has what we need for the job!
And we all know that Joe V has always wanted to be elected to something...anything
If Mundy does retire, who knows, maybe I’ll tap into that communion money and throw my hat into the ring as well.
Just as I was getting worried that we wouldn't have many competitive state legislature elections next year Phyllis drops a bomb shell. Right now Pashinski, Carroll, Mullery, Toohill, Yudichak and Baker don't have an announced opponent but that will change as some guy with a tri-corner hat gets the itch. So far only Karen Boback has a serious opponent in Laura Dickson.
Bill O'Boyle in the TL runs down the likely candidates.
On the GOP side 2012 nominee Aaron Kaufer gives kudos to Phyllis and sounds like he will run again. She cleaned his clock 56%-44% after the state GOP pored a ton of money into the race. And there is always speculation that Kingston Mayor for Life Jim Haggerty will try to lose another election outside of the Municipality after getting shot down for State Senate and Judge. I'm sure some other names will pop up.
The Dems will have plenty of candidates. Edwardsville Councilor Gary Mack is interested as is West Pittston attorney Laura Dennis who is said to be able to self finance. This line from the TL article kind of bugs me. Dennis said she wants to run for elective office; she has to decide if the state legislature would be the best fit for her. In other words she wants to run for office to be somebody instead of doing something. She has time to clear that up.
The early frontrunner for the Democratic nod has to be West Wyoming Council Prez Eileen Cipriani. She has been at Phyllis' side and organized the West Side Council of Governments that has been able to pool the resources of the west side to get things done.
Other names being thrown around include:
Former W. Pittston Mayor Bill Goldsworthy who is working for the the Guv and ran against Phyllis in 2010. He may want to get off the Corbett sinking ship before it goes under.
Just for shits and giggles a commenter says: I say Michael Szustak- did a bang up job with Gelb and Cartwright. Has what we need for the job!
And we all know that Joe V has always wanted to be elected to something...anything
If Mundy does retire, who knows, maybe I’ll tap into that communion money and throw my hat into the ring as well.
Monday, December 02, 2013
Phyllis hangs it up
Mundy will not seek re-election to Pa. House
HARRISBURG, Dec. 2 – State Rep. Phyllis Mundy, D-Kingston, today announced she will retire at
the end of this legislative session.
Mundy, who represents portions of Luzerne County, is serving her 12th term in office, which runs through Nov. 30, 2014. She was first elected in 1990.
"It has been my privilege to serve the people of the 120th
District," Mundy said. "My staff and I have worked hard and done our
best to serve all who needed our
help. I am humbled by the confidence and support shown to me for the
past 23 years, and I am extremely grateful for the tremendous
opportunity to serve."
led successful initiatives to expand prescription drug benefits and
care for senior citizens, maximize early childhood care and education,
increase home visitation services
for at-risk expectant mothers, and promote quality care for foster
children. She has also garnered a reputation for outstanding constituent
has consistently advocated for middle-class families, working for
consumer protections in utility cases and for tax fairness. In 2005, she
led successful efforts to prevent
hoarding of excessive surpluses at Blue Cross.
her tenure in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Mundy was
manager of a multi-million dollar manufacturing company. She also worked
in many volunteer organizations,
including the Junior League and League of Women Voters where she served
two terms as president.
reminds her constituents that she will still be their representative in
Harrisburg for the next year. Her local office at Park Office Building,
Suite 113, 400 Third Ave.,
Kingston, will remain open through the remainder of her term, and her
staff will continue to assist constituents with their needs.
The 120th
Legislative Districts includes the townships of Exeter, Jackson and
Kingston and the boroughs of Courtdale, Exeter, Forty Fort, Kingston,
Luzerne, Pringle,
Swoyersville, West Pittston, West Wyoming and Wyoming.
Sunday, December 01, 2013
Blogroll update
Many people over the years have said one of the best features of this blog is that I link to other scribes in the area. Happy to do it.
I deleted a few today because of dead links or the site has not been updated in the last year. This blogging thing is harder than it looks.
I have been remiss by not adding Omeed Firouzi His writings won an award. I predict that he will become either President of the United States or a talking head on TV news shows.
Scranton SB candidate Tom Borthwick took a break from his first internet adventure NEPartisan. Too bad. He is back with Tom Borthwick.
I deleted a few today because of dead links or the site has not been updated in the last year. This blogging thing is harder than it looks.
I have been remiss by not adding Omeed Firouzi His writings won an award. I predict that he will become either President of the United States or a talking head on TV news shows.
Scranton SB candidate Tom Borthwick took a break from his first internet adventure NEPartisan. Too bad. He is back with Tom Borthwick.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
I use Twitter like a RSS feed. I follow my favorite writers and click on their latest post. I'm having a hard time keeping up with rest of the social media like pintarest, instagram and even google plus. Maybe I should have gone to the last Blogcon to learn about the new apps.
My twitter handle is @Gort421
My twitter handle is @Gort421
Friday, November 29, 2013
Bob Reilly wants a pension
Used car salesman and part time Clerk of Courts Bob Reilly wants his pension from the county after being convicted of corruption. That takes some balls to even ask. Salute.
His lawyers argument is that he lied to to feds but not the locals so some loophole applies.
His lawyers argument is that he lied to to feds but not the locals so some loophole applies.
If The Facts Are Against You, Argue The Law.
Recycle the Turkey Day dinner
Leftovers are good on Friday but get old by Saturday. After the care
packages are packed up for the relatives there is still a bunch of ham
and turkey to deal with.Our system has worked for the past few years. The turkey scraps are divided between a turkey pot pie and turkey salad that we take for lunch for the following weeks. The ham goes to Mrs. G's mom because she makes a ham casserole that will knock your socks off. For some reason we never have any left over Kielbasa that we got from the Plains Meat Market.
Kathy Dobash says thanks
Dear Friends,
I am writing to thank you for your vote and support during the most recent general election on November 5, 2013.
a candidate-elect for Luzerne County Council I want to provide you my
address: kathydobash@yahoo.com . Please feel free to contact me
regarding any Luzerne County issue which may require my assistance.
believe in openness and transparency. I will be glad to present your
concerns to other members of Luzerne County Council at public meetings.
Again, I sincerely thank you for your support. I wish all Luzerne County Citizens a wonderful Holiday Season!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
The Luzerne County Election website is still a mess.
When I read this story about a little town in Utah forgetting about the election I thought this is where we should look for the the next Director of Elections for Luzerne County. After all a school board election needed a do over because a candidate withdrew and the other jurisdictions were not notified and W-B Township Dems had only one candidate on the ballot in a 2 person race. I'm sure that made John Quinn bust another blood vessel.
After spending $7000 to give us up to date election results we didn't get results until 11:30PM but the newspapers and TV stations had them earlier. It was a task that was completed in house in past elections with results earlier. I hope that the latest election numbers will be archived on the Luzerne County website like all the past ones.
The campaign finance reports (CFR) were not posted before the recent election unlike previous years so we were not able to see what money was flowing to the candidates. I brought that to the attention of a member of the county council who said he would bring it up. So much for that.
The CFRs are are now posted on the website but there are all kind of technical glitches. The few reports that you can access are posted upside down and others give you a warning message when you click on it.
After spending $7000 to give us up to date election results we didn't get results until 11:30PM but the newspapers and TV stations had them earlier. It was a task that was completed in house in past elections with results earlier. I hope that the latest election numbers will be archived on the Luzerne County website like all the past ones.
The campaign finance reports (CFR) were not posted before the recent election unlike previous years so we were not able to see what money was flowing to the candidates. I brought that to the attention of a member of the county council who said he would bring it up. So much for that.
The CFRs are are now posted on the website but there are all kind of technical glitches. The few reports that you can access are posted upside down and others give you a warning message when you click on it.
- This Connection is Untrusted
- You have asked Firefox to connect securely to www.luzernecounty.org, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
- Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
- What Should I Do?
- If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
To get along, go along
"I'm not going to fight him out in the press about this. He hasn't been a board member very long. He needs to come to some
meetings to learn what the process and procedures are. He's just been
very disruptive. He's doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it."- Luzerne County Convention Center Authority Board Chair Donna Cupinski
I had a bad feeling when I heard that local hooligan Alex Milanes had been appointed to the Arena Board. Alex doesn't always play well in the sand box and is working on a follow up to the Dale Carnegie classic with the working title of How to Lose Friends & Piss Off People. He is the kind of guy that makes you feel good about being constipated. His entertainment experience consists of working as bouncer at one of those safe downtown W-B bars. Hell, I've been thrown out of places like that by people like him so maybe they should put me on the board. Maybe he can use his connections to bring in some unique acts such as a one legged tap dancer or a ventriloquist that stutters.
At his first board meeting last week Alex endeared himself to the other members by objecting to the free lunch that was served. I think he was just disappointed that corn dogs were not on the menu. Cupinski said it was no big deal as she said the sandwiches only cost a buck.
That led to an exchange of emails that a 3rd party was good enough to forward to me.
Alex asked for all receipts for catering and the authority to pay for it. Donna shot back that it would take 3 days to put that together and told him he can't go into the place unless he has an appointment, tickets or a meeting. She then accused him of wanting special treatment for tickets to the Luke Bryan show. He explained that he actually wanted to exchange his floor seats for less expensive side seats so his son could see the stage.
Cupinski also told him not to bring in cookies for the staff. I'm not sure about that one but she might be concerned that Milanes got his cookie recipe from Casey Evans and gay dope might be baked into them.
She is just as charmed by him as I as am
That is enough! I have checked my facts and know what is true. You have been nothing but disruptive since you have been appointed to the board and I will not stand for it. We are doing GREAT things at the arena and I will not have you paint the staff, the board or me as doing otherwise. I also will not fight this out in the press or before county council.
Maybe he should get a suit that fits.
I had a bad feeling when I heard that local hooligan Alex Milanes had been appointed to the Arena Board. Alex doesn't always play well in the sand box and is working on a follow up to the Dale Carnegie classic with the working title of How to Lose Friends & Piss Off People. He is the kind of guy that makes you feel good about being constipated. His entertainment experience consists of working as bouncer at one of those safe downtown W-B bars. Hell, I've been thrown out of places like that by people like him so maybe they should put me on the board. Maybe he can use his connections to bring in some unique acts such as a one legged tap dancer or a ventriloquist that stutters.
At his first board meeting last week Alex endeared himself to the other members by objecting to the free lunch that was served. I think he was just disappointed that corn dogs were not on the menu. Cupinski said it was no big deal as she said the sandwiches only cost a buck.
That led to an exchange of emails that a 3rd party was good enough to forward to me.
Alex asked for all receipts for catering and the authority to pay for it. Donna shot back that it would take 3 days to put that together and told him he can't go into the place unless he has an appointment, tickets or a meeting. She then accused him of wanting special treatment for tickets to the Luke Bryan show. He explained that he actually wanted to exchange his floor seats for less expensive side seats so his son could see the stage.
Cupinski also told him not to bring in cookies for the staff. I'm not sure about that one but she might be concerned that Milanes got his cookie recipe from Casey Evans and gay dope might be baked into them.
She is just as charmed by him as I as am
That is enough! I have checked my facts and know what is true. You have been nothing but disruptive since you have been appointed to the board and I will not stand for it. We are doing GREAT things at the arena and I will not have you paint the staff, the board or me as doing otherwise. I also will not fight this out in the press or before county council.
Maybe he should get a suit that fits.
Alex Milanes,
Casey Evans,
Donna Cupinski,
Tom Marino
JFK and the Cuban Missile Crises
The Cuban Missile Crises is regarded as Kennedy's finest moment
The whole 13 Days film is on YouTube
The whole 13 Days film is on YouTube
JFK: 50 years later
My friend David Yonki has had the best retrospective of any local media outlet on the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's murder. The well researched posts on The LuLac Political Letter and his media tour that gave us a local perspective has been outstanding.
I usually discount conspiracy talk but when you look at the Zapruder film it's obvious that the 3rd shot came from the front. I'm too young remember where I was when he was killed but I remember where I was when I heard that President Reagan was shot. The Hagiography of Kennedy is annoying and Taylor Marsh doubts that he could be elected today.
The thing that always bothered me about Oswald is he had to have been watched by the FBI or some other agency. A Marine who defects to the Soviet Union, get's mixed up with pro-Castro groups and even visits the USSR embassy in Mexico City that the CIA knew about.
I usually discount conspiracy talk but when you look at the Zapruder film it's obvious that the 3rd shot came from the front. I'm too young remember where I was when he was killed but I remember where I was when I heard that President Reagan was shot. The Hagiography of Kennedy is annoying and Taylor Marsh doubts that he could be elected today.
The thing that always bothered me about Oswald is he had to have been watched by the FBI or some other agency. A Marine who defects to the Soviet Union, get's mixed up with pro-Castro groups and even visits the USSR embassy in Mexico City that the CIA knew about.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
The war on drugs is a failure
When I read this story
Trey Radel, Busted On Cocaine Charge, Voted For Drug Testing Food Stamp Recipients
The real outrage is the draconian drug laws in this country rather than the hypocrisy of this guy in Florida. Is this really the kind of offense that somebody should be locked up? I'm sure he will not see any jail time because of his connections but many others will for something similar.
For the last 40 Years the strategy was to lock up everyone involved in drugs and it has not worked.
I don't know what the solution to the problem is. Maybe there isn't one.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Nobody reads blogs on Saturday
Well maybe
JimboBillyBob but he just tunes in for pictures of the Q.
The boys look so innocent |
Other thoughts.
Whatever happened to the DO Not Call List? We are getting a bunch of telemarketing calls lately.
And I see Dick Cheney was in the area.
Turkey hunter reportedly shot in face
Dick Cheney,
James O'Meara,
pet blogging,
Thursday, November 14, 2013
What! No corn dogs for lunch?
According to the TL new Luzerne County Convention Center Authority member Alex Milanes has probably pissed off the other members of the board in his first meeting by calling attention to the sandwiches that were served for free. This is a real stand on principle as I have never known Alex to skip a meal. Maybe the solution to the perceived ethics violation is they all kick in a couple of bucks for lunch.
Some guy headed to Seattle and Alex at Blogfest |
No such thing as a free lunch? There is for arena authority
In more important news: Another authority committee is reviewing options to continue improving the arena sound quality. Acoustics have been an issue because the building is cavernous, Cupinski said. A new soundboard, acoustic panels and additional speakers have made a difference and prompted praise from many arena-goers, and the board is studying the benefits of reconfiguring the placement of speakers, she said.
The acoustics in the place needs improvement. Unless you are on the floor in the first section the sound quality stinks.
After Alex was appointed to the position a local politico cried politics because she wasn't appointed.
LOL stuff from Pure Bunkum
Kathy Kane Sounds Off On Playing Politics. Public Laughs Out Loud.
Mr. Smith goes to Plains
Thom Shubilla is hosting an event for Lt. Governor candidate Mark Smith tonight at Leggio's on Rte 315 near the Woodlands. It starts at 6PM.
Smith is a Bradford County Commissioner and a critic of the Corbett administration like all the other LG candidates. Thom sent me an invitation a few weeks ago in snail mail but the campaign has done a piss poor job of promoting the event. There is not an events page on Smiths website or a mention on his Facebook page. Nothing on Thom's FB page or a press release. I'm a blogger and need to link to things.
Smith is a Bradford County Commissioner and a critic of the Corbett administration like all the other LG candidates. Thom sent me an invitation a few weeks ago in snail mail but the campaign has done a piss poor job of promoting the event. There is not an events page on Smiths website or a mention on his Facebook page. Nothing on Thom's FB page or a press release. I'm a blogger and need to link to things.
Mark Smith with his best campaign asset |
Monday, November 11, 2013
Looking to 2014
As my long time readers know the primary focus of this blog has always been elections. Next year we choose a Governor of the Commonwealth, members of the US House and state House and half the state Senate. In the next few days I will post about these and some races around the country.
PA Gov TomCabot Corbett has an uphill climb according to the polls but things can change in the next year and no sitting Guv has lost reelection since they have been allowed to run for a 2nd term. So far there are 8 Dems smelling blood in the water.
The Lt. Governors race is most interesting as I have met most of the Democratic contenders. My early favorite is Brad Koplinski because he sent me a bribe.
Of the 3 local Congressman I keep an eye on only Matt Cartwright has a declared opponent so far. 2 of them in fact. A few people are teasing that they will run against Lou Barletta including Bill Vinsko, Gene Stilp and Chris Carney but I doubt any of them will run. Libetarian Betsy Summers may get into it.
A few weeks ago an old friend called to feel me out about running against Tom Marino in the Republican primary. His rational was Marino is one of the most ethically challenged people to ever hold office. I had to throw cold water on the idea because his family wasn't behind it and he would need to declare right now and raise at least $100K before the end of the year.
On the state scene Sen. John Yudichak has no declared opponent so far. Neither do Mike Carroll, Phyllis Mundy, Eddie Day Pashinski, Tarah Toohil or Gerry Mullery. I heard a rumor that Mullery may get a primary opponent.
Karen Boback however is being challenged by Laura Dickson. I haven't been this excited about a state rep race since James May took her on.
PA Gov Tom
The Lt. Governors race is most interesting as I have met most of the Democratic contenders. My early favorite is Brad Koplinski because he sent me a bribe.
Of the 3 local Congressman I keep an eye on only Matt Cartwright has a declared opponent so far. 2 of them in fact. A few people are teasing that they will run against Lou Barletta including Bill Vinsko, Gene Stilp and Chris Carney but I doubt any of them will run. Libetarian Betsy Summers may get into it.
A few weeks ago an old friend called to feel me out about running against Tom Marino in the Republican primary. His rational was Marino is one of the most ethically challenged people to ever hold office. I had to throw cold water on the idea because his family wasn't behind it and he would need to declare right now and raise at least $100K before the end of the year.
On the state scene Sen. John Yudichak has no declared opponent so far. Neither do Mike Carroll, Phyllis Mundy, Eddie Day Pashinski, Tarah Toohil or Gerry Mullery. I heard a rumor that Mullery may get a primary opponent.
Karen Boback however is being challenged by Laura Dickson. I haven't been this excited about a state rep race since James May took her on.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Fall turns into Winter
And the best thing about Winter is that it turns to Spring.
Time to put away the lawn mower and tune up the snow blower. The Q helped.
The cat has enough of this dog stuff
Time to put away the lawn mower and tune up the snow blower. The Q helped.
The cat has enough of this dog stuff
Must see TV
Molly and Murphy at the Fall 2011 Blogfest |
Dear Gort,
As a strong supporter, I wanted to let you know first about a special MSNBC event this Veterans Day weekend. I will be hosting "Taking the Hill" on MSNBC this Sunday, November 10, 2013, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. "Taking the Hill" will focus on military service, progressive politics, and national service. For this special event, we’re partnering with the Wounded Warrior Project by highlighting the story of returning heroes during our program.
The show is airing live from the NYC 9/11 Ground Zero memorial. Please tune in to MSNBC
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Just Yell Kids for Cash
Longtime local political consultant/media guy Ed Mitchell has a blog on tumblr. That's probably not the best best platform if you want to reach a wide audience. I'm sure that Ed isn't aware that I did some volunteer work for him when he ran for Congress in 1976 with the slogan President Carter/Congressman Mitchell. Joe McDade won big in that one.
NEPA McCarthyism
In the
1950s there was a wing of the Republican Party that terrorized American
politics by labeling political enemies Communists through guilt by
association. It was named McCarthyism after it’s main practitioner, Sen.
Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin.
Recently we’ve seen shades of a new McCarthyism in Northeastern Pennsylvania campaigns through guilt by association with the “Kids for Cash” judges who are serving prison terms for their corrupt practices.
It started by blaming anyone who served on the Luzerne County courts or in the district attorney’s office while the scandal took place. “How could they not know it was happening?” was the question asked.
The one who suffered most publicly over these charges in her reelection fight two years ago was former DA, Jackie Musto Carroll.
This year, Atty. Jerry Mecadon ran for District Judge. He was attacked by his opponent for hiring me to work for him because 20 years ago I helped elect the judges who later turned corrupt.
Fact is, none of the sitting judges on the current court, Jackie Carroll, Jerry Mecadon or I had any clue of the no good Michael Conahan or Mark Ciaverella were up to. They didn’t consult with any of us.
But Jerry Mecadon’s opponent’s campaign employed the new NEPA McCarthyism and tried to link him to the scandal.
I don’t know if it worked. We don’t have exit polls for local races. I suspect the fact that Alexandra Kokura had the Democratic nomination and voter registration edge is why Mecadon lost.
The “Kids for Cash” scandal was a terrible chapter in Luzerne County judicial history. But it shouldn’t be wrongly exploited by any individual or political party for electoral gain. These were the crimes of a few bad men, not an entire system.
Hopefully, voters in the future won’t be fooled by innuendo or guilt by association either. We should believe people are innocent if they’re not proven guilty.
Recently we’ve seen shades of a new McCarthyism in Northeastern Pennsylvania campaigns through guilt by association with the “Kids for Cash” judges who are serving prison terms for their corrupt practices.
It started by blaming anyone who served on the Luzerne County courts or in the district attorney’s office while the scandal took place. “How could they not know it was happening?” was the question asked.
The one who suffered most publicly over these charges in her reelection fight two years ago was former DA, Jackie Musto Carroll.
This year, Atty. Jerry Mecadon ran for District Judge. He was attacked by his opponent for hiring me to work for him because 20 years ago I helped elect the judges who later turned corrupt.
Fact is, none of the sitting judges on the current court, Jackie Carroll, Jerry Mecadon or I had any clue of the no good Michael Conahan or Mark Ciaverella were up to. They didn’t consult with any of us.
But Jerry Mecadon’s opponent’s campaign employed the new NEPA McCarthyism and tried to link him to the scandal.
I don’t know if it worked. We don’t have exit polls for local races. I suspect the fact that Alexandra Kokura had the Democratic nomination and voter registration edge is why Mecadon lost.
The “Kids for Cash” scandal was a terrible chapter in Luzerne County judicial history. But it shouldn’t be wrongly exploited by any individual or political party for electoral gain. These were the crimes of a few bad men, not an entire system.
Hopefully, voters in the future won’t be fooled by innuendo or guilt by association either. We should believe people are innocent if they’re not proven guilty.
Friday, November 08, 2013
Cartwright supports ENDA, Barletta is quiet
WASHINGTON -- The Senate voted Thursday to approve the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act, landmark civil rights legislation that would
make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT individuals in the
The final vote was 64-32, with 10 Republicans joining Democrats. The Republican senators backing the legislation were cosponsors Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), along with Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.).
Sen. Toomey tried to amend the bill at the last minute that would have weakened the protections under the guise of religious liberty but that was shot down and he voted in favor of it in the end. Nice try of Pat trying to have it both ways.
Only one Senator spoke against the measure and it now moves to the House. It is hard to speak out against ending discrimination. The Speaker says it's a jobs killer and won't bring it up for a vote. I think that may change.
Congressman Matt Cartwright sent a press release supporting the law but Lou Barletta has not stated his position.
The final vote was 64-32, with 10 Republicans joining Democrats. The Republican senators backing the legislation were cosponsors Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), along with Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.).
Sen. Toomey tried to amend the bill at the last minute that would have weakened the protections under the guise of religious liberty but that was shot down and he voted in favor of it in the end. Nice try of Pat trying to have it both ways.
Only one Senator spoke against the measure and it now moves to the House. It is hard to speak out against ending discrimination. The Speaker says it's a jobs killer and won't bring it up for a vote. I think that may change.
Congressman Matt Cartwright sent a press release supporting the law but Lou Barletta has not stated his position.
Cartwright Statement on Senate Passage of the Employee Non-Discrimination Act
Washington – U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright released the following statement after the Senate passed
the Employee Non-Discrimination Act with a bipartisan vote of 64-32:
the Senate took an important step forward toward protecting all
Americans from workplace and employment discrimination by passing the
Employment Non-Discrimination
Act with a strong, bipartisan vote of 64-32.
legislation will make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT Americans
in hiring, provide safeguards against wrongful termination, and ensure
that LGBT employees
cannot be held back from advancement because of discrimination.
21 states and the District of Columbia have laws prohibiting workplace
discrimination based on sexual orientation, unfortunately, Pennsylvania
is not one of those 21 states.
applaud Senator Bob Casey and Senator Pat Toomey for supporting this
legislation and urge Speaker Boehner to reconsider his previous remarks
and allow the House
to take up the Senate's bipartisan Employment Non-Discrimination Act
without delay.”
Statement by the President on Senate Passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013
more than two centuries, the story of our nation has been the story of
more citizens realizing the rights and freedoms that are our birthright
as Americans. Today, a
bipartisan majority in the Senate took another important step in this
journey by passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would
help end the injustice of our fellow Americans being denied a job or
fired just because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual
or transgender. Just as no one in the United States can lose their job
simply because of their race, gender, religion or a disability, no one
should ever lose their job simply because of who they are or who they
victory is a tribute to all those who fought for this progress ever
since a similar bill was introduced after the Stonewall riots more than
three decades ago. In
particular, I thank Majority Leader Reid, Chairman Harkin, Senators
Merkley and Collins for their leadership, and Senator Kirk for speaking
so eloquently in support of this legislation. Now it’s up to the House
of Representatives. This bill has the overwhelming
support of the American people, including a majority of Republican
voters, as well as many corporations, small businesses and faith
communities. They recognize that our country will be more just and more
prosperous when we harness the God-given talents of
every individual.
party in one house of Congress should not stand in the way of millions
of Americans who want to go to work each day and simply be judged by the
job they do. Now is the
time to end this kind of discrimination in the workplace, not enable
it. I urge the House Republican leadership to bring this bill to the
floor for a vote and send it to my desk so I can sign it into law. On
that day, our nation will take another historic
step toward fulfilling the founding ideals that define us as Americans.
Update from Lou Barletta's spox: The Congressman opposes discrimination. He has not seen the bill, however, and wants to make sure it does not infringe on any rights of others – religious institutions for example. |
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
It looks like all the statewide Judges will be retained and Stabile leads McVay for the seat on the Superior Court
Luzerne County Council results
McClosky Houck
Eileen M. Sorokas
Kathy Dobash
Harry Haas
Rick Williams
Sue Rossi
Richard Heffron
Eugene Kelleher
Michael Giamber
Paul Defabo
187 of 189 reporting
Not a bad result.
Bednar bests Carolee
The new Luzerne County Controller will be Michelle Bednar who came out on top of a hard fought race.
Michelle Bednar
Medico Olenginski
Plains Township
Total Vote count Plains Twp Commissioner (vote for 2)
Jerry Yozwiak (dem) 1,011 votes 37.70% of total votes
Robert Sax (dem) 1,009 votes 37.62% of total votes
Barry Kresge Jr (rep) 402 votes 14.99% of total votes
Allan Ciprich (rep) 259 votes 9.66% of total votes
write-in 1 votes 0.04% of total votes
Another total fuckup
The Luzerne County election results website does not have the results from tonight's election as of 10PM. The excuse the last time was too many hits that crashed the sight although that had never happened before. In 2012 the county election outfit had the final results about 10:30 without any crashes in a Prez year.
Jesus Christos the county can't even count votes in a timely manor. At this point I want to fire the head of the election office and the county manager for firing the guy that did elections so well.
Jesus Christos the county can't even count votes in a timely manor. At this point I want to fire the head of the election office and the county manager for firing the guy that did elections so well.
From the TL
McClosky Houck
Eileen M. Sorokas
Richard Heffron
Rick Williams
Harry Haas
Michael Giamber
Eugene Kelleher
Kathy Dobash
Sue Rossi
Paul Defabo
Latest results
Not on the county website which is way behind. Heads should roll for pissing away money on this thing.
The CV has the scoop.
The CV has the scoop.
Election Night Blog
Scranton Mayor race is called
Bill Courtright wins in Scranton No numbers in Luzerne County yet. But other sources report.
In Kingston:
In Kingston:
Final: Haggerty 1268. Piazza 532. Thanks to everyone for all your help! And our council team sweeps!
From Pittston Politics:
Kokura Wins heated Pittston DJ race
Unofficial results have Alexander Kokura winning the heated District Judge race over Jerry Mecadon by approximately 500 votes.
Election results
A reporter friend said that the Luzene County election website would crash by 9:30PM. So far we don't have anything.
Pennsylvania exit poll
We were the 186th and 187th voters in our local polling place out of about 1000. What a terrible turnout. On the way in there was only 2 poll workers and Plains Twp.plus incumbent Commissioners Robert Sax and Jerry Yozwiak. I have long said that the only poll workers that matter in a local race is the candidates themselves.
But in this case they were not going to persuade me. They both voted to kick back $3 million of slots money back to the Mohegan Sun to pave the parking lot over the last few years. Then they asked for $1 Million of slots money to finance an upgrade to the Woodlands. I voted for Barry Kresge.
Being the contrarian that I am I usually vote no on retaining a Judge but in this case I actually voted Yes for State Supreme Court Justices Ron Castille and Max Baer and No on the other 2. What persuaded me was the Tea Party groups and Sue Henry said they opposed them because they blocked the Voter ID law. It should be trashed as it's a solution in search of a problem that will keep people from voting. For all the jokes we make about dead people voting in Pittston it just doesn't happen. Absentee ballots are another matter. All my life I have heard the lament that enough people don't vote (like today) so they want to make it harder. Elections are a bad way to pick appellate judges see Choose Judges on Meirt
Kathy Bozinski reported "that for the first time ever our reporters were told it's illegal to take generic, non-invasive shots inside polling places, and were turned away, or told to shoot through a window. I can't count how many live shots I've done inside the polling place... Is this something new?... We've learned its a regulation that is decided by the County Solicitor, and for apparently the first time, he decided to invoke it for this election." I saw Pete from the TL at our polling place tonight taking photos and I snapped a few.
The Luzerne County Website has a link for election results that looks pretty good. You can tailor the races you are interest in. The thing is they had to go to a vendor to do something that was done in house and worked flawlessly until last spring. Another waste of money. I like Walter Griffith but the pissing contest that he got into with Lenny Piazza that the county manager Bob Lawton overreacted to is costing us money and aggravation
And another ballot screw up
But in this case they were not going to persuade me. They both voted to kick back $3 million of slots money back to the Mohegan Sun to pave the parking lot over the last few years. Then they asked for $1 Million of slots money to finance an upgrade to the Woodlands. I voted for Barry Kresge.
Being the contrarian that I am I usually vote no on retaining a Judge but in this case I actually voted Yes for State Supreme Court Justices Ron Castille and Max Baer and No on the other 2. What persuaded me was the Tea Party groups and Sue Henry said they opposed them because they blocked the Voter ID law. It should be trashed as it's a solution in search of a problem that will keep people from voting. For all the jokes we make about dead people voting in Pittston it just doesn't happen. Absentee ballots are another matter. All my life I have heard the lament that enough people don't vote (like today) so they want to make it harder. Elections are a bad way to pick appellate judges see Choose Judges on Meirt
Kathy Bozinski reported "that for the first time ever our reporters were told it's illegal to take generic, non-invasive shots inside polling places, and were turned away, or told to shoot through a window. I can't count how many live shots I've done inside the polling place... Is this something new?... We've learned its a regulation that is decided by the County Solicitor, and for apparently the first time, he decided to invoke it for this election." I saw Pete from the TL at our polling place tonight taking photos and I snapped a few.
The Luzerne County Website has a link for election results that looks pretty good. You can tailor the races you are interest in. The thing is they had to go to a vendor to do something that was done in house and worked flawlessly until last spring. Another waste of money. I like Walter Griffith but the pissing contest that he got into with Lenny Piazza that the county manager Bob Lawton overreacted to is costing us money and aggravation
And another ballot screw up
One less Democrat on W-B Twp. council ballot
Monday, November 04, 2013
Last minute emails
The election is tomorrow and a few candidates have sent me some stuff.
I don't cover Scranton or Lackawanna County unless a friend is running for office but the Mulligan camp has been sending things to me for months. This is the latest:
10-29-2013 - First Luzerne County Public Budget Hearing
I don't cover Scranton or Lackawanna County unless a friend is running for office but the Mulligan camp has been sending things to me for months. This is the latest:
PA - With just one day until Election Day, the Mulligan for Mayor of
Scranton campaign continues to build momentum. And as the campaign
continues to build, here is a look back at the numbers behind the
21,000 Number of doors in Scranton knocked on by the Mulligan Campaign
1890 Number of blocks walked in Scranton while going door-to-door
180 Miles walked by Jim Mulligan while going door-to-door in Scranton
$154,165 Amount raised by Mulligan Campaign in less than three months
$66,703 How much less Bill Courtright's campaign raised than Mulligan in the last 3 months
41 How many ideas Mulligan proposed to fix Scranton's finances
41 How many more ideas Mulligan proposed than Courtright to fix Scranton's finance
1-0 Jim Mulligan's record in debates against Bill Courtright
1 Endorsement by the Scranton Times-Tribune of Jim Mulligan for Mayor
Luzerne County Council candidate Eileen Sorokas talks about the budget:
The County Council
has many issue they are facing prior to this election. In fact, all issue are
important, that affect the public. Indeed, the most important issue, beside
public safety, I will have to deal with is the budget. Through life experiences
I have gain skills to manage budgets and understand the suffering people
undertake when they lose their homes to foreclosures due to taxation or loss of
jobs from budgets cuts. The hard decisions have to be made to either increase
taxes or lay off people. My Goal is to “To Hold the Line on Taxes” with staff
reduction through attrition. However, the county released an unbalance
budget. Consequently, putting fear into
the public and employees with having an 8% tax increase or 160 employees to be
lay off. Also, the unions will be asked for $2.7Million dollars concessions or 57
layoffs. Furthermore, the county cannot get a Crediting Rating for potential
refinancing of their bond issue, unless they prove they have fiscal stability
for at least two years. Also, no credit rating is causing our bonds fees to
increase. Appears my Goal may be out of
touch with the main stream. Indeed, I will have to work harder to achieve my
goal. Consequently, the County Manager and his staff should works to reduce
taxes for all the citizens of Luzerne County.
The time for talking
is over, we must go back to justifying all department cost. Zero base budgeting. No more using past figures.
Also, the taxation problem is state wide, but magnified with Luzerne County’s
high debt. Furthermore, our State legislators should be working with our county
to fine solutions. Indeed, there are some bills in the house and senate for tax
relief using the States Income Tax and Sales Tax. Maybe, a local Drink Tax. However,
the bills are not going anywhere. Incidentally, the Gaming Industry was for
property tax relief, how much are we getting? We have a Casino in Luzerne County and the county
get very little if any benefit. We must look at other ways of taxation besides
property taxes. Certainly, new taxation in the future to be equal for all
citizens. By council working together and making it a goal, I believe the end
result will be positive for all citizens of Luzerne County.
Thank you
Eileen M. Sorokas for
County Council
As does Kathy Dobash:
Luzerne County Citizens:
I attended the first public hearing about the Luzerne County Budget.
Below is the audio.
If you fast forward to the end of the meeting you will hear the
intimidation thrown at citizens who stayed to speak during the public
comment portion of the forum.
The County Solicitor is instructed to time everyone.
First I want to say,
public comment should be allowed at the beginning of the meeting. The
meeting should take place in a larger room.
A tax hike of 8% was suggested throughout the meeting.
The majority of County Council did not want to hear the
public outcry. They are out of touch with those who live on a fixed
income and working families.
The next scheduled budget hearings are:
November 12th, 18th and 19th.
My name is Kathy Dobash. I am a candidate for Luzerne County Council.
I oppose tax hikes. They hurt families and businesses.
On Tuesday, November 5th, help me OPPOSE the 8% tax hike.
Political Rants:
Tomorrow is election day here in Pa. I am urging everybody to get out and vote. In particular (no fainting please) vote for Bednar for Controller and Harry Haas for council.
In the controller race, as much as it pains me to ever endorse a democratic candidate, this is an easy call to make. Sometimes the devil you don't know is a far better pick than the one we all know all too well.
For county council I am hoping everybody votes for just Harry Haas. Harry is a man of exceptional character and honesty and he deserves all of our votes.
Political Rants:
Tomorrow is election day here in Pa. I am urging everybody to get out and vote. In particular (no fainting please) vote for Bednar for Controller and Harry Haas for council.
In the controller race, as much as it pains me to ever endorse a democratic candidate, this is an easy call to make. Sometimes the devil you don't know is a far better pick than the one we all know all too well.
For county council I am hoping everybody votes for just Harry Haas. Harry is a man of exceptional character and honesty and he deserves all of our votes.
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