13 minutes ago
Saturday, August 11, 2018
The Blue Wave is being led by women
Yes, the party that holds the White House historically loses seats in the mid term elections. We all know that a record number of women are running for office and winning primaries for Governor, Congress and State offices in record numbers. But the thing I'm seeing is the intensity of their supporters beginning with the Women's March in January of 2017 that has not abated.
All the evidence points to a big year for the Dems with bigger than normal turnouts in primary and special elections but very few Democrats have actually won special elections for Congress unless the GOP candidate is just ridiculous like Roy Moore or Rick Saccone. On the state level they have done much better.
I'm always cautious about expectations because the Republicans have some advantages. First is almost unlimited money. Millionaires and Billionaires can write checks to dark money groups because of Citizens United that go to so called social welfare groups. They then can spend that money painting Democrats as the equivilant of devil worshipers who want to take you guns, murder babies and give people health insurance.
The second is gerrymandering. Things have improved in PA but many states have carved up the districts to give the GOP a big advantage. Just look at Ohio 12. In a fairly drawn district the Democrat would have won easily.
So that leads us to our little corner of the world. The Democrats are playing defense with Governor Wolf, Senator Bob Casey, Congressman Matt Cartwright and State Rep Eddie Day Pashinski on the ballot. Their opponents have gone all in with Trump. Although we don't have women running for office the Democratic women are leading the charge to keep these men in office.
After many years of being dormant the Luzerne County Democratic Party is coming roaring back. We are being led by Polly Delaney and Wendy Cominsky. This dynamic duo have organized many events past and future and are looking for ideas from the rest of us to just get people to vote.
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If these young ladies want to run for political office that's their business. but I bet not one of them can make a good pot of owl stew! Traditionally A Woman's Place is in the home not behind a desk unless she's a school teacher. DAMN! If they don't like the way our nation is being run then why don't they move to Puerto Rico and see how they like it in that country! I I hate you all!!!
To quote a famous politician, "It's the economy, stupid". The economy is soaring. Any other president would be lauded in the media but this one is attacked relentlessly. Some of which he brings on himself to be sure, but the negativity of the press is beyond the pale.
With the economy and generally, the country doing so well, good luck with your blue wave. It is likely to be somewhat less than a ripple.
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