Friday, March 14, 2008

Pennsylvania Club for Growth backs James May

Before a crowd of business leaders and supporters PA Club for Growth President Kathryn English said that this is the first time the group has ever endorsed a candidate from Northeastern PA and only will back a few candidates this year.

The Club's priorities are lower taxes, less spending, right to work and school choice. They are also pushing the Taxpayer Protection Act that wants to limit the growth of state government using a formula involving inflation and population growth.

She said that many Republican candidates sound good but get "Susquehanna Fever" and forget what they ran on once elected. She said that Gov. Ed Rendell once called her an "imbecile." She sounded proud of that.

When May took the podium he shared some of his experiences as an Army Chaplin in Iraq, Walter Reed and presiding at funerals at Arlington National Cemetery. Then he stated that he thought that the government should just get out of the way of business. He pointed out that you can't cut taxes unless you first reign in spending and advocates school choice alleging some districts spend $14K per pupil. Someone in the audience said you could send a kid to Wyoming Seminary for that kind of money. He railed against the $6 million a year that the legislature spends on nice glossy mailers to inform constituents of their activities as an example of government waste. May wants PA to become a Right to Work state objecting workers being "forced" into joining a union. He finished with his opposition to teacher's strikes making an analogy to some occupations that are too important to allow to strike such as the Army, Police and Doctors.

He started with a quote of Ronald Reagan from 1976 telling the crowd he will be a Republican“in bold, unmistakable colors, rather than pastel shades.” And finished by saying “I love teachers – I married a teacher.”

Bill O'Boyle of the TL was there and has this write up and GrassrootsPA has the press release. I also posted some pictures of the event on Facebook.


  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    James May's attacks against Karen Boback are despicable as this election cycle heats up. He is the epitome of negative campaigning and remains an embarassment to the Republican party. Here's a message for you James May: Grow up and stick to the issues. We're sick of your negative campaigning, and your rhetoric only hurts Republicans. I guess you can't win on issues, so you have to go negative...despicable.

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Feeling a little insecure,, I mean "Anonymous"? Did you not read the blog posting above? It's filled with exactly "the issues" that he's running on...right to work, decreased spending, decreased taxes, stopping school strikes, etc. These are PRECISELY the issues that Republicans should be running on, and if they're not, they deserve to be replaced. Go, James, Go.

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Dear Dr. Pretty In Pastel Pink,

    Instead of offering free back rubs and advertising them on the public dime would you please explain why you won't enact a bill that would eliminate teachers strikes? Getting $9200 from the PSEA and largest amount given to a Republican?(is this too negative?)

    Would you see to it that we get the promised property tax reform? You know, The Fast Eddie lie? (is this too negative?)

    Would you knock off the nonsense in supporting a House resolution that asks the President not to veto S-CHIP? You know, the bill that provides 'free' healthcare to 'children' 26 years of age and the 'poor' earning under $80,000? (is this too negative?)

    Isn't this stuff despicable too? Why not do a Hillary and cry?

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Representative Boback's backrub goes toward patients diagnosed with cancer. Do you want to take those away from patients in chronic pain? Go ahead. I wasn't personally commenting on this article as much as previous letters in the newspaper. James May has been running a nasty campaign this entire time. Leave the negative campaigning to Barack and Hillary. Let them rip each other to shreds. We're Republicans, let's keep it clean. Let's not forget Reagan's eleventh commandment, "Thou shalt not attack thy fellow Republican."

  5. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Taken straight from the Clinton playbook: using "cancer" and "chronic pain" to divert attention from what were exposed as self-serving political ads.

    Anonymous, you're sounding more and more like Hillary in your rants. Is the "vast right wing conspiracy" out to get Karen, too?

    Let's set the record straight: Karen Boback has an "R" after her name, but she's nothing like the Republican that Reagan had in mind. Boback happened to win the Republican primary in '06--with less than 20% of the vote--and has since voted way out of step with the majority of Republicans in her district. Ask the average Republican in the 117th what they think about teacher strikes, homosexual adoption, increased government spending, etc, and you'll find them consistently on the opposite side of the fence as Karen.

    The beauty of democracy and free speech is that citizens can expose legislative farce, and band together to vote for change. This is exactly why James May is getting all the grassroots support he's getting. And no, this is not him writing this. :)

  6. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Elections are nasty, period. If you can't discuss the issues and defend your position, then get the hell out now and make way for someone who can lead.

    Boback shouldn't have been elected in the first place.

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Wow. Sounds like the Boback team is running scared. I've not seen anything from May that looks remotely "embarassing", "despicable", "nasty", or "dirty". He's just communicating solid GOP positions on issues. By the way, he certainly is a more convincing speaker than Boback. (Any of you who made it to the debates last election know what I mean.)

  8. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Club for growth is a bunch of super right wing religious nut jobs.. Every campaign they get involved with turns mean and nasty within hours.. Toomey , Maderia , etc are consistent losers because they are so far out of touch with reality.
    The nasty comments on this blog thread are evidence of that.
    Mr May might want to find some higher quality friends. These people take him right to the sewer.

  9. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Anonymous...Another valiant effort to demonize the May campaign that, again, falls flat when reviewing the facts.

    CFG did not endorse Madeira. But they did endorse four out of five winners in the last election (including the guy who took out Sen. Brightbill, the crooked GOP leader who helped push the payraise through).

    Once again, May is running on issues--issues that Boback has trouble defending--like her stance on teacher strikes, homosexual adoption, increased spending (incl the $1 billion health bill she broke from the Republican leadership to support). This is different from "mean and nasty".

  10. Anonymous3:03 AM

    James May is a good man. I meet him the other day. His idea of the Role of Government is 100% correct.

    Pennsylvania for Constitutional Government endorses James May for State Congress in the 117th District

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    as a small business in wyoming cty. those folks in harrisburg keep costing me more money therefore since james may wants to cut my taxes down he will get my vote, as for all the mud slingers on here all the house voting records are available go read them
