An Open Letter to Barack Obama by Professor Milburn Cleaver
Dear Senator,
I am most certain that you have read John F. Kennedy’s “Profiles in Courage”; I now ask of you to personally add one more chapter to this publication. Your candidacy has inspired thousands of your fellow Americans, particularly the young people. It rose above the country like a phoenix, but it now appears that the glitter is fading. The attacks which are being leveled at you are a shame, but what surprises me is that you yourself are surprised at the harshness of them. When one runs for President, Senator, one must expect to dodge many arrows. This is a fact that your Democratic opponent Mrs. Clinton fully understands from personal experience.
You are without a doubt a man of honor and integrity; a man who if elected President will strive to be above the fray, refrain from backroom deals and politics as usual. You are not, however the first presidential candidate to preach these virtues. Jimmy Carter himself stood by principle and despite the fact that he had large majorities in both houses of Congress, he did not accomplish a single domestic achievement and (save for the Camp David treaties) was steward over a disastrous foreign policy. In short, Senator you are well intentioned, however your naivete, like Carter's is alarming.
The truth is Senator that the type of government of which you and the young children who support you aspire for does not exist. It has never existed, even in the days of Washington and Lincoln. There has always been partisanship in Congress and there has always been infighting. And yes, there have always been dirty campaigns; for example Andrew Jackson’s wife being accused of prostitution makes even the most vicious political attacks today pale by comparison. The list goes on and on throughout our history.
Our country, indeed our world has seen massive technological innovation in the past ten or fifteen years. Gadgets such as cell phones with computers have made information available instantly. Unfortunately, as we have progressed with our technology we have conceded our common sense. Americans today are more gullible than ever before and we shall be prepared to believe anything that the dime store fiction writers send our way. Since you are now the perceived nominee you are on top of their list. Are you a Muslim? Of course you are not, but did that prevent a respectable news program such as 60 Minutes from asking this question? Is your pastor a hater of America? Of course he is not but many whites deem him as your mouthpiece and since many have no real knowledge of history they cannot see that the old gentleman was displaying the scars of bitterness from a world that ‘he’ remembers; a world where blacks could not eat at the same lunch counter let alone drink from the same water fountain as a white man, were not able to vote or exercise political discourse without threat of life and on and on.
It is not that I believe Mrs. Clinton to be invulnerable Senator, it is that I believe you to be more vulnerable in the face of the incoming vicious unwarranted personal attacks. The Junior Senator from New York has been dealing with the slime throwers for nearly twenty years whilst you yourself have just begun to taste this bitter medicine. I believe her to be the strongest candidate to take on the muckrakers.
As I stated, you have enormous support amongst the young people. You can be proud that your vision has inspired them but I must confess to some apprehension as to whether their feverish adoration can be maintained. We must remember that all children are fickle at best and today’s rock star is tomorrow’s has been. Ask Bobby Sherman, ask David Cassidy, for that matter ask Harold Ford and Jesse Ventura.
Senator, I believe you to be a man of intelligence, but you need a little more time to prepare yourself for the awesome burden that is the Presidency. Yours and Mrs. Clinton’s feuding is placing what could be a landslide election year for the Democrats into jeopardy. In eight years time, the year 2016, you will only be 54 years old—six years younger than Mrs. Clinton is now. I urge you to save your party from a disaster and show us a profile in courage by suspending your candidacy for the Presidency; make a joint appearance with Mrs. Clinton and give her your endorsement. Your reputation will be saved whereas the verbal fisticuffs occuring now are a threat to it. Mrs. Clinton will sail or sink, however, regardless of the turnout in November you shall be assured a legitimate shot at the nomination in the future. Withdraw Senator, and we will all admire you deeply, not just the little children, but even old fogies like me.
Professor Milburn Cleaver OPA
Anytown, USA
17 hours ago
O Professor Milburn did you write this prior to North Carolina and Indiana ? I think those crazy liberals like Barry better. AND since when does age matter ??? You need to be 35 and able to win a popularity contest. Hillary has got lots O wrinkles but ain't nobody like'in her. Soon somebody will tell HER to quit. I'm sure of it.
Get ready for that Dean Scream...yeeeaaahhhhhaaaaa...
Good to hear from you old '70's baggie pants, pipe smoking professor.
How are things in the ivory tower and the last collegiate bastion of communism these days?
Gort, Thank you, young man.
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