Walter Griffith Jr. (R) 5,327 29%
Edward Brominski (R) 3,992 22%
Alice Coffman (R) 3,490 19%
Nanda Palissery (R) 2,989 16%
Robert Sypniewski (R) 2,526 14%
This result somewhat surprised me. I thought Brominski would finish last. It looks like people have noticed that Walter has been involved in local government for a long time and has been looking out for the interest of the taxpayers. Democrat Bob Morgan was unopposed.
3 hours ago
I guess I owe Mr. Griffith an apology after one of my comments on a previous thread in which I stated that he couldn't get elected as dog catcher. I am sorry. Like Katsock, this guy never gave up. People actually see that he has the "people's" best interest in mind. I didn't vote for the Democratic candidate because he was uncontested. I will vote for Griffith in the Fall.
Golly gee wiz Gort, what happend to your guy Bob?
Gort: thanks for your coverage of the race.... you did a great job, even though your computer crapped out on you toward the end....
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