The event will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. at Nanticoke’s West Side Park in the 300 block of West Grand Street.
Republican nominee Arnold is opposed by Democrat Gerald Mullery (who has rarely been heard from since the primary) and Libertarian Brian Bergman.

On Saturday 117th state Rep Democratic challenger Richard Shermanski invites you to breakfast in Drums. He is taking on GOP incumbent Karen Boback.
The big event on Saturday is Gas Stock.
Festival- Rally– Concert
Sat. Aug. 21, 2010 from 10 AM to 6 PM
at the
Luzerne County Fairgrounds
State Route 118 Lehman, PA
Sunday you can meet and greet 120th State House Republican hopeful West Pittston Mayor Bill Goldsworthy at Bo Brothers, Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming. Libertarian candidate Tim Mullen plans on knocking on more doors that day. They are taking on Democrat Phyllis Mundy.
Goldy and Phyllis have been debating debates on my last post.
I'm sure you will be able to find some of the politicians mentioned here and many others at the Pittston Tomato Festival.

Attorney General Tom Corbett, Republican candidate for Pennsylvania Governor will participate in the Pittston Tomato Festival Parade Saturday morning and will make a stop at Luzerne County Republican Headquarters, 41 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, at 2 p.m.
"Gas Stock", definition: gathering of a group of naive and wandering young children with visions of a green world dancing in their heads. If my previous lectures on the foolhardiness of youth have not been proven outright, then this silly festival must be the confirmation. Of course, no such festival would be worthwhile without the booze, cannabis, and rock and roll music--and I opine that nary a half hour of the entire gathering shall be spent on discussing the issue at large. What can one do, but throw up one's hands in joyous amusement at viewing children at play.
Class dismissed!!!
As relatively young person -- who has also been a Professor, albeit I tried to be more inspirational and less misanthropic for my students, unlike my colleague in academia here -- I think Professor Cleaver should shut up about the "foolhardiness of youth" since the taxes being paid now by people of my generation will help to support him in his declining years. What can one do, but throw up one's hands in pity at bitter, hard-hearted people who have been so beaten down by life that they must take it out on others by hating people for no other reason but that they are younger and may not be wasting their years spewing misanthropy.
Class dismissed, Professor Cleaver gets an F from Prof. McL.
Prof Mcl or whatever your name is who would take a class from you anyway. I never knew Harry Potter had a sister. Whats up with the photo of those 4 people who look like they are in a post card for scranton prep.
Mcl didnt you run for state comittee or something like that maybe you should stick to writing words that no one understands on blogs. How did that state comittee race work out for you.
I just read that Steve, "I'm going to save the envirnoment myself because bloggers are worthless" Corbett was NOT there. Well then GasStock was not legit without the blessing of asshole Corbett.
Hopefully those who regularly call his show will get the picture of this self promoting hypocrite and no longer phone his show.
He showed up after mark left.
Then I stand corrected.m
"How did that state comittee race work out for you."
C'mon "He Who Must Not Be Named" (as in I'm going to hide behind my Anonymous comments) hahaha, didn't we already have this dance months ago?
And if you can't understand my words maybe you do need to take a class. Your grammar is sub par too, as are your manners.
Someone got harry potters sister mad
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