via Think Progress: Congressman Tom Marino wants to impeach Harry Reid because he is mad about the budget or something.
MARINO: I’ve made a suggestion that we should at least start
talking about impeachment. I had my office staff do it. But we cannot
find anything that permits the House to bring impeachment proceedings
against Harry Reid. There’s nothing in the legislation we can
find at this point to force him to vote or come up with a budget or
anything like that. His membership in the Senate can call for a vote of
“no confidence,” but we can’t even get a Republican senator to do that.
The reason his staff can't find anything is because it doesn't exist. The House can't remove a member of the Senate. Article I Section 5 of the Constitution says each house makes it own rules:
Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its
members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two
thirds, expel a member.
Also there is nothing in the Constitution about a "no confidence vote." That can happen in the British Parliament but not the US Congress.
A few months ago 11th CD Congressman Lou Barletta stated that the President could veto a Constitutional amendment. Article V of the US Constitution
says that an amendment must be passed by two thirds of the House and
Senate then ratified by three fourths of the State Legislatures.
The President can not veto a Constitutional Amendment!
Barletta also wants to deny birthright citizenship guaranteed by the 14th amendment.
Keystone Politics:
H.R.140, the “Birthright Citizenship Act of 2013,” seeks to bar children
of non-citizens born in the United States from gaining citizenship
If this was applied retroactively I would not be an an American citizen as my grandparents were not American citizens when they came to the the USA . My Mother and Father would not be American citizens even they were born in this country to foreign born parents.
4 hours ago
1 comment:
This Sunday marks exactly three years since the Democratic majority in the Senate last passed a budget, on April 29, 2009. During that time, the federal government has spent $10.4 trillion and added another $4.5 trillion to our total debt.
Adopting a budget is not optional. It is required by law. Under the 1974 Congressional Budget Act, the Senate must move a budget out of the Budget Committee by April 1 of every year and adopt a budget resolution on the floor by April 15.
The House has completed its budget work each of the past two years since the GOP attained a majority in that chamber. By contrast, the Democratic Senate is continuing its open defiance of budget law for the third year in a row.
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