Here’s the link to the video:
Voted to deny the Veterans Health Administration millions of additional dollars by restoring pre-2001 taxes on those making more than $1m and closing tax loopholes corporations exploit. (Stabenow Amendment No. 3141, 3/16/2006 )
Voted against giving veterans medical care programs an additional $1.5 billion in 2007. (Akaka Amendment No. 3007, 3/14/2006 )
Voted to disallow a vote on an amendment that would ensure that veterans health programs always receive proper funding (Motion to waive CBA, Stabenow Amendment No. 1937, 10/6/2005)
Voted against giving families of the fallen the same amount families of first responders on 9.11 received. Santorum was one of only 25 Senators to take such an extreme stand. (Motion to table Kerry Amendment No. 334, 4/13/2005 )
Voted with the extreme of his party to deny Guardsmen and Reservists called to war and had to leave their jobs without pay do not suffer economically. Only 39 other Senators voted in this way (Motion to table Durbin Amendment No. 356, 4/13/2005 )
Voted against $1.98 billion more for the VA, including hundreds of millions for health care for those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan when they returned. (Motion to waive CBA, Murray Amendment No. 344, 4/12/2005 )
Voted no to increase veterans' medical care by $2.8 billion in 2006. (Akaka Amendment No. 149, 3/16/2005 )
Voted to disallow even a vote on a bill that would have helped ensure proper funding for veterans health care programs forever. (Motion to waive CBA, Reid (for Daschle) Amendment No. 3409, 6/23/2004 )
Voted against closing corporate tax loopholes to pay for an increase of $1.8 billion in veterans' health programs by billions. (Nelson (FL) Amendment No. 2745, 2/10/2004 )
Voted no to create a reserve fund to allow for an increase in Veterans' medical care by $2.7 billion and lower the national debt by reducing the President's tax breaks for taxpayers with incomes in excess of $1 million a year. (Daschle Amendment No. 2710, 3/9/2004 )
3 hours ago
There are things about which I disagree with Rick Santorum, such as caps on damages for proven malpractice. I was in fact thinking of supporting Casey until the end of August, when I learned that he accepted an endorsement and money from is an agency of George Soros, who says the United States is a "danger to world peace" and whose agenda includes subordinating the U.S. to some kind of world government. This alone would pretty much disqualify Casey but it gets even worse., if not an anti-Semitic organization, certainly provided a welcoming forum for anti-Semitic commentary (with some racist and anti-Christian seasoning on the top) at its Action Forum. Statements that Jews are more loyal to Israel than the U.S. (a position repeated, if a bit less overtly, in an official bulletin), Jews do not serve in our Armed Forces, Jews control the media and/or U.S. government, and "Jew Lieberman done, Corporate Clinton next" got overwhelming approval from other Action Forum participants. The worst of the racist statements said that African-American soldiers should be segregated and disarmed because they might mutiny against their "oppressors." This also gained high approvals from other participants. So did the term "Christo-Fascists."
The Action Forum is also full of 9/11 conspiracy theories that would play well on the Jeff Rense Show. They include libelous accusations that the Bush Administration and/or specifically-named Jews were somehow involved in a conspiracy to blow up the World Trade Center, and that no airplanes or hijackers were involved. (If so, I guess Todd Beamer must still be alive, just like Elvis Presley.) was monitoring this forum and removing posts critical of itself. It was therefore 100 percent accountable for this material and it cannot argue that "anyone can post there, we have no control." I could swear to this under oath myself because I posted a couple of items there as a test; one denounced MoveOn as a liability to the Democratic Party and the other said that, "When the N word is used, a lady or gentleman leaves the room or turns her/his back" as opposed to expressing approval the way the other Action Forum participants approved the anti-Semitic slurs. Both were removed, thus proving that MoveOn was in fact monitoring and moderating the forum's content-- but chose to let the anti-Semitic and racist material stand.
It is on record that the Casey campaign was told about this at the end of August and it has been totally unresponsive. Casey must therefore be regarded as knowingly and willfully accepting the support of an organization that is into anti-Semitism and 9/11 denial (like Holocaust denial except it denies the existence of two missing skyscrapers as opposed to 6 million missing Jews and 3 million missing Polish Catholics), and that is involved with George Soros in the bargain.
Casey can't control who endorses him but he has total control over his acceptance or rejection of such endorsements (the way Ronald Reagan rejected the Ku Klux Klan's) and he has chosen not to exercise that control. As I see it, there are only two qualified candidates in this race: Rick Santorum and Carl Romanelli. I disagree with Santorum on more than one issue and I don't care for the Green platform but there is no way I can possibly vote for Casey.
Guilt by association doesn't work. I read a lot of nasty comments on sites like Free Republic about Casey and other Democrats but I don't hold Santorum responsible for them.
Gort, the problematic comments at's Action Forum are not about Santorum or Republicans, they are about Jews and, in some cases, Blacks and Christians.
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