Friday, January 25, 2008

Now Russ Bigus is a Democrat

Last month Republican Luzerne County Commisioner candidate Bill Jones jumped ship and today his buddy Dallas School Board Director Russ Bigus joined him.

TL: "Yes, I have switched; I’m now a Democrat as of four hours ago,” Bigus said. “This was a decision I didn’t take lightly because I have been a Republican all my life...Bill (Jones) and myself have the drive, the work ethic and the ability to be successful in politics,” Bigus said. “We understand that we need to be there for the people, not for the party. The party should support the candidate, but I didn’t find that to be the case in my experience...People change careers all the time.”

If Mitt Romney is a conservative I guess anything can happen.

He recently left his job as the HR Director of the Luzerne Intermediate Unit 18 and before that he was the Principal of of Regis Elementary School in Forty Fort. In 2006 he ran in the Republican Primary to succeed Charlie Lemmond in the 20th Senatorial District of Pennsylvania finishing 4th with 13% of the vote.
He provided some interesting moments in that contest including having one of his large signs being torched and somehow he garnered the endorsement of PACleanSweep even though it was an open seat. The high comedy of the race was when Dave Madeira got into an argument with him about who had shot more animals in their lives. A now long lost blogger of the time proposed a duel to settle the question.
Now it looks like he is running for the 117th District State Rep seat of Freshman Karen Boback who is facing a tough challenge from conservative Republican James May. My guess is that he looking for a bruising GOP Primary that will leave the loser's supporters bitter and then he will try to unite them with the Democrats of the district to win the seat.


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    are there any dems in that district?

  2. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I see we have yet another greasy professional polititian that treats his political office like it was a career. What ever happened to being a public server and then go home? It is the doom of this Country led by the ignorant & indifferent that will totally trash this Republic of ours.

    This is just another example of power grabbing to fulfill self-serving ambitions. Yep, it’s for Power, Money and attention.

    Alexander Fraser Tytler

  3. Russ Bigus, big loss. He cites Bill Jones as a fellow crusader. Oh. brother! Another person who puts self ahead of the people.

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Russ BIgus is the best person to run for this seat. He's got my vote!!

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Hey - Russ moved to Sullivan County months ago - he doesn't even live in Luzerne County! Wake up, Dallas School District - he no longer lives in the District!!!!

  6. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Russ Bigus here>
    I live at 128A Elmcrest Drive in Dallas where I have lived for 37 years. Now, I guess you should wake up and pay attention.
    thank you to those who have left such positive comments.

  7. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Russ hang in there. When people feel threatened they will say just about anything. Watch for more and your back as time goes on. Keep up the good work and know that there are a lot of us who will stand with you. You are a great guy and we need you in Harrisburg.

  8. Russ, Thanks for stopping by. Toss me an email, my address is in my profile. Your cousin in the state police is a good friend.

  9. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Russ didn't file today. Time to rally behind James May!

  10. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Boback is 100% beatable. If people vote for her again this go around they really need help. Who do you think she is really for?? She is hardly ever at her offices, any of them, she takes huge contibutions from special interest groups and powers like Sordoni, Flack etc. Hats off to you Russ, although there is nothing in the paper so I'm not sure if you even filed.

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Because of today’s snowy weather in many parts of the state, Gov. Ed Rendell has extended the deadline for political candidates to turn in their nominating petitions until noon on Thursday.

    Just read the above online. Interesting

  12. Well it is official, Russ Bigus is in the race. I encourage anyone in the 117th district to see what Russ is all about. He is a sincere, hard worker, who will fight for 'US' not the connected in Harrisburg. I assume he will have a web site shortly and I hope all will at the least see what Russ has to offer. I am confident you will see why 'WE' need him elected in the 117th district.

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Russ Bigus, probably the one of the best guys I've had a chance to speak with about government. He gets it. This guy is not messing around, he is strong hearted and will work for your word, and will work for a better representation.

  14. I have had the pleasure of knowing Russ Bigus for about2 years now. You will never find a more loyal, dedicated and trusting person then he. I am proud to call myself his personal friend. You go Russ. We support and love you..

    An LIU Friend

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The 117 has been pretty quiet. I imagine Boback is nervous, I'm just waiting for Bigus to light the fire and get the show rolling. Go Bigus.

  16. Anonymous11:40 AM

    isn't this the clown that voted against a blueprint appraisal for the new dallas highschool because it cost 50,000 dollars, even though such oversight often saves 10 times that? And didn't he vote that way just to appear to be a fiscal conservative? Even in the face of blaring stupidity he wanted to do waht he thought a good republican would do even though it would cost the taxpayer up to 450,000 bucks. But what does he care? It's just politics right? Well its my money. Take a hike. this mesage approved by a democrat for whoever else is on the ticket.

  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Oh, and by the way, the other guy who voted against having a contractor pour over those blueprints for mistakes was teh other clown with teh DUI bracelet on his foot.
