Thursday, April 09, 2009

Gort in the Washington Post

WaPo blogger and TV star Chris Cillizza who writes The Fix asked his readers to suggest the best political blogs in each of the 50 states and Gort42 made the cut. I'm joined by some other excellent Pennsylvania bloggers:

Harrisburg Politics (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Above Average Jane

2 Political Junkies

Gort 42

Thanks to whoever nominated me.


Coal Region Voice said...

You are now on the watch list.

Maria said...

Well deserved, Gort. :-)

Maria from 2 Political Junkies

David said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
D.B. Echo said...


Word verification word: inthero

Big Dan said...

Congratulations...don't fly in any small aircraft.

kar said...

Congratulations Gort, well deserved.

You provide a forum for all sides, and you do it without taking any cheap shots.

Keep up the good work.


Unknown said...

Well deserved honor!