A lot of conflicting information has been coming out of the Courthouse about Judge Michael Toole. I'm hearing that he has resigned his position and we can expect another US Attorney press confrence on Monday complete with an idictment and plea agreement.
Norton says I'm wrong. But if doesn't happen this week it's only a matter of time.
5 hours ago
Good grief what about peter paul its getting better all the time
Ask lou cesare over at united one resources i bet he knows the score
Keep voting democrat. Anyone with an Irish, Italian, or Eastern European name will do.
Another indictment would be nice, and what does Lou Cesare have to do with this ?
Get some old Toole quotes and post them. He should have his attorney rush out and put in the media: "My client has not been charged with anything"...before he's charged. Like they all do.
Or he should say: "Things happened without my FULL consent and knowledge..." like Jill Moran.
If you think Republicans will come riding to the rescue on their white horses, think again. Both parties are corrupt on ALL levels of government.
Maybe Toole can plead guilty to a lesser charge, like Ciavarella, and then claim that he only pleaded guilty to that charge...implying all over the place that he wasn't guilty of anything else. Throw them all in jail and throw away the key. Maybe Toole can say that Ciavarella and/or Conahan and/or Powell and/or (fill in your own names...) were extorting him! Yeah!!!
You will see
He's outta heeeerrrreeeee!!!! Birthday wishes to Mike Conahan, former Luzerne County judge and soon to be convict, all the best from us.... (just kidding).
Hey... Would Lou Cesare be related to Denise Cesare at BCNEPA? She's another one that is running a company with no knowledge of how her Human Resources is making decisions that are hurting the company name. The whole HR team hires friends and relatives first and won't even give qualified people an interview.
When we saw this, we knew something was going down:
Toole’s wife quits law clerk job with Superior Court jurist
How about the TOOLE that works for Nanticoke Housing Authority! She is a real biotch and got placed in her job because "they know people". From what I understand, she makes people feel worse than they already may feel for living in public housing just to boost her own ego. Get her the F#%$ out of there too. One big corrupt area.
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