I'm taking a break from digging out and this popped up in my inbox.
Morgan will run for seat vacated by John Yudichak in the 119th District
Bob Morgan announced his candidacy to become the next Representative from the 119th District. The seat will be vacated by John Yudichak, who is currently running for State Senate. Morgan, 47, is a Financial Advisor from Fairview Township.
Morgan, a Democrat, feels that economic issues are a priority for the constituents of the House District: “I believe that many of our residents have felt the effects of the recession and have had to make tough financial choices in the face of ever present increases in the cost of health care, prescription drugs and school and county property taxes. I believe that my background in finance provides me with a keen awareness of the impact of these issues on our everyday lives and has prepared me to clearly assess the ramifications of proposals before the General Assembly in these areas.”
“Completing the budget in a timely manner and getting people the property tax relief they were promised are tops on my list of priorities; we need to have smart solutions to handle these issues and not just anti-Harrisburg rhetoric,” stated Morgan. “Seniors need relief from crushing tax burdens, jobs need to be created by it. Instead, we need plans. We need green energy programs that provide new skilled, long-term jobs to skilled workers. We need to continue to develop the industrial parks as well as the downtown revitalization projects in our district so that we can keep employers here as well as create new, good-paying jobs. We need to have solid schools so that our teachers are able to shape the leaders of tomorrow and a solid vision for our educational system to train the next generation of workers. I will dedicate myself to these projects to benefit our citizens.”
“The people of the 119th District work hard, pay their taxes and make sacrifices to educate their children. I believe that we need a person who recognizes their needs, works hard to address their concerns, and reaches out,” said Morgan. “My office will always be open to help people in any way that the state government is able. The people of this district deserve that in their representative.”
The 119th District extends from Bear Creek Township, portions of Mountaintop, Nanticoke, Newport Township, Nanticoke, Hanover Township, Sugar Notch, Warrior Run, Plymouth, Plymouth Township, Larksville and Edwardsville.
7 hours ago
It's been mentioned to me that Mr. Morgan needs to learn to mingle & talk to people rather than doing his aloof banker thing.....
Gort, I am happy to say I've finally made a decision. I am supporting Justin Behrens for this position.
I just got off the phone with Bob Morgan and it was pretty funny because he was calling to tell me about this article and other ways he is off to a good start.
Just had a conversation today with a local office holder who mentioned the lack of personality on Morgan's part. Bob is not a bad guy, he is intelligent and could handle the job but he needs to have a drink or two before going out in public. He does need to make the rounds and loosen up with people. Learn a firm hand shake and grab a half dozen opening lines and he will do fine.
Bob Morgan is a perennial office seeker - a great big joke! Will he run for every office until he gets elected to something?? Bob - go for dog catcher - you are qualified!!!!
The defamatory remarks above display a lack of class and are completely off base. I met Bob recently on his door to door rounds and can personally say, while at first I am always skeptical of anyone coming to my door, Bob really seemed to be very intelligent and running for office for the right reasons. I asked him point blank why he was running and his reasons were on target with the leadership we need. Bob you've got my vote!
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