I will be holding a Town Hall meeting at the Hazleton Elks Lodge on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 6 PM. I will discuss Mayor Barletta's plan to sell the HCA's water assets, and I will answer questions from the audience.
Again, the meeting will be held at the Hazleton Elks Lodge on Thursday, February 4, 2010 at 6 PM. The Lodge is at the following address:
635 East Broad Street
Hazleton, PA 18201-6832
(570) 454-3901
The Standard Speaker has a back and forth between Paige and Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta with Vince Galko chiming in. Chis Paige may be the first blogger candidate and now has a flame war going on with Sights on Pennsylvania.
3 hours ago
what i find funny with sights on pa is they want you to believe that Paige is a nobody but they sure write a lot about him. and now you have Bareltta in the paper doing what Republicans do well, SCARE PEOPLE> its almost a replay of Bush and the weapons of mass destruction. Barletta has been Mayor for over a decade, he owns all that is wrong with Hazleton's financial problems. he can blame everyone under the sun, ( btw the sun dont shine in Hazleton so forget the solar farm idea) but it was his mismanagement that got them where they are.
So either he will raise taxes on the City of Hazleton who are his constituents OR he will sell the water authority and raise the rates on 13 OTHER muncipalities that he DOESNT represent.
how he wins a Congressional seat is beyond me....
Chris Paige is an out of town democrat, coming in to try to use up Lou's money in a primary. I liked Lou before, but this type of stuff will make me like him AND actively work for him (and no, I am not a part of his staff writing this). Lou - just ignore this self-serving political hack. Don't spend a dime of your money against him. You have our support.
Lou has NO money....... he cant raise the cash he use to ... work all you want for him anon 10:20 but if you support him then you support a Mayor that:
-Raise property taxes 70%
-raise earned income taxes on blue collar workers
-raise the garbage fees
-going to raise the water rates
-squandered millions of dollars in selling the dredge land to his developer buddies
-cost the city 186K dollars in giving benefits to police that wasnt a proper use of act 205 money
-squandered millions of dollars in selling the dredge land to his developer buddies
Acutally the money was used to pay for the hiring of 9 police officers...that's a squander I will take....
Your next statement only proves you don't support the police...
Raise property taxes 70%..hmmm let's see they went from $137.20 per $100,000 assessment to $233.24...your 70% sounds like a huge amount but in total dollars not so much is it...
Why don't you state that the City was prohibited from raising property taxes for the last 30 years by the Pennsylvania legislature? No wonder it ended up in a financial mess...
Cap any entity's income and the perfect storm is inevitable...
Raise the water rates by 60% maybe...so through 2015 it would amount to a total of around $480.00approximately $96.00 per year....but property owners would pay a total of $3,057.00 over the same five year period($611.00 per year avg) if the sale doesn't happen...which one would you pick??
Funny about the solar farm...there are at least four similar projects proposed for the same area...including the Hazleton City Authority Water Department itself..
The other 13 municipalities got a huge bone when the HCA took over their water...It's okay that the Hazleton residents are paying down the bond issues to bring water to those areas...at the present time the HCA has $27 million in outstanding debt.
60% of its customers live in Hazleton, that means 40% don't...Hazletonians are paying for systems construction that aren't in their municipality but THAT's OKAY..Humboldt Dam...Pardeesville water project..transmission system in the Authority's service area that includes those 13 municipalities
You are the one using scare tactics with your erroneous assumptions.
Paige is from Monroe County...what the hell does he really know about the HCA...moved to PA in 2006, his profession is a hedge fund lawyer...SOP picks on Paige because he really is doing dirty work for the Democrats...the real target is them not him...he has $3,500.00 according to his last report...where the heck is he going with that amount...he is using the press to get earned media time because he can't afford anything else...
if you read this article and do the math it comes to 5 million, http://www.orangewaternetwork.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=146
and in this article in shows the City sold it for 3 million, http://citizensvoice.com/news/hazleton-company-wants-to-mix-dredged-soils-with-ground-up-debris-1.276643
i say that was squandering 2 million dollars, plus it was to pay the city $1.25 per cubic yard and in the article it states they would have delivered 923,000 cubic yards, that's 1,153,750 million dollars. and then we had a clause in there that will put another 25 cents per cubic yard into a fund to assist development citywide (called the Economic Development Fund Fee in the agreement).$230,750.00
if you add that all up , it comes to $3,384.500 million dollars !!!!!!!!
so just think how many MORE police he could have hired, NO i support police i wanted more, Lou is the one who cut back on police by SQUANDERING the sale price for his developer buddies. you don't need the link to the campaign finance to see what the developers gave him do you? Didn't think so..........
you are correct the City was capped on property taxes, now raise their taxes to cover the police and critical services, but don't do it on the backs of the other 13 municipalities!!!!!
the City got the bone, it costs roughly 60 k when they first started the authority, and on the day of the deal, they got over a million dollars for Duplin Building.......
so the City got the bone, and the other municipalities got BONED!
it doesn't matter where he is from, Louie is from Hazleton and is fucking everyone...... so please don't go there, and it doesn't matter what he has NOW it is what he ends up with.......
and finally, Paige is using the Hazleton Elks building, lmao, the home of Mayor Lou, and his buddies. i find it funny that Paige is taking it to Barletta in his backyard, the questions is, will Louie show up> if he does he will find all the water authority workers there with their families and supporters......
well the HORSE finally came in front of the cart! if you read the Standard Speaker article on January 22, 2010 under the headline: "Official: Barletta plan last resort" you will read the official a Mr. John Keegan talk about how "many people have been putting the horse before the cart". In today's edition of the Standard Speaker, you can read this story, http://standardspeaker.com/news/city-begins-process-for-authority-sale-1.595513
entitled CITY BEGINS PROCESS FOR AUTHORITY SALE. so i have to ask Mr. Keegan, in 12 days the Mayor has decided to sell the authority SO were you just being sarcastic when you wanted people to believe there were "other" options? and
You try and make the argument that an increase in property taxes of $100.00 isn't that much, it definitely isn't for a Mayor that can afford to go on vacation in the middle of winter...... he doesn't live what we do on fixed earnings.
you say there wasn't any answers from Council on an alternative, well you have 2 new Republican council members, i haven't heard squat from them, or are they like you just lap dogs for the Mayor?
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