I can't say that I agree with this but it is state rankings not by county. Those of us that live here in Corruption Junction (Luzerne County) know better.
Website ranks Pennsylvania among top 10 corrupt states
The Daily Beast is using old data from just Philadelphia and doesn't take into account our own Juvie Brothers and the rest of the cast of characters of school board directors and municipal officials not to mention the Bonusgate corruption in Harrisburg.
I will have to slip an envelope to Sights on Pennsylvania for pointing out this story. I'll stuff it with 10% of my ad revenue.
6 hours ago
We've been robbed!! Kanjorski alone should be worth at least an 8th place. Throw in Mellow and at a minimum you should see a 2 place jump.
The Juvie Bros. will single-handedly skyrocket us to #1 for the next issue....
WE'RE #1 !!!!!!!!
WE'RE #1 !!!!!!!!
WE'RE #1 !!!!!!!!
WE'RE #1 !!!!!!!!
I think Ciavarella was on wiretap saying so........
I hear we were fifth, then Murtha died.
I wouldn't give two cents for the three of you. What is it you don't understand about this bad publicity destroying any economic recovery chances we have. We seem to be our own worst enemies. Do you think that any corporate executive would consider locating in Luzerne county when we have such assholes who get their rocks off beating us more than the press and WILK alrady have? Shut the "F" up and let us begin a recovery. You people may not realize it but what your doing is just as bad as what the bad guys did. You are just destroying us in a different way.
To Anonymous - Don't blame us bloggers - we can't make this stuff up. It'll be at least a century b4 we rid the stigma of what has happened here in NEPA. Then, it'll start all over again.
Joe V
Hey anon 10:18, what was the excuse before talk radio. People here are dumb as wood. The locals allowed this to happen over the years. They got a bone thrown to them and kept voting in those who took advantage. If you want to place blame, look in the mirror.
That's "Mr Asshole" to you.
Hey Yonki's Bisexual Female Fan, I read anon 10:18 and I ddin't see him blame anyone particular person for what happened but I do agree with him/her, the people who continue to bang the County are doin no good and a lot of hurt. We need to mend, not tear apart. By the way, if you want to brag about your sexual orientation, why drag a nice guy like Yonk into your miserable de praved life style? Joe V, I've read a few of your rantings and your no walk in the park either.
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