5 of the 9 people who provided their pitch to the readers of Gort42 won a spot on the Dem and GOP State Committees and the other 4 came darn close to winning.
I attribute it to the Gort Bounce.
The top 3 male and female vote getters get to attend the meetings and spend their own money for the privilege. Winners in bold.
Member of the Republican State Committee
Stephen J. Urban (M). . . . . . . 10,240
Linda J. Urban (F) . . . . . . . 8,018
Margaret E. Phillips (F) . . . . . 7,588
Renita Fennick (F) . . . . . . . 7,066
Kathleen M. Dobash (F) . . . . . . 7,054
David Baloga (M) . . . . . . . . 5,667
Harry Haas (M). . . . . . . . . 5,533
Frank J. Mazza III (M) . . . . . . 5,495
Moderno Rossi (M). . . . . . . . 5,081
Bill Lewis (M). . . . . . . . . 4,884
T. Lynette Villano (F) . . . . . . 4,704
Art Bobbouine (M). . . . . . . . 2,340
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 299
Member of the Democratic State Committee
Michael J. Cefalo (M) . . . . . . 15,005
Thomas M. Shubilla (M) . . . . . . 14,489
Paul J. Maher (M). . . . . . . . 14,014
Lesa Gelb (F) . . . . . . . . . 12,477
Rebecca Sammon (F) . . . . . . . 11,649
Cassandra I. Coleman (F) . . . . . 11,618
John Bolin (M). . . . . . . . . 11,400
Sabrina A. McLaughlin (F) . . . . . 11,305
Jane Waitkus (F) . . . . . . . . 10,435
Lucille Maziarz (F) . . . . . . . 10,120
David J. Popiak Sr. (M). . . . . . 8,835
Michele Mahovich (F). . . . . . . 8,454
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 452
4 hours ago
Observation: The GOP is the party of close minded, femist hating, sexist and the Dems is the equal rights, support the minority, love in crowd. But who voted 4 women in the top 5? For being a bunch of knuckle dragging bone heads they sure do vote for women. Or maybe they just didn't realize Linda, Margaret, Renita and Kathleen were females.
women aren't in the fucking minority dipshit. they make up 51% of the population of the u.s., but I would hate for a fucking fact to get in your fucking way
Congrats to Thomas Shubilla the kid came to my house and campaigned hard. The rest of the names on the Democratic State Committee are what is the problem with the Luzerne County Democratic Party. Its seems that the one guy who was third on the list was more concerned about getting himself elected then he was his own boss. Someone like him is what is wrong with the party. I am happy to say I am a Democrat on the national level but not on the local level because of this man. The voters had a chance to vote for change but voted for more of the same. Congrats again Thomas you are going to need it with these guys.
Mr. F
You can make your point without the profanity.
But there's 7 of them from this county on the Democratic state committee I hear--what does that mean then, that Bolin also on since he's next on the list after that Cassandra Coleman?
How comes everybody always complaining about Cefalo and mini me yet these guys were two of the top vote getters--what gives? If they so unpopular why they get all those votes
i am just foloowing the fucking lead set my our VP
The art is to drop the F bomb for maximum effect. I do it and so does the VP and John Stewart. Just a suggestion.
Gort, thank you for the opportunity to state my case for Dem State Cmte. Half the battle for these spots depends on name recognition and one's geographic location. In Luzerne County, people tend to vote for people from their own area. At least I got my name on the ballot and maybe voters will remember me if I ever run again. I am a behind the scenes worker for the democratic party-just quietly do what I can to get good candidates elected. I love Luzerne County and its people and I am very grateful to the 10,435 people who voted for me. Not a bad number at all-hey, at least those people knew my name.
Jane Walsh Waitkus from Mt Top
Someone should check into the facts about Rebecca Sammons residency. She lives and works in Harrisburg and used a friends address to be able to run. Is this not the same scenario with a state rep in Lackawanna county a year ago. Run where you reside because you don't represent us you are only looking out for yourself. Shameless that someone like this could win.
I love mini-me he's like the walking un-dead a zombie the body died years ago someone else now controls his body... oh yeah might be the guy who runs his boss the wall streeter. Voters in Luzerne LOVE the corruption they are waiting for their own piece of the action, even if they can't sell their children down the river anymore there's always MOM!
Gort, thanks for the opportunity to make my case for Dem State Cmte. In this race half the battle is name recognition and geographic location. People tend to vote for people from their district. I love Luzerne County and its people and I am grateful to the 10,435 people who voted for me. Hey-that's not a bad number for a candidate from Mt Top.
Jane Walsh Waitkus
It is a shame to see Bill Lewis lose. Bill has been one of the outstanding members of State Committee for many years. In a sea of mediocrity and blatant corruption Bill has stood out as an honest and decent man.
With regrets,
Barry O'Connell
I served in the same regional caucus with Bill Lewis - a man of absolute class and a strong advocate of good government and integrity. We need him back on Republican State Committee!! He is a rare and wonderful honest person in politics.
Using the word Class with Republican is considered poor grammar.
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