With about 70% of the vote in John Yudichak is blowing Tom Leighton out of the water.
John T. Yudichak . . . . . . . . 11,796 71.59 %
Tom Leighton . . . . . . . . . 4,628 28.09 %
6 hours ago
A random journal about local politics, baseball and whatever comes to mind.
WTF ..... Yuddi kills the taxpayer with per diem to pay his private house and when caught calls for reform so the good and forgiving Christians in the district elect him to the Senate. I can understand why the majority of voters turned their back on Leighton, after all, while Yuddi was using per diem to pay for his house, Leighton was capping his own salary and giving the use of a car for his personal use. Who the hell wants that kind of leadership in Harrisbug. And the beat goes on!
Let's talk about WTF anon...Eachus supports Leighton..Eachus owns his own house in Harrisuburg by himslef..Eachus collects over $27,ooo in per diem...Leigthon makes $90,000 as Mayor and can collect over $1 mil in pension...then wants to go on an collect more as Senator...Eachus gives Leighton money but refuses to give to Hazleton which is in his district. Eachus supports Leighton instead of a Rep in his own caucus...and you question Leadership!!! hahahaha
Kanjorski gives money to Leighton..$20,000 and how did that work out for him....hahhahaha and you ask WTF??
fat, drunk and stupid is only good enough to be mayor
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