Most endorsements are good for a press release then forgotten the next day. This one isn't even worth a release but I got one from Tim Mullen anyway. I know the Libertarian candidate in the 120th State House district has a big hill to climb to even get on the November ballot and welcomes support from anyone but this one should have been quietly accepted then ignored.
I got this email: After several talks with him, it is pretty much official. John Cordora, Republican from Kingston, who was Phyllis Mundy's last opponent in 2006 has endorsed me. I will continue to personally contact as many elected officials in this district as possible to win their support.
Yes, Cordora ran against Phyllis Mundy in 2006 but he got blown out of the water losing the election by a 3 to 1 margin. His top issues in that race was his opposition to gay marriage and abortion and "all the other liberal garbage." From what I have been reading the Libertarians favor gay marriage and think the Government should be kept out of the matter of abortion.
Last year he ran for Mayor of Kingston with a secret plan to prevent crime and despite his claim that he had visited thousands of homes whose residents agreed that Jim Haggerty should be replaced he only pulled 254 votes in the Republican primary. He then backed the Democrat in the race promising to deliver 500 votes. That didn't happen and Haggerty was easily reelected.
I actually like Cordora because he is good copy but I would never want him to get anywhere near an elective office. Mullen is an outsider and should quit wasting his time trying to get endorsements from failed candidates and elected officials who will just blow him off.
Bill Goldsworthy is the Republican candidate.
6 hours ago
He just lost my vote... Okay he never really had it, but if I considered voting for him and saw an endorsement from Cordora, forget it
Cordora - Urban - too many whackos for one county!
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