Boback is in favor of water legislation
“Natural gas drilling has the potential to be the most promising economic boon for our Commonwealth, but we have to proceed with caution and make sure we are putting the health and safety of our citizens first,” said Boback. “I am introducing this legislation to put additional safeguards in place for the drinking water sources we all share and on which we rely. As we have seen from the catastrophe in the gulf, once an accident occurs, it is difficult to restore our natural resources. I believe the best approach is to proceed with caution.”
Her opponant Richard Shermanski responded:
Well for one she's not supporting any form of a Moratorium on drilling, Karen is simply tack on regulations to the drilling. We simply can not rush into this, we need to stop this drilling completely till we can be absolutely sure that it this extraction of shale is 100% safe.
Also, Karen is introducing more legislation. Why doesn't she just support one of the several pieces of legislation already introduced? Instead we are getting more clutter on th house floor instead of our Represenatives working together to create a real piece of legislation that can really fix this problem.
I agree we need regulations on the drilling but until we can be absolutley sure it's safe we can not and should not take the risk of even allowing any form of drilling.
Here's my plan if elected:
"As a candidate for the House of Representatives I fully support placing a Moratorium an all drilling in Pennsylvania until we can be assured that the excavation of the shale is 100% safe for those living around the sites including the fresh water wells and reservoirs of the area. I also will push to make sure no drilling companies will excavate the material unless they are absolutely capable of stopping any form of leakage of the chemicals into the ground and water, they must use top of the line equipment and up-to-date methods of extraction and safety. If they can not handle the risk then they can not take the chance of reaping the rewards. I also will enforce stricter regulations on the drilling companies, no longer will they simply be allowed to drill just because they leased the land and they will have State Department of Energy Supervisors at every site to ensure that everything is done correctly."
I don't want to just put a band aide on a open wound, we need to fully understand what effects this drilling will have on the land and the people around it. Simply putting small regulations on this process will not be what puts peoples minds at ease, we need to know that this is safe. Once we know it's safe to drill we can place regulations and taxes on the drilling companies. But, until that day we must put a stop to this extraction.
9 hours ago
1 comment:
As there exists no hard evidence that drilling is a threat to the environment, I find it appalling that the tree huggers have become so relentless in their efforts to halt progress.
Students, we must realize that all energy sources are not 100 percent infallible. Coal causes air pollution, Gas may cause slight irritation of a country squire's water supply, and of course, Oil may cause some deterioration of wildlife refuges and the interruption of a coastal vacation or two for a liberal yuppie.
In the long run, however, if we decide to err on the part of nature itself, then we must be willing to go back to living in the trees and writing with rock on granite.
Sometimes it hurts a youngster to be given some rough medicine, but it is proven in the end to be the right thing to do.
In short, Students, the weight of the good of the mass of the people should have preference over the views of the spotted owl crowd.
And if you disagree, then how many of you liberals are driving a gas guzzler with air conditioning? How many of you are sitting in your "blog room" with the air conditioning on today?? And, more importantly, how many of you will be toasty warm in your homes this coming winter, courtesy of "big oil".
Students, I feel I have proven my point. Class dismissed!!!!
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