Friday, February 05, 2010

Another 10th CD candidate

Steven Solieri is an accountant that lives in Lake Ariel that has a number crunching business in New Hyde Park, NY and Lake Ariel and is a Professor of Accounting at Queens College in New York City who has a Ph.D. and 4 Masters Degrees.

His welcome message on his website:

I am not a politician and do not want to act like one, ever. I consider myself a businessman and patriot who, like so many of my friends in the Tea Party movement, have had enough of sending people to Washington that are not responsive to their constituency.

Reading his issues page he proposes at least 3 Constitutional amendments and laundry list of tax cuts. He wants to cut the size of government in half except for veterans benefits, doubts global warming and wants to end regulation of business.

The other Republican candidates

Tom Marino has a website up that gives his bio and promises more information at a later date. He also has an online fan club The Unvarnished Truth on Tom Marino

Malcolm Derk was interviewed by the Scranton Policy Examiner

David Madeira will kick off his campaign on Tuesday.

I hope to talk with young Ted Yale later today and give you a report.

1 comment:

Steve Urbanski said...

Thanks for the link. Hope you are well.