It looks like your humble narrator has developed a bit of a health problem. I don't want to go into the gory details but it appears BP has had some sort of drilling operation going on in my stomach and it has sprung a leak. Hope to see you in a few days.
Ugh. Get well soon.
...just to be clear, are we talking about diarrhea, or a bleeding ulcer?
get well soon
must've been some really skunked beer.
get well soon!!!
Hope you're feelin better
Joe V
Gort, hope you are feeling much better...take care my friend.
Gort...be well sir & keep us posted.
Sounds like bad pizza to me. If you're gonna survive on junk food, ya gotta eat the best!
Just viewed Joe V's site and watched the video of the two high school kids. I wonder if Joe V thinks he is doing these to kids a favor by allowing them to post videos tearing into the Board of Directors? The egos of these kids are unbelievable and people posted what wonderful public speakers they are. Those offering the praise must be Pittston Area grads and don't know any better. Give me a break! Even for 16 - 17 year olds this video was terrible and their personal performance looked like the entire thing was done on the fly with no preparation. As they were shooting at the Board Members, they mentioned what each member does for a living but two of the members caused them to stutter over the fact that they had no clue what these men do for a living. Seems that a little preparation would have gone a long way. A personal note to Joe V. There are more than enough adults to take advantage of, there is no need to hold kids up to ridicule. Young John now has an ego so large that he blames criticism on "Lombardo haters." His uncle the former mayor was the worst mayor in the city history and his cousin the councilman is following in the former mayor's foot steps. Young John sees them as heroes and the taxpayers see them as a blight on the city. Offering any kind of credibility to 16 year old kids who criticize the District Board members or Administration is ridiculous. Who the hell cares what a 16 year old thinks? Somebody give the kid a Playboy and tell him to go play.
I just checked Joe V's site and found the video mentioned by Anon 3 AM in the site's achieves. It is a good thing to encourage teenagers to be involved and take an interest in school affairs as well as politics but in my opinion, the people who encouraged these two students via the comments section are just adding to the culture of disrespect by today's youth. I did not find the video to be a refreshing insight into the interest of these throw teenagers, what I saw was total disrespect and two young egos who seem to think their youthful opinions command respect. The issue of banning smoking on school grounds is a no brainer and a complete failure of the Pittston Area majority but I'm more concerned with the way these kids spoke of the Board members. Total disrespect. They may not agree with the smoking decision as I don't but this was not the method of displaying their disagreement. I don't agree that they show promise as public speakers other than the fact that they took this initiative. I think they should have been guided in their format. We get what we breed.
Get better soon, Gort!
Hope it's not serious, Bub! Can you supply us with X-Rays or anything like that, in a blog post?
Hoping for a speedy recovery Gort!
Get Better Gort!
Missed you for the Belmont at Mark's. Hope you are feeling better.
Get better!
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