Congresman Paul Kanjorski's just put out a new TV ad that has a great message; Say Yes to Kanjorski
Kanjo is trying to pull jobs to the area like he has always done and Lou Barletta resisted this project from the beginning citing the noise it might create. Boom.
A few days ago I confessed to helping out a Republican primary state house candidate a few years ago with my advice for whatever it was worth. A GOP hopeful in another race figured out I was helping his primary opponent and called me out about it. It was easy, I had access to your opponent and your press guy kept jerking me around.
Now I will give advice to GOP 11th CD candidate Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta. Maybe not, because the only advice I can give him would be in the past tense. Skip the immigration ordinance although it is your claim to fame. Don't reject Kanjo's latest big idea out of hand. Welcome the initiative and point out that most of his previous big ideas have not panned out, people movers,dams on the river, monorails, Wall Street West, high speed trains, etc... the list is endless.
3 hours ago
Im still waiting on that high speed train and nasa launching the shuttle from downtown Wilkes-Barre. Now I got to watch what I say because Gort is like Ed Mitchells have brother or something the way he stands up him, Kanjo, Terrana the Pirrahana, and Mini Me.
Kanjo has a great issue/message with this. However, the ad doesn't drive it home. The TV ad is a waste.
For Lou to think outside is limited box would require him having more than 1/2 a brain inside his head. He is a one issue candidate and can't see beyond it.
I believe it was Kanjorski who voted for healthcare reform in an attempt to save Sallie Mae jobs that he originally watched go overseas, only to have that blow up in his face. Instead of saving jobs he lost them.
Mr. Kanjorski said he was lobbied heavily by President Barack Obama and especially by Vice President Joe Biden, with whom he had 20 or 30 telephone conversations.
In a statement, Mr. Kanjorski said this bill "is the best we can do at this time."
In the interview, Mr. Kanjorski said he was certain he would vote yes until two weeks ago when the Obama administration decided to attach a student-loan legislation. Under the student-loan provisions, the government would stop subsidizing banks to provide student loans and would lend directly to students itself. Mr. Obama wants to do that to save the subsidy money for other purposes.
But he agreed to go along because Secretary of Education Arne Duncan promised to "use all of the tools within his authority to save those 1,100 jobs in my district" at Sallie Mae. President
Sallie Mae Blames 2,500 Layoffs on Obama's Student Loan Overhaul
Paul Kanjorski recently stated he could get an hour with the President. He touted his 26 year experience as a reason to keep him. Evidently in an hour he never got his point across.
You can't change the past but you can definitely change the failed policies of the present.
how does someone change what barletta has done to the City of Hazleton? He is no leader, there isnt a voice in the City, and it is falling apart, he cries foul instead of trying and work with others.
he isnt worth the time it took to write this comment.
someone needs to ask Toohil what kind of a job barletta has done as Mayor of Hazleton?
WTF does Toohil have to do with Barletta or Hazelton? She is clueless enough in her own race, let alone worrying about something else.
If Barletta had applied sound conservative principles in his running of Hazelton the town would not be in the mess it is. Barletta runs the town like a typical tax and spend liberal democrat.
And please don't forget the amount of money Hazelton is going to be on the hook for after Barletta's grandstanding gets shot down again and again. The defense fund pay be paying Hazelton's legal bills but it won't cover the penalties nor the plaintiff's fees which could up totally 3 to 4 million dollars.
Give me a democrat over a fucking RINO any day. At least you know a dem is going to tax you, spend the money and run up a debt all at the same time. We had enough RINOs in the Bush era, including Bush himself. Big Government, Big Spenders who have derailed our country.
Barletta is not a fiscal conservative, hell I'm not even sure what his family values are. This guy has not one lick of conservatism in him. The one thing, partially privatizing social security, that is conservative he is now scurrying from. Yeesh.
Kanjo can't call him out on being a dem in sheep's clothing. Politically they are too close. But real conservatives should open their eyes. We don't have to settle for RINOs no more.
Say NO to Barletta and get a real conservative in 2012.
good old kanjo sure has brought home the pork. too bad most of it ($412,000,000.) went directly to his family
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