Marino changes story
Tom Marino, Republican candidate for Congress, has changed his story six months after he told a Wilkes-Barre talk radio reporter that he had gotten permission from his superiors in the U.S. Department of Justice before lending his name as a reference for a convicted felon who was seeking a casino license...He also denied that he had ever claimed that he received, or could provide, written authorization from the Justice Department allowing him to give a personal reference to former casino operator Louis DeNaples.
Two weeks ago his campaign sent out a press release saying he had written authorization from the DOJ that the department refuted.
Digging his hole deeper he then said that WILK loudmouth Steve Corbett was a liar:
“The radio personality made it up. There is no letter,” Marino said.
Listen to the radio interview at this link.
Before this broke yesterday the CV Politics Blog reporter Mike Sisak had this exchange with the Marino camp about the spokesperson for the Justice Department saying there is no record of any letter giving Marino the OK to give Louis DeNaples a reference.
Marino's press flack actually said: You have our statements, this is a non-story.
The response from Sisak: Actually, for some reason at this point in the race, this IS the story, and these questions are still unanswered:
IS THERE ANY EVIDENCE (documents, notes, telephone records, e-mails, anything at all) TO CORROBORATE THAT PERMISSION WAS GRANTED?
Carney's mouthpiece put out out a statement that I think was unnecessary but I'll publish it anyway just to be fair and balanced. If your opponent is imploding you should sit back and watch.
CLARKS SUMMIT -- Five months after Tom Marino told a radio host that he had received authorization from Justice Department superiors to serve as a reference for a felon under investigation by Marino's own office, Marino now says that he never asked for permission from the agency. The Sunbury Daily Item, which reported the news today, also reported that Marino now says "there is no letter" to prove he received permission and he claims WILK radio host Steve Corbett "made it up."
Marino's latest statements contradict what he told Corbett in a live interview on April 28. It also reverses his own statement to the Associated Press Sept. 17, when Marino said he had been in touch with DOJ about releasing "documents that would end this matter" but was not authorized to make them public.
A full timeline of statements and events is provided below.
"Another day, another lie from Tom Marino," said Josh Drobnyk, Carney for Congress campaign spokesman. "Tom Marino is spinning a tale of lies to the public and it has become clear he will say anything to get elected. He said live on the radio in April that he went to his Justice Department superiors before providing the personal reference for a felon under investigation by his office and was satisfied with their response. Now he says he never sought their permission. He said just days ago that there were agency 'documents' that would end this matter. Now he says 'there is no letter.' How can the public trust Tom Marino when he continues to insult them with so many lies?"
Sept. 28, 2010: Marino says he never asked DOJ anything, accuses Steve Corbett of lying
Marino tells the Sunbury Daily Item that he never asked for permission from DOJ to provide reference to felon under investigation by Marino’s office and that WILK's Steve Corbett lied about having been promised a letter.
Marino on Monday said he never asked for permission from the federal agency because it was understood he would be allowed to provide personal references to anyone as long as he didn’t use his job title or attempt to promote individuals on his staff.
He also denied that he had ever claimed that he received, or could provide, written authorization from theJustice Department allowing him to give a personal reference to former casino operator Louis DeNaples.
“I did it all the time,” he said, of providing personal references. ....
In that interview, Corbett asks:“Did you have to tell any of your supervisors that you were acting as a reference?” “Yes,” Marino said.
“And did you?” “Yes,” Marino said.
Corbett then asked Marino what the response was from the Department of Justice, and Marino replied that “it was nothing out of the ordinary.”
Following that exchange, Corbett said he followed up the interview by asking Marino’s staff for written documentation that Marino had received permission to serve as a reference. Corbett said a Marino staffer promised to get him that documentation but never did.
On Monday, Marino said there was never written authorization from the Department of Justice.
“The radio personality made it up. There is no letter,” Marino said.
Corbett stands behind his reporting.
Sept. 23, 2010: Marino campaign says Marino never referred to specific document
Marino’s spokesman tells the Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice that Marino never referred to a specific document.
He never refers to a specific document regarding a specific issue.
Sept. 18, 2010: Marino campaign says it doesn't recall referring to specific document
Marino’s spokesman is reported telling the Williamsport Sun-Gazette that “it's unclear there was any single document regarding authorization to serve as a reference” in the first place.
Now, Marino spokesman Jason Fitzgerald said it's unclear there was any single document regarding authorization to serve as a reference for DeNaples in the first place.
"I don't recall Mr. Marino ever referring specifically to a document from the Department of Justice that gave him permission to give a reference," he said.
Sept. 17, 2010: Marino says he's contacted DOJ about documents
Marino says he’s contacted DOJ about releasing documents “that would end this matter” but been informed they “are confidential and are the property of the Department.”
Marino statement: “I have been in communication with the Department of Justice concerning the release of documents related to my service as United States Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania. The Department of Justice General Council has informed me that these documents are confidential and are the property of the Department. The Department of Justice General Council explained that even though I am a former U.S. Attorney, I am bound by security and ethics provisions of federal law associated with my past service. While I am confident that the release of certain documents would end this matter, I understand the sensitive nature of these documents and the important role that the Department of Justice has in keeping us safe. As a former U.S. Attorney, I will abide by the laws of this land and the polices of the Department of Justice, without question.”
Sept. 16, 2010: Marino says he can't release documents
Marino says he has not been given approval by DOJ to release documents.
Marino statement: I have not been given approval by the Department of Justice to release documents regarding my tenure in the U.S. Attorney’s office.
Aug. 25, 2010: Corbett says he's been waiting four months for promised letter from Marino
Steve Corbett writes on his blog that he’s been waiting four months for a supposed letter that Marino promised him after his appearance on the program that Marino says will prove that he had permission from DOJ to serve as a reference for a felon who was under investigation by Marino’s office.
May 2010: Marino campaign tells Corbett he has letter
Tom Marino's campaign tells WILK's Steve Corbett that Marino has a letter for him from DOJ that will prove he got permission. Marino never gives it to Corbett.
April 28, 2010: Marino tells Corbett he vetted reference and got all clear from DOJ
Tom Marino tells WILK’s Steve Corbett that he “vetted” the reference with DOJ and got the all clear
Corbett: "Did you have to tell any of your supervisors that you were acting as a reference?"
Marino: "Yes."
Corbett: "And did you?"
Marino: "Yes."
Corbett: "And what was their reaction?"
Marino: "It was nothing out of the ordinary."
Corbett: "So are you saying that it is not extraordinary for a United States Attorney to act as a personal reference on a gambling application for an admitted federal felon?"
Marino: "The way you are putting it, you are putting it in the most negative terms."
Corbett: "Did you have any pangs of conscience that that might not be ethical?"
Marino: "No, because I checked it out, vetted it and was satisfied with the vetting process."
Jan. 2008: Marino goes to work for felon
Marino works for the felon for whom he provided a personal reference, making $249,999.96 a year.
Oct. 2007: Marino resigns
Marino leaves office.
Sept. 21, 2007: Marino announces resignation
Marino announces resignation, which takes effect Oct. 12, 2007.
Aug. 24, 2007: News breaks that Marino will resign, Marino denies that he'll step down
The Allentown Morning Call reports that Marino will resign, three days after story breaks about his withdrawal from probe and the reference he provided.
Aug. 21, 2007: News breaks that Marino served as reference for felon under investigation by his office
The Allentown Morning Call breaks news that Marino had served as reference on felon’s casino application and was forced to withdraw from probe.
Jan. 2007: Marino discloses to DOJ he gave reference
Marino discloses relationship with felon to the Justice Department and is ordered to withdraw from the investigation into felon.
Nov. 2006: Marino's name on list of prosecutors to be fired
Sampson places Marino's name on another list of targeted prosecutors.
Sept. 13, 2006: Marino on firing line at DOJ
D. Kyle Sampson, the chief of staff to then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, places Marino's name on a list of U.S. Attorneys the department "should consider pushing out."
Jan. 2006: Marino "problem" attorney, according to DOJ
A Justice Department official includes Marino on a list of "problem" prosecutors and tells a colleague she is "not sure about" him.
Dec. 2005: Marino writes reference letter
Marino writes personal reference for the casino application of a felon who is under investigation by his office.
2004: Federal investigation into felon begins.
2002: Tom Marino sworn in as U.S. attorney for Middle District of Pennsylvania.
Tom Marino has been unavailable for press interviews since this story broke and even his website is down. He is not only a liar but a coward who will not face the press. Expect him to show up on FOX News to tell us Nancy Pelosi is a liberal in the near future.
There is a newer Carney attack ad up but it's not on YouTube yet. This one is playing defense:
Love the Foster Grants
8 hours ago
What gets me is this: why lie about something that was so easy to disprove? He didn't comprehend that maybe someone would actually want to see the letter?
This guy doesn't deserve to get elected for one simple reason: he is a moron. For God's sake, if you are going to lie, at least do it well.
Both candidates suck - one lies about a letter and reference (and it is a big deal) and the other lies abut what he stands for and what he'll do for the right leaning district. Both are scum in my book. It's too bad that the political process has resulted with these two being the choices. But it is our system - and thankfully, only one of them will serve!
But I have a thought on the Marino Campaign. I think they're trying to throw the race (Black Sox analogy) - no one could be trying and run a race this poorly. This issue of the letter had run it course and this dope opens his mouth and creates a second fire storm. It defies all reason and logic. Unless you're trying to throw the race.
Good point Anon. It does almost look he's he's trying to throw the race. I am still in shock that this is the guy "the establishment" picked to endorse. Even in his TV commercial where they let him speak, he sounds like a mobster. Doesn't help take away the "deals with mobsters" image. Carney, you can just sit back and save your money. You've got this one.
In the initial interview with Corbett Marino never states he had permission. He said he told his supervisors and they didn't have a problem with it. Marino said HE vetted it. No one else.
The letter was supposedly mentioned in a private phone call with Corbett by some one other than Marino.
I have never heard Corbett outright lie. But he has gotten facts wrong in the past and exaggerating conclusions appears to be part of his schtick.
Yonk had a great analysis last week, I think it was Wednesday, on this topic. He really nailed Marino's lousy handling of his campaign.
Letter or not, Marino's judgment stinks:
2002: Tom Marino, appointed by the Bush administration, is sworn in as U.S. Attorney for Middle District of Pennsylvania.
2004: Federal investigation into felon Louis DeNaples begins. The case is assigned to Marino's office.
Dec. 2005: Marino writes personal reference for the casino application of Louis DeNaples who is under investigation by Marino's office.
Jan. 2006: A Justice Department official (in the Bush administration) includes Marino on a list of "problem" prosecutors and tells a colleague she is "not sure about" him.
Sept. 13, 2006: D. Kyle Sampson, the chief of staff to then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (appointed by President Bush), places Marino's name on a list of U.S. Attorneys the department "should consider pushing out."
Nov. 2006: Sampson places Marino's name on another list of targeted prosecutors.
Jan. 2007: Marino discloses relationship with felon Louis DeNaples to the Justice Department and is ordered to withdraw from the active investigation into DeNaples. Investigation of DeNaples transferred to US District attorney office in Binghamton, NY.
Aug. 21, 2007: The Allentown Morning Call breaks news that Marino had served as reference on felon’s (Louis DeNaples's) casino application and was forced to withdraw from probe.
Aug. 24, 2007: The Allentown Morning Call reports that Marino will resign, three days after story breaks about his withdrawal from probe and the reference he provided for Louis DeNaples.
Oct. 2007: Marino resigns
Anon 10:02
Nice try at spinning this story but there is no way that he told his superiors about the reference and "vetted it" Why can't he just say what really happened? It is quite apparent at this point.
He got a call from from a DeNaples friend asking to provide a reference. He didn't want to say no so he looked through the DOJ police book and found out that he could do it at long as he didn't use his official credentials.
The fact is he did lie when he said he had permission. And it was totally unethical to provide the reference in the first place given the fact that DeNaples was CURRENTLY UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION. It doesn't even matter if it was Marino's office or not.
Now he is cought in his web of lies and he can't even remember what he said.
There are still questions that need to be answered. The most importand is why did he resign. He was being protected by his relationship with Specter but even that couldn't save him in the end.
There is clearly more to this story and I can't wait until the other shoe drops. I'm sure the folks at DOJ had a lot of questions. Maybe Marino lied to them too.
2:49pm, whether he told his supervisors or not I just listened to it and no where does Marino say he received permission. It begs the question, did Corbett jump to a conclusion and run with it?
Ok so there is some bungling of the letter. But we are talking about a letter compared to the Massive Failure of Carney for voting for Obamacare and the Failed stimulus bill. Lets get this straight. The people on here and Gort are making a bigger deal of a Letter then 2.5 trillion dollars of debt Carney Voted for? You people are insane. DUMP CHRIS CARNEY ON NOV 2nd
Hey here is one of those Dump Chris Carney people. Hey dumper, why don't you tell all the kind folks on this blog where your money is coming from. It's quite ironic that the word "Dump" is in the name. Tell Mr. Merrit his secert is safe with us. Maybe someone else in his family can get a job at the casino too. Isn't it funny how so many former law enforcement people and former prosecutors seem to get a job with uncle Louie.
Email me the details of your allegation.
so what??? Steve Urban has been lying for years and the fools keep electing him!
Marino, as well as Barletta, are on a list of Republicans who would force women to have babies in cases of rape and incest:
This is (was???) a huge conservative site; Little Green Footballs. This guy was responsible for getting Dan Rather kicked off the air...but look at him now:
112 GOP Candidates Support Forcing Women to Bear Rapists' Babies
Today I discovered a... link to the Republican National Coalition for Life PAC, where they rate GOP candidates on their anti-abortion purity, and my jaw is on the floor at how many of these candidates support the cruelest and most extreme anti-abortion positions — forcing a woman to give birth to a rapist’s baby, even if the rapist is her father.
By the sheer number of these people, it looks like there’s going to be a very big push to make abortion flat-out illegal in all cases, coming soon. If I’m reading the page correctly, 112 of the GOP candidates in this election support outright bans on abortion: 2010 Election Candidates responses to the RNC/Life Questionnaire.
112 GOP Candidates Support Forcing Women to Bear Rapists' Babies
Republican National Coalition for Life PAC supports Republican candidates who are pro-life without discrimination and who will work to translate Republican pro-life platform principles into public policy and law. For your information, we have listed the Republican Congressional Candidates whose responses to the RNC/Life Questionnaire indicate they are faithfully pro-life, and do not justify abortion for babies who are conceived through rape or incest, have a handicap, or a genetic defect.
Politicians who justify the deliberate killing of an unborn baby hold a view that is inconsistent with the goal of the pro-life movement and the Republican National Platform which states in part: “The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.” RNC/Life does not support candidates who hold such exceptions because to do so ensures that abortion will remain legal in America. The exception makes the rule. Please do what you can to educate your congressional candidates so they recognize their inconsistency. You can’t claim to be pro-life and justify abortion at the same time.
2010 Election Candidates responses to the RNC/Life Questionnaire.
At least 78 GOP candidates would force women to bear rapists’ babies
big dan, don't you have your own blog for these long winded rants? why not just post a link? Sorry that would take rational thought and liberals don't think rationally, my bad
Maybe big Dan was raped. Did anyone think of that. Or Big Dan has raped and wouldn't want his babies born because of that..
anonymous: FU
To CHICKEN to post your REAL NAME?
COWARDS hide behind "anonymous".
does the manner in which a life was created justify taking that life?
Big Fat Dan are you even from the 10th District?
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