I was able to spend a few minutes with a Republican state rep candidate after his announcement. Paul Stebbins is a grad of Nanticoke HS and Bloomsburg University earning a degree in education. He is taking on Phyllis Mundy for the 120th district seat based in Luzerne County's west side. He opposes the state bailing out local local towns who cannot pay their bills and favors property tax reform. He advocates the 3 V's as he calls them. "A person must have a vision on how to make other people feel better about where you are taking them. A person must have a voice that will air their visions. A person must have a vote that will help voice that vision. I believe that I have these three V's. " He is also not an advocate of regionalization.
"I believe that regionalization is a bad idea and that once a community loses its own police forces , it loses it's identity."
He does not agree with school strikes but thinks the question should be left to local districts and opposes the Mellow bill outlawing school teacher stikes. He was adamant in his opposition to slot machines saying you should not tie gambling to education.
"I believe slots will be a losing issue before it becomes a winning one."
His website has more detail:
120th District "Leadership for a Change"
9 hours ago
Paul was crazy in HS! I just emailed him to say hello.
Regionalization is a bad idea. LOL.
Yeah, I want to make sure taxes stay high and a community can't grow because we're spending an extra $150,000/year to keep a name on a police cruiser or fire truck.
This guy is not a Republican. I think Chacke is the only legit candidate in the field for 120th Republican nomination...and the only elected official with a political base.
That made me sick to hear....against regionalization. Losing identity? Towns are only imaginary lines drawn on paper. What matters are the people and their quality of life...and if combining departments means more police on the street and better fire equipment in the garage...sign me up.
Well that's a great idea. Save the dollars over feeling secure. Tom Kelly from Troop P said "This would put extra bearing on the troopers." This and the fact that only state laws would be able to be inforced. Joe Chacke has no political base. He recieved the least number of votes in the general election (119 votes) and somehow due to backdoor politics was named president. If there was a debate neither Stebbins or Chacke would win but Cordora. He is well spoken and articulate. Joe Chacke has no right running in this election because the people of Forty Fort don't want him. Go Cordora!!!! If not Cordora at least Stebbins!!!! Signed- a pissed citizen of Forty Fort
Hey pissed citizen of Forty Fort. Do you happen to be related to the swine that are milking the money from our town? If not, then a friend of them? Well, we hear in Forty Fort are actually pretty satisfied with the job council did. The newspaper sensationalized it and jackasses like you made it worse. What happened in the end? Oh yeah, we got a 5 year contract, insisted upon by Mr. Chacke, the police only wanted a 3 year deal. Let's see what else this Mr. Chacke that our town "doesn't want" has done for us. Hmm, no tax hikes, created a youth basketball league, got grants, paved some streets, helped the Shade Tree Commission, cleaned up Abraham's Creek, settled a very tense contract that most people on council didn't want to, started the junior council person, went to the school district to get them to pay their fair share of crossing guards and participated in an electric study with Kingston and Edwardsville. God no, we don't want a guy like that, do we? Oh yeah for his least amount of votes, 85% is real bad. Stop crying because your baby friends don't like that someone finally stood up to them. I now this guy from seeing him around the park (which I might add, as chairman he spent a lot of time there) and town and he actually has some great ideas. Vote for Chacke, our only REAL chance in Harrisburg.
-Signed Happy Citizen of Forty Fort
How is 119 votes in a general election 85%? The math doesn't make sense. Hmmmm so if 119 votes is 85% then John Cordora has nothing to worry about being from Kingston and all. He is the person to beat. Chacke has no money to run and Cordora can spend all his free time getting to the voter. By the way a Junior Council is so high school. Chacke is a joke and every sane person will vote for Cordora because he is the man. Although it doesn't matter because I'm voting for Mundy.
goof ball, 85% out of 143 voters, dummy, your as dumb as Cordaro. CHeck out Chacke's Financial reports, he has the business community!
Well that's funny. See Public records say the only deed to Joe Chacke is a 3,000.00 bond. No mortgage, Just check up at the courthouse. Cordora at least has credentials and even Stebbins has a mortgage. It's all public info. Check on it if you don't believe me.
what the heck are you talking about? you are grasping at straws. and to take a shot like that, whether it's true or not,means you are worried you have no chance.
I work at the Courthouse and took that guys advice. Actually there are 3 properties in his name, so whoever this guy is, he's a liar.
Cordora For State Rep. Chacke sucks the balls off a moose. Cordora will outdebate him and rip him to shreds on experience, being as Cordora was once a Pennsylvania Committee Member for years. Chacke won't know what hit him and by the way Chacke doesn't have three properties so your lying he lives in an apartment in FF. Apt 1 ass clown. CORDORA FOR STATE REP.
Wow, I was actually going to vote for Cordora until know. I was doing a little research on the candidates and came across this blog. It was interesting until I got to the last comment. I'll be honest, I was highly offended. I don't really care if someone owns 1 house 7 houses or none. I'm looking for someone who represents me closely or who will do the best job. As a matter of fact, I rented for a long time before I bought a house and I don't like the insinuation that because I rented I was a second class citizen. I paid taxes both directly and indirectly. I served on a local school board for 4 years as a renter too. Mr. Cordaro, if that is you making those statements, or you know who it is that is, I'd suggest you stop and focus on the real issues at hand. You've lost 4 votes in my family and I'm sure more people wouldn't like this behavior. Especially for Christian Republicans like myself.
I verified it, Chacke does own property in Luzerne County. I didn't find 3 though. And like the previous person stated, what the hell does it matter? Moose balls? Wow, he must have some talents.
Oh My God! Chacke sucked moose balls and Cordora watched? How sick is that? Cordora you freak!
I think the person was incinuating that Cordora may have more money for this election but I don't know if that is an indication. I like either of the two younger candidates myself. New blood. Chacke and Stebbins will do well and I think that both are building a foundation for politics here in our area. I am a Wyoming Area Supporter and I have met one of the candidates and he seemed very nice and affectionate. He sat down at my table for twenty minutes and listened and that was nice. However because I don't want any candidates getting shelled here by inconsiderate people I won't say his name. I just know I've already sat, talked, and listened with him and he was an absolutely fresh breath of air.
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