Friday, August 31, 2007
How 'bout dem Mets

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
PA 10th CD update
Don Ely, a retired school teacher and minister from Northumberland County is the only one who has officially announced his candidacy for the nomination. Davis Haines of Tunkhannock is someone I've never heard of but he knows State Rep. Tina Pickett and showed up at her picnic. As predicted self described Homeland Security expert and statewide loser Joe Peters has been on the hustings. Greg Skrepenak's (D-Luzerne) buddy Christopher Hackett of One Source Staffing Solutions got some nice press in the Williamsport paper. He emphasized his opposition to illegal immigration, which is standard fare for a Republican, but that is dangerous territory for someone who runs a temp agency.
And the eventual nominee Dan Meuser had a nice interview with Townhall. He bobbed and weaved about Iraq and other foreign policy issues and takes a couple of swipes at Bush. He's against increasing taxes, promotes free trade but doesn't want to screw with Social Security.
I think Meuser will be the nominee because he has the most money, even if he gives some of it to Hillary and other Democrats. The GOP is going to be playing defense in 2008 and having a candidate like Don Sherwood that is willing to buy a seat in Congress will be a great help.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I'm back
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Big Ten Network and Comcast
It still comes down to the sports tier vs. $1.10 a month for everyone. Comcast wants to put BTN into a sports package that people who are interested pay an extra $5 a month and BTN wants to be on basic cable at $1.10 per suscriber. The Chicago Tribune has a good rundown of the dispute. Comcast says that the BTN has a limited appeal and should be put off on a specialty band and BTN calls bullshit on this argument pointing out that they already carry limited appeal channels such as Versus and a bunch of religion and shopping networks. Since Comcast took over from Adelphia they have cut four channels from my local lineup; the WE network(38), ESPN Classic(67), UPN-57 (11) and Newswatch16 (63) and the price went up. Comcast also has entered The Customer Service Hall of Shame.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Happy Babe-Elvis Day
We need a day that celebrates our penchant for excess and what cultural icons embody it better? The Babe had a robust lifestyle that is well documented and the King himself expired on the throne. For some reason my letters to members of Congress proposing this holiday have never been answered but maybe I'm aiming too high and we should start with a local event. Babe Ruth once visited Artillery Park and a commemorative plaque is planned. It should be unveiled next August 16th with a festival in Kirby Park where people would play baseball while being serenaded by Elvis impersonators. I'm sure it would catch on nationally.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Chris Carney update

Why single out someone like Carney (PA-10, which you list incorrectly as PA-04 in the main article) whose District is R+8 and is seeking re-election as a freshman?
Here are two options that make more pragmatic sense:
Idea A
Why not focus that same money, time, and energy lobbying members in more Democratic districts where you will (1) likely have more success and (2) not help elect a Republican over an economically progressive Democratic freshman like Carney?....
Note: Carney's District, PA-10, went to Bush 60-40 in 2004. What kind of Republican would replace Democrats who are holding seats like that?
Idea B
Why not focus that same money, time, and energy on electing progressive Dems in current republican-held districts like PA-06 (Gerlach)?
I think Down With Tyranny's strategy is better:
There are various courses of action to take in different districts. Obviously, never vote for a Republican for anything, anywhere. They all stink because their underlying partisan philosophy of Greed, Bigotry, Hatred and Selfishness is just plain toxic. Reactionary and corrupt Democrats who voted like Republicans should never be supported and when primary time comes around they should be opposed.
I doubt if anyone will take on Carney in the primary but if some Democrat ran against him over his Iraq votes it would be interesting.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Will he or won't he
And yet another story speculates about Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta's future. Will he run for Congress against Paul Kanjorski or seek another office? He says he will decide by January whether to run for Congress in 2008 which suggests to me that he will pass on a 11th CD run. To take on a long time incumbent like Kanjo he would have to start raising money now.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Saturday pet blogging
Last week's adventure involved Humphrey trying to make friends with a skunk. The skunk was having none of it and expressed his displeasure in the usual way. This happened at 1AM on Friday which required the dog to spend the rest of the night outside much to his chagrin. Forget tomato juice this mixture of peroxide, baking soda and dish soap works much better. But nothing eliminates the smell totally it just takes time to wear off. When I gave him the bath he didn't act like I
Ptolemy thought the whole thing was pretty funny.
Other pet blogs this week got exotic. Northern Girl gives us a view of life on the farm with cats, dogs, goats and horses with the added bonus of the wheat harvest. Patricia has been feeding stray cats and box turtles.
Kanjo News

Kanjorski comments on bridge collapse spark fierce backlash
This is an interesting story because it cherry picks the comments from Think Progress but doesn't but doesn't cite the source. I'm sure the reporter sourced his story but it was edited out. What is it with the local rags unwillingness to give credit to the blogosphere? And as far as the rumors that he may hang it up his mouthpiece, Ed Mitchell, said he has no plans to retire. Kanjo himself hasn't been able to be reached because he is off on his annual trek to New Mexico. I hope he is as lucky as was on his last trip when he won 20 grand playing blackjack.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Joe Lieberman for Vice President

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Home rule in Luzerne County
Both parties opposed the plan with Democrats saying things are fine the way they are because they win most of the elections but the Republicans reason was downright funny. They were afraid they would lose the only office they are guaranteed to win, minority commissioner.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Dan Meuser update
Meuser's company, Pride Mobility Products Corp., has run into another legal problem.
EXETER – A woman formerly employed at Pride Mobility Products Corp. has filed a wage discrimination lawsuit against the company, alleging she was paid less than male counterparts who performed the same job.
She also is alleging sexual harassment and retaliation for complaining about it. Earlier Pride settled a lawsuit over the death of an elderly man using their wheelchair, in which plaintiffs alleged that a defective battery caused a fire.
The timing of this lawsuit is interesting and Pride said they'll fight it court. Want to bet they settle out of court with a confidentiality clause included in the agreement.
And we all know about some of his campaign contributions that prompted this "Thank You" from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairman.
Dear Mr. Meuser,
On behalf of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, I wanted to thank you for your kind, past contributions to strong Democrats such as Congressman Paul Kanjorski, Senator Hillary Clinton, Congressman Charlie Rangel and many others. Your contributions have helped Democrats to take back the House and Senate in 2006 and potentially take the White House in 2008.
Thanks to your contributions, the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives has been able to increase the minimum wage, ensure that our men and women in uniform have the resources they need in Iraq and continue to put pressure on President Bush to change his failed policies in Iraq.
We thank you for your past support and hope that you continue assisting us.
T.J. Rooney
EDITOR'S NOTE: in the 2004 and 2006 elections, Dan Meuser and Pride Mobility made the following contributions to Democratic Candidates in the House and Senate. (Click here for contribution record)
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Saturday pet blogging
I'm told that Kevin Drum started this pet picture thing with FRIDAY CATBLOGGING. The Bassets are actually standing up this week and Fred was framed.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A call to action

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Bob Cordaro can't fill out forms
Here we go again. For the second time Lackawanna County Commissioner Bob Cordaro is off the ballot after a challenge to his latest financial statement. He got bounced off the primary ballot when his last statement was found to be incomplete by the state Supreme Court but won a write-in campaign. He may get a third chance if the party nominates him as his own replacement and will file yet another financial disclosure. Good luck with that. So is he incapable of filling out some routine forms or doesn't he want to fill them out completely?
I've never been a fan of this guy and it has nothing to do with his party affiliation. I don't live in Lackawanna County but I'm still pissed off that he chased the Phillies Triple A team out of town then came up smelling like roses because the Yankee's team took their place. He's been running ads that have have Brian Cashman singing his praises. He was put in charge of the negotiations with Mandalay and gave away the store. I think the team should be sold but not at a bargain basement price. Luzerne County is objecting to his business acumen. And I won't even go into the fun and games at the Airport.
Lou Barletta get's a challenger
He says he's optimistic about his chances, I'm not. Crime, roads and playgrounds are always good issues but Barletta is the local hero right now winning both the Republican and Democratic nominations.