It's the way our system works. The people who have been in charge for the last 8 years have not done a good job so we replaced them. Mr. Bush has been the worst resident of the White House in my memory and many of my fellow citizens agree with that assessment. Endless war, Katrina, blowing up the budget, torture, Gitmo, etc. the list is too long to enumerate. The final straw was the collapse of the financial system resulting in a government takeover of some of the largest banks in the world. What's the word to describe the government owning the commanding heights of the economy? Oh yeah, Socialism. I don't think that any Republican could have won in this environment.
The Republicans threw every piece of shit they could come up with at Obama hoping something would stick but it didn't. He has been the target of more smears and guilt by association charges than I have ever seen but he kept his cool. He also defeated the Clinton machine in the primaries that dragged on throughout the spring that I think eventually helped him win the General Election because it brought so many new voters into the process. If you don't think he is tough enough to kill our foreign enemies just remember how he faced down and defeated his domestic opponents.
I have been reading conservative blogs all day that are predicting the end of the world as we know it. Get a grip people. The Republicans have fucked up the government and now the Democrats will put it right.
10 hours ago
Nice try Dzickhead.
Bush isn't finished ass-raping this nation yet.
Another Monkey: The Scorched Earth
You make a good point, Gort. As a Republican, it brings me no pleasure in watching the Republican Party collapse the way that it has.
However, I think it needs to happen. The Republican Party, in my opinion, has gone too far to the right. We gave the keys to the car to a bunch of maniacs and they went hauling ass, full speed, off a cliff. And they had the rest of the Republican Party in the trunk.
Republicans need to learn from this election. We've fallen from grace and there are reasons for that. The party must get back in touch with the American people and offer, once again, something intelligent.
A new generation of Republican leadership must step up to the plate. We need new ideas, a more moderate platform, and some politicians who aren't so far to the Right that they scare Darth Vader.
Oh, and yeah, I'm as giddy as a prom date about Barletta losing the election. WOOT!
All for now.
-Dan Cheek
Wow Anon 9:13 your lack of taste is just why this change is so very important and much needed. It's time we had an African American in the house that slaves built...though I can't wait for the day a woman is called Miss/Ms/Mrs. President.
Then your head will spin itself into a coma. What a sweet day that would be!
~Sassy Fox
Anon 9:13 proves that we are not short of ignorance in this nation.
Bush wasn't the worst. Carter was worse. Carter wanted lower penalties for drug convictions, gave bleak speeches to Americans that gave us no hope, higher inflation of gas prices than under the Bush administration, and couldn't find his way out of a paper bag let alone the hostages in Iran.
Let's revisit this post in four years. The Democrats have a tall order to fill. There can be no excuses anymore. They hid behind Bush saying a Republican president. Now they have a President. They hid behind Bush's veto. Now they have the Congress.
American will not be able to afford more entitlement. There is not enough money now due to the population expansion. If the Democrats are expecting that to happen why not follow the words of one of their greatest Presidents, John F. Kennedy who I strongly admired.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
If you think this election united America I am going to use Dr. Agapito Lopez's words published in the Standard Speaker Nov 4, 2008
"Oh definitely, they’ll go toward him," he said. "He’s a more diverse person. (Obama) represents people of color in the country. The Latinos will go for color."
If Barack was born in America like you and me are we not electing another President. Why did we elect an Afro-American President? Because of color? If that is the case there will be a stronger divide at the end of this journey.
Some how, I get the idea that you were talking about what I wrote. Probably just my ego. I did write some rather grim predictions and do believe there is a very real probability of them happening. I also wrote that I soncerely hope Obama goes down in history as a great pres. I meant that too as the alternative means only bad things for America.
By the way, did you read the paper today?
A week ago Obama talked about ending funding for missile defense systems. Two days ago he made history and was elected pres. Yesterday, Russia started moving missiles. Probably just coincidence, right?
Great post Gort. What a joke it is to say that we've got to worry about Obama fucking up the country. We just had the stupidest fucking guy in the world wrecking basically every major aspect of the country for 8 years. Now we've chosen to give the command to a guy who ran one of the best national campaigns in history and who seems like a smart, thoughtful, and humble leader. Smart people who care about this country more than they care about partisan politics aren't worried, they are relieved beyond belief. The reign of gross incompetence is over. Anyone who defends Bush should never fire anyone for anything ever. You clearly hold no one accountable.
If you people buy in that everything in this country happened because of the last eight years then you are grossly misinformed. Democrats are at least equally repsonsible as Republicans. Washington does'nt care about you and me. They have their own rules.
The extreme rhetoric about Republicans is the exact reason there is going to be a great divide.
Please don't tell about machines. Richard Daley had a machine. Having a grip on a country doesn't mean having the right grip.
Barack blamed Bush for a 10 trillion dollar defecit due to tax cuts. Yet he says he going to cut taxes for 95% of the people by taxing the wealthy. Evidently he didn't look around at his brethren in Washington to find there isn't a pauper among them.
McGruff is right about the fact you can't blame republicans for everything.
How quickly we forgot about the esteemed democrat Barney Frank, the mastermind behind the credit crisis.
Here is the avg net worth of the Top Ten legislators in Washington both Senate and Congress from Open Secrets
1.Jane Harman (D-Calif)$397,412,077
2 Darrell Issa (R-CA)$343,457,521
3 John Kerry (D-Mass $336,224,883
4 Herb Kohl (D-Wis)$241,545,513
5 Robin Hayes (R-NC)$173,409,173
6 Vernon Buchanan(R-Fla)$165,748,714
7 Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass)$103,560,020
8 Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa)$93,715,011
9 Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) $89,509,099
10 Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) $84,171,162
7 out of the top ten are Democrats
Here's Nancy Pelosi at #12
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) $62,468,047
And John McCain at #25
John McCain (R) $28,452,080
"With a collective net worth of $3.7 billion, most of Congress's 535 members have fewer financial concerns in a recession than their constituents.
McCain remains one of Senate's many millionaires, and Obama joins the club."
But I bet there are alot of people out there who think only Republicans represent the rich.
Try to convince me that those making over $250,000.00 will pay more.
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