Acting Luzerne County Controller Anthony Martinelli crashed his car into a wall at 3AM a few days ago and police allege he was shitfaced at the time. He then gave one of the more memorable “Give me a break” DUI performances.
CV: Martinelli exited the vehicle, his pants had fallen to around his knees and he handed over his county badge when asked for identification. Martinelli, 32, of Dupont, then began spouting the names of local politicians he knows and begged for a break. Martinelli told Purcell he’d be fired if he was arrested and said, “Why are you trying to ruin my life?”Arrest papers also note that, at one point, Martinelli tried to exit the police car by continuously pushing on the door. When an officer confronted him, Martinelli allegedly said, “I know I (expletive) up. Just take me home.”
And from the TL: At that point Martinelli “started naming local politicians that he stated he knew, along with the statement, ‘Maryanne will fire me. Why are you trying to ruin my life?’ ”
He also told police, “Just let me out. No one will know,” and asked if knowing township Supervisor Joe Zelonis “could help him.
His BAC was .212
I think everyone will want to know why were his pants falling down.
And yes Dana, Mr. Martinelli is a Democrat.
2 hours ago
“Participant #2” sounds kind of smelly did anyone check the air in that courthouse lately I know miss moran
Maybe his pants were falling down drunk? :) Or maybe he had a girlfriend in the car with him and he was distracted not by the alcohol but by something more pleasant?
However, I do like Mr Martinelli's statement, "Maryanne will fire me. Why are you trying to ruin my life?" I wonder if, now that he's had a chance to sober up and stop whining like a seven-year-old, if he has considered that it was he who has just ruined his life, and not the police?
WHY......were his pants down???
I can't think of a scenario, where his pants could be down. Can anyone else???
WHY WERE HIS PANTS DOWN???????????????????
" (he) began spouting the names of local politicians he knows and begged for a break."
I would like to know the names of the politicians he was spouting...
Martinelli is the deputy controller and has been the acting controller since Maryanne Petrilla resigned in January 2008 to begin a term as county commissioner. His annual salary is $58,349. Petrilla appointed Martinelli as her deputy in January 2006.
“Mr. Martinelli had an unfortunate lapse in judgment last Monday,” said his attorney Joe Nocito.
bd: Was that lapse in judgment for smashing his vehicle, being drunk, or greeting the cops with his pants down, or "all of the above"???
Martinelli was just living the country song: 'cause tequilla makes his clothes fall off :)
Gort said:
"I think everyone will want to know why were his pants falling down."
I disagree. In fact, I can prove you are wrong. I very much do not want to know why his pants were down. That is knowledge that I was take pro-active steps to avoid.
His pants were down because a chicken was loose in the car and he was trying to choke it?
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