When I first read this speculation on Pittson Politics that someone from up our way could take on Democrat Tim Holden (PA-17) in the upcoming primary in the newly gerrymandered district I had my doubts. Holden is a long time member of Congress that has been able to raise gobs of campaign cash in the past and the calendar would work against any hopeful. The primary is April 24th with nominating petitions closing February 14th. That is a tight schedule when most Congressional campaigns in the past have started in the summer or fall the year before when the boundaries were known.
Taking Wilkes-Barre and Scranton and the towns in between out of the 11th CD depriving me the representation of Lou Barletta and the chance to vote against him in 2012 at first enraged me because it defied geography, history and common sense. Now the 17th is centered on W-B and Scranton by population with rest of the district consisting of chopped up parts of a few other counties so it presents new challenges and opportunities.
Looking at the new landscape a Lackawanna County attorney Matt Cartwright is looking at a challenge to Holden in the Democratic Primary according to Roderick Random in the Scranton Times. He takes a shot against Holden saying Congressmen are bought and paid for he's heard suggestions that congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers with logos representing their special interest benefactors. He declined to directly criticize Mr. Holden. Then he says money won't be a problem for him "I don't think financing is going to be a problem," Mr. Cartwright said.
What stickers he would wear was not discussed. It might be an ambulance logo judging by his law firm ads.
"I have to say that I have not been satisfied with the job Congress is doing, and he's been in there," Mr. Cartwright said. He said he would "stand up to the White House."
"Somebody needs to do that for the Democratic policies and demand they take stronger positions with some of the things they don't now."
Tim Holden voted against the Affordable Care Act and is a sponsor of Stop Online Piracy Act which may put many of small online businesses out of business. I'm not so parochial to suggest that we should vote for our guy instead of a longtime Congressman but I'm open to suggestions.
Taking Wilkes-Barre and Scranton and the towns in between out of the 11th CD depriving me the representation of Lou Barletta and the chance to vote against him in 2012 at first enraged me because it defied geography, history and common sense. Now the 17th is centered on W-B and Scranton by population with rest of the district consisting of chopped up parts of a few other counties so it presents new challenges and opportunities.

Looking at the new landscape a Lackawanna County attorney Matt Cartwright is looking at a challenge to Holden in the Democratic Primary according to Roderick Random in the Scranton Times. He takes a shot against Holden saying Congressmen are bought and paid for he's heard suggestions that congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers with logos representing their special interest benefactors. He declined to directly criticize Mr. Holden. Then he says money won't be a problem for him "I don't think financing is going to be a problem," Mr. Cartwright said.
What stickers he would wear was not discussed. It might be an ambulance logo judging by his law firm ads.
"I have to say that I have not been satisfied with the job Congress is doing, and he's been in there," Mr. Cartwright said. He said he would "stand up to the White House."
"Somebody needs to do that for the Democratic policies and demand they take stronger positions with some of the things they don't now."
Tim Holden voted against the Affordable Care Act and is a sponsor of Stop Online Piracy Act which may put many of small online businesses out of business. I'm not so parochial to suggest that we should vote for our guy instead of a longtime Congressman but I'm open to suggestions.
Gort, I respect your views and your posts are always insightful. Having said that, I don't necessarily think it would be merely parochial to vote for 'our guy instead of a longtime Congressman.' I think that Mr. Cartwright would be a far better representative for the 17th district than Mr. Holden. His embrace of the middle class and his support for an agenda that advances the middle class is one that reflects the concerns of NEPA voters. He's a down-to-earth, stand-up guy who will bring those same attributes to the House. He'll fight for the middle class, something that the current Congress has not adequately done.
Just what we need. Another millionaire lawyer saying he understands the middle class.
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