On Friday Another Monkey revisited his idea of a blogger buddy system to alert the world if one of our electronic scribes bites the dust. He was inspired to write about this subject after learning of the death of Jon Swift who was a brilliant writer. He was like the Stephen Colbert of the blogosphere. I read him all the time.
Mark liked the idea and suggested that we should all have a pre-written post ready in case we meet an untimely demise and even wrote his own obit. Then on Saturday a death notice for Joseph Sam Valenti, formerly of Pittston, appeared in the TL. My inbox lit up asking if this was the same Joe Valenti who writes PittsonPolitics.com. I'm happy to report that Joe is alive and well. He told me that the Joe Valenti in question is a distant relative of his and we send our condolences to his family.
I'm not sure how much longer I have on this earth and right now I feel awful. My back still hurts after digging out of the last snow storm, my head hurts because I tripped over my own feet and smacked my head on the water heater. To top it off I just got back from the dentist after getting drilled for a crown. None of this is life threatening but my genetics are a worry. Few male members of my father's family have made it past 60. Factor in my lifestyle, subtract 10 and I think my days are numbered. This post is starting to sound like a Woody Allen movie. Love, death and taxes.
Before we all croak I have proposed to a few of my brethren in local blogosphere that we get together soon and invite some candidates or their representatives for local office along with commenter's and lurkers. Friday March 26th works for me and we just to need to agree on a venue. The last one we had was at Dan's Keystone Grill that was well attended with candidates for Luzerne County Controller and W-B Area School Board showing up. Even 10th CD candidate Corey O'Brien made an appearance.
Dan's is to small and Mark's Pub is to loud so we need a new venue for the next meetup. One wag suggested that we meet at Patte's Sports Bar which I think would be fun but some people would like to avoid the place.
The not dead yet Joe Valenti suggested that we get together at Rooney's Irish Pub in Pittston. That sounds good but I'm open to suggestions.
Update: The Willow Tree in Hilldale section of Plains Twp has a back room and Old Tyme Charlie's has also been suggested .
Hey, whaddya know? I'm free on the 26th! Can't get too polluted, though - it's back to the DVD factory on the night of the 27th.
If I whacked my melon off the water heater, I'd be shopping for a new water heater?
And the dentist? Drilled? For a CROWN? You can just get a tiara at Party City, you know...
WVW: "reddi". Usually followed by "whip", or preceeded by "Helen."
Oh my God, this is so strange. I was thinking about this tonight on the drive home from work thinking I'd leave instructions for Gort to post a faewell if I kicked. If the cancer thing didn't work out last year, I was thinking about a final edition. And now I open it up and boom, there it is. BTW, I saw Valenti in church Saturday night and he told me about the other Valenti guy.
How about a Nord End bar? Patte's? Liam's?
I know...The Leisure. We can learn from that experience by drinking with the homeless.
Mark - Yes, there are a few homeless people that drink at the Leisure. I have personally given them free food and clothing in the past. There are many people in this neighborhood who are very much down on their luck, perhaps many would say that it is of their own doing, perhaps not. But, the Leisure is a little noisy for a meeting. Even the homeless and down on their luck love their music, just like you.
I'm all in!
Go the hell wherever you commies want to, but stay away from my beloved Legion!! You group of panty wastes couldn't handle a group of real Americans. Wherever you go, I'm sure I'm not invited, but I don't want to be there anyways!! As for the other subject of this subversive post, I do want to be at each of your funerals!!!
Joe V is till with us but Joe Valenti has passed. My condolences to his family but this is further proof that only the good die young.
How about Patte's Sport Bar?
March 26th is my fantasy baseball draft. Not that you'd consider that when picking a date...
GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and Phillies)
Actually it was I who recommended Pat Patte's. And, the other Joe V was a great guy. He'll be missed
Thanks Joe, no sense in keeping business in Pittston.
Anon: 10:33 p.m. Good Point!
why would a guy who runs a pittston blog that charges pittston businesses advertising want to take business to wilkes barre?
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