The Scranton Building & Construction Trades Council and Northeast Pennsylvania Building & Construction Trades Council endorsed Corey O'Brien for Congress over incumbent Paul Kanjorski. I find this surprising because Kanjo has always had solid union support but then again he has never had a serious primary challenge.
TT: While Mr. Kanjorski has been a "good friend" to unions, affiliate unions to the Scranton trades council feel the congressman didn't do enough to ensure local contractors were selected for work brought in by federal money, said Scranton trades council president Drew Simpson...
Lackawanna County commissioners have signed a project labor agreement to ensure projects through Lackawanna County are performed with local union labor... "There are out-of-area contractors and work force doing work on the project while our affiliates are looking to put our members back to work," Mr. Simpson said.
O'Brien again claimed that he is more electable than Kanjorski; This election is also really not about myself and Paul Kanjorski - it's about winning and keeping the seat in November," Mr. O'Brien said. "Paul Kanjorski has a zero percent chance of beating (Republican candidate) Lou Barletta in November."
Kanjo spokesman Ed Mitchell disputes that; "Our polling data not only shows Kanjorski crushing O'Brien in the primary, but Barletta crushing O'Brien in the general," he said. "We've beaten Barletta twice."
I'd like to see that poll.
15 hours ago
Union label like used toilet paper
Kanjo just doesn't care that the Republicans can beat him and he doesn't have the decency to step down. If for no other reason, I won't vote for Kanjo because he has not explained what the effect of removing 500 billion dollars from Medicare will have on us seniors. No explanation, no vote!
Young Mr. O'Brien does not stand a gnats chance on a light bulb of defeating Mr. Kanjorski for the Democratic nomination. Mr. Kanjorski will most certainly go down to defeat, however, in the Fall. As I had lectured well over a year ago, the tax and spend attitudes of the past and present are now considered to be old hat and completely non sensical. Even the one time liberal state of Massachusetts now recognizes this fact as they have sent the conservative Mr. Brown to replace the most liberal Senator in history (may he rest in peace). I had warned all of the young children two years ago that Mr. Obama's election would be a disaster but, as a spoiled brat who refuses to eat only one chocolate eclair, and instead eats the whole box, the stomach is now aching and the GOP shall now have to provide "medical assistance". A strange analogy but a sensible one if you look clearly.
Students, the true strength of a government does not lie in the "showmanship and style" of its leaders but in the character of its people. A certain tea party changed the course of a nation over two hundred years ago, now we are on the verge of another great change. Students, it is a good time to be alive. Class dismissed!!
I thought Kanjo was out of touch with his constituets but what the hell planet is Ed Mitchell on. You only beat Barletta in 08 because of Obama and thats all. What is wrong with you Ed.
Funny thing about Scott Brown, Cleaver, is that the Tea Party is rather angry at him for voting with the Democrats on the jobs bill (and he will surely vote with them on other bills as well). Thing is that the Tea Party is being duped by the GOP because the GOP sees the Tea Party as a means to achieve power. The GOP does not really care about the tea party. They will use them to get elected. And actual Tea Party candidates who go against the GOP in primaries, will find more defeat than victory.
I still don't want to vote for either of them.
...Kanjorski is arrogant & in the pocket of the very same financial services industry he rails against.
...O'Brien's experience consists of a half term as county commissioner. That might just qualify him for a full term as a county commissioner...and that's about it.
As for Ed Mitchell...well he disputes whatever he is paid to dispute...want him to dispute that Friday comes after Thursday? Just write out a check...
As of right now, it looks like O'Brien, Kanjo and Lou does anyone really think that Lou's experience in Hazleton qualifies him to go to Washington? Well, maybe it does. Washington is already in ruins so Lou can't do any damage there. OK, Lou might be the man.
The legislation Congressman Kanjorski voted for does not cut Medicare benefits. In fact it inceases them by, among other things, closing the donut hole for Medicare prescriptions and by eliminating co-pays for preventive care.
So how does it save money? Three ways:
1. It reduces waste and fraud.
2. It cuts down on private alternatives to traditional Medicare that provide worse insurance at higher costs.
3. It improves care. There are many ways that giving people better care saves money. If, for example, we give people better after-care when they leave the hospital, they are healthier, ther are fewer re-admissions, and costs go down. The same thing happens if we radically reduce hospital acquired infections.
Marc Stier
PA State Director
Health Care for America Now
Now Mark, stop using facts... Don't you realize that in politics that facts and truth don't matter?
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