“Public office is an office of public trust. Any violation like this is a violation of the public’s trust. I don’t care how big or small it is"-Robert Corcoran
Wilkes-Barre Area School Board Director Christine Katsock is being accused of trademark violation for misusing a union label on one of the those annoying sticker ads that was stuck on the front page of the Citizen Voice in April.
Robert Corcoran of Airmont Printing in Plains Township said he co "It's a personnel issue."ntacted the Allied Printing and Trades Association after he discovered Katsock had included Corcoran’s union printing label – which indicated he had printed the document – on campaign material Katsock utilized during the May 2009 primary.
The problem, Corcoran said, is he did not print the material and did not give Katsock permission to use his label. As a union shop, the label is licensed exclusively to him and any use of it without his permission could be considered a violation of trademark laws.
So the ad was not only printed by by another shop they used Corcoran's label and he is pissed. I'm sure this will end up in court.
Ms. Katsock is not as loquacious as she used to be. Back in the old days (pre-2009) she was always good for quote in the local rags. Since she actually got elected to something Katsock is not available for comment.
The TL reports that she did not return a phone message Tuesday seeking comment on this story. When asked why she voted for Gary Polakowski to take the place of to take the place of admitted crook Frank Pizzella she demurred saying "It's a personnel issue." She earlier voted to reappoint Pizzella as board president despite the fact that Frankie Kneecaps was under indictment and declined to explain her vote.
It's like having our our own version of Sarah Palin who never answers questions from the press.
One of the funniest or saddest things is that Katsock is in charge of developing an anti-nepotism hiring policy.
A repost.
Katsock had no comment when asked to explain her vote for Pizzella but it's not hard to figure out if you look at her Campaign Finance Report. Frank Pizzella was her top cash contributor pitching in $3000. She also got $1800 as a in-kind contribution from the Friends of Frank Pizzella. Other notable contributions came from engineer Michael Pasonick who does business with just about every government agency in Luzerne County and has been implicated in the ongoing corruption scandal. Owners and employees of Apollo Electric chipped in $2000 and the owners of Popple Construction $2000.
15 hours ago
What a shame Katsock has become. Or was she really who she said she was? Perhaps we all were duped from the moment she first ran for office.
Not everyone was duped. She was transparent from day one...not an easy task for someone of her proportions....
Her day is done! If she does not think she is accountable to the voters and taxpayers, she needs to take time off from her elected office, resign now, give some serious thought to what is required of a public official and if she feels she can uphold that public trust, she can once again seek office. But for now, she is a terrible disappointment.
I wonder how Christine looks at herself in the mirror. Was getting other people's approval so important in winning election that she dropped everything she claimed to stand for? Kind of sad. Always looking for acceptance from others, no matter who they are.
Everything's made in China or some 3rd world country. U.S. corporations roam the world to find the cheapest, most vulnerable labor, even child labor, to bypass U.S. labor laws. The elephant in the room with soaring U.S. unemployment is U.S. corporations outsourcing American jobs and the media and government not reporting the statistics.
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