In the race to succeed John Yudichak in the 119th State House seat we are down to 3 Democrats and 1 Republican. The GOP hopeful is Rick Arnold and the Dems are Bob Morgan, Gary Zingaretti and Jerry Mullery.
Justin Behrens decided to end his bid and sent along this well thought out explaination.
Over the past couple weeks, while working diligently working to obtain signatures in order to placed on the ballot for State Representative of the 119th District, I have come to realize the severity of a much bigger issue, political mistrust. This was evident by acts of angry door slamming, hostile conversations, and lack of interest in becoming registered voters. The voice of the 119th District is clear, whomever is elected into this office will need to carefully listen to the people they serve in order to gain back public trust.
This is why I have decided to pull my name from ballot and dedicate my next couple years understanding the issues of the people and getting to know them. Serving in the United States Army to defend this constitution and this country with honor, pride and integrity was something that I took seriously. Now, I am going to serve the people of this community with the same values. I want to get a better feel for the people of this district and work on building my grass roots campaign.
I thank all those that supported me and assisted in obtaining signatures, we will be doing this again in the future. I will consider running for public office again keeping to my promise of running without any money from political action committees. Instead, my campaign will run from the bottom up by volunteer supporters with the focus on grass roots interactions. Inspired by Rep Yudichak who was able to knock on the door of each voter twice during his first campaign for the district, I hope to be visiting each doorstep multiple times in the upcoming years.
I will continue to address ending regressive taxation, such as property tax, so that we can ease the undue burden that has been placed on working families. With progressive taxation we can fund our public schools properly, empowering the next generation of leaders.
I will support for legislation that will empower communities to choose a system of governance that would include checks and balances. I believe public money should not be given to private schools. Our public school teachers are heroes and there is not a better investment a society can make than to support their efforts.
Together, with supporters, I will also endeavor to bring about quick meaningful healthcare reform at the state level. I am open to working with any solution that will increase access and quality for everyone.
Finally, I do not consider myself a politician, but rather a statesman. I will continue to build the voice of the people and encourage candidates that are running to speak that voice, which I so passionately helped defend while serving in the United States Army. I will continue to have my website up running at www.friends4justinbehrens.com where I will dialogue and work with the people addressing their needs and concerns. Honor, Pride, and Integrity back in Harrisburg and this great Nation.
uhmm your name was never on the ballot. you have to get signatures verified before you are placed on the ballot. instead of getting to know the people, how about aquatinting yourself with the process. what a putz.
Doors being slammed in your face that is politics dude. Try campaigning for Obama two years ago due. From what you wrote sounds like you don't even know how to get your name on the ballot. I would write in Donald Duck before I would vote for this clown.
Who did he have getting signatures for him. This guy doesnt have a clue what going out and the game of politics is and talking to the public. What a nut.
Paul Mini Me couldnt help him out.
This person has no job, no platform and certainly didn't write this piece.
Nut and putz are apropos as are lazy and clueless; statesman is beyond pushing it. This person has no idea about the political process and would be an embarrassment to the area. Keep an eye out for him in the future....not a guy we want in any office.
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