So Lou Barletta got his ordinance passed. Kick out all the Mexicans and that will solve all our problems. No more Mexicans means no more crime because only illegal immigrants commit crime. Come to Wilkes-Barre pal. The surprise of all this so called controversy is that Santorum's campaign is behind it as Danny points out.
How are you going to enforce this law? When the federal government won't enforce the laws on the books there is not much a little town in PA can do. Hazleton is looking at endless litigation and they are asking people to be immigration cops. This whole thing is a great election year tactic. I don't know what Barletta is running for but we know that Ricky is in danger of losing his seat.
What do our other area bloggers think of this? Tom at Things at King's points out the absurdity of it all. And he reminds us of what Jesus would do. Mark has an opposing view as does Tara.
Michelle said "eat my ass":
And Mayor Lou is a media darling:
3 hours ago
Barletta? Isn't that a WOP name?
Oh, what's that, Lou? Your ancestors were legal immigrants? Well, I'm sure you have the papers to prove it...
People are angry about this issue for a number of reasons; one thing to be pointed out is that the anti-Barletta bloggers (Gort included) continue to point out that their grandparents came here and were basically under the same umbrella that the Hispanics are today. This, of course, is BS.
Our grandparents did not have the privelige of dealing with govt.
forms etc. printed in Italian, Polish, etc. In so many ways, it appears to hard working Americans that the illegals are being coddled by our government. One final point, our grandparents came here LEGALLY; the situation in Hazleton and elsewhere is not about immigrants--it is about illegal aliens.
This may sound heartless, but I don't have a problem with asking people to live Lawfully. I do think Barletta is going a little overboard for political gain. My Ancestors came here during the great Irish Potato famine, and despite knowing the language, were discriminated against. Still, They came here legally through Ellis Island. The problem is those who are not here legally. Why should mexicans or hispanics be given special privileges? MIne were not. We assimilated, these folks choose to be separate. Why do we have to change for them?
So, lest anyone think I'm the sort to casually toss around ethnic slurs, let me just point out that Barletta's vigorous anti-illegal-immigrant activities have created a climate in which all dark-skinned folks who don't speak Valley-accented English are assumed to be "illegals"...much as Barletta's (and, according to his self-promotion, Santorum's) Italian ancestors were once automatically assumed to be "illegals", undocumented aliens, "Without Papers" - or WOP's, in the vernacular of the early 20th century.
Kanjorski is right: what Barletta is going to achieve is to bleed Hazleton dry in a series of costly lawsuits. It would have been better if Hazleton had passed an ordinance requiring the Federal Government to obey all Federal laws regarding immigration policies. (I know, I know, you can't have a municipality impose laws on the Federal government.) It would have been just as effective, but would have made the point more clearly.
Hey Anon, Answer one question - whaty the frick does an "English Only" ordinance have to do with the problem? Assuming for the moments that illegals are such a horrible problem, what does an "English only" law that applies to business have to do w/ anything? Seriously, are you offended when you hear other languages? That's just xenophobic crap. I guest-hosted a radio talk show for two weeks and some guy caslled in and started complaining about how "they" all need to start speaking English. But this guy didn't speak English too well himself. I'm really starting to boil over on this issue, and will post the topis soon, but won't clutter up Gort's blog with my views.
Let me just lay out these facts, and I'll back them up on my blog. 1) Illegals actually help the nation's economy. 2) Illegals actually pay an average of about $1,700 per yr in taxes, and the government gets more money out of them in taxes than they pay out in taking care of them. 3) It is physically impossible to rid this country of 12 million illegal immigrants - it's just impossible. 4) The goofy walls and fences are a waste of money. 5)Since 1986, the US has increased its border patrols tenfoild, so don't get the idea that the gates are wide open, as some would lead you to believe.
I've started writing about this, but don't know when I'll be posting an essay. But I'll be honest. It's easy to blame a nations problems on a scapegoat. Hitler did it with the Jews. And now Santorum and the Rs are doing it with Mexicans. Personally, I think they should have stuck w/ "terrorists." Mexicans just aren't that scary. But this campaign tactic just might get him a win, and then nothing will happen because it's not really a problem. Of course, they could open up some camps for these illegals and send them there by train and ...
Do you get my point?
I am wondering: do "English-only" laws apply to Braille and ASL (American Sign Language) as well? I can see it now, someone going around Hazleton City Hall, dutifully filing the little dots off all the Braille signs...
It is common sense that if the Hispanics who do not speak English do not eventually learn to speak, read and write it, they will not be able to secure a decent paying job.
I have no problem with them living here and this is obviously a political hot potato; Barletta and Santorum are using it for political gain--but one Santorum ad truly goes over the top when he asserts his quandry with "those who illegally cross our border to do evil deeds" or words to that effect. Rick has been looking for a good hook in his nearly doomed campaign for reelection and now he may have just found it. Recently read an article that the majority of Hispanics blame the Dems more than the Repubublicans for this entire mess--which only re-enforces my call for them to learn to read english.
First they came for the gays and I didn't object because I'm not gay. Next, they came for the Mexicans and I didn't object....
DB, Good point. What is English? If I'm a landlord in Hazleton do I refuse to rent to someone that looks different because I can't verify their papers? If I refuse to rent to a Hispanic family will I be sued under the Fair Housing Act?
This is a can of worms that will probably go away right after the November elections.
The reason I hate him is because he spammed all of epix during his last campaign for the house of representatives or whatever he was running for.
He ended up losing the election. Proving even further that spam is for losers.
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