Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Debt Ceilings is raised

The Republicans have been pretty good at playing this game. Last December they threatened a shutdown of the federal government and this time they were willing to crash the world economy unless they got everything they wanted.


Anonymous said...

i have a daughter working in Greece, don't worry their economy has been in the toilet long before the debt crisis. i know the truth about the the debt ceiling not being responsible for every bad thing takes away from liberal scare tactics....

D.B. Echo said...

Well, to be fair, they didn't get everything they wanted, and all the market indicators are dropping, so I guess it all worked out for them, bless their black shriveled hearts.

Forrest Gump said...

As you can tell, the damage was already done. Markets are still plunging today. The debt ceiling is the least of our worries.