The next blogger meetup will be Friday March 26th at Rooney's Irish Pub 67 S. Main St. Pittston, PA 18704 starting at 5PM. There is big bar area with tables off to the side and plenty of free parking across the street where the Tomato Festival is held.
Our local internet scribes will be out in force along with our friends and many candidates with their supporters have confirmed that they will be attending.
Two questions have come up.
What is the dress code?
Yes, you must wear clothes even if it is warm out. Bloggers used to be known for writing while wearing their pajamas but I think that stereotype can be put to rest.
Sue wants to know if Big Dan is really the illegitimate son of the Mean Old Man?
Show up and find out.
15 hours ago
I can't believe that the Commie who runs this site is saying that I have a liberal illigitimate son!!! I have a hard enough time bearing the shame of having two legitimate losers as sons.
I was actually going to go to this commie jamboree today with my pals Creep, Gummo and Skeets to try to knock some red white and blue sense in all your thick hammer and sickle heads. But to Hell with you all!!! Enjoy your Bolshevik vodka at your makeshift Kremlin along with your Commie rock and roll music. As for me and my good pals, we'll be sitting at the Legion, hoisting a few Stegs, and listening to the patriotic sounds of Kate Smith singing God Bless America; trying to figure a way to stop the government takeover of health care that is only going to result in me and my pals having our Medicare and Social Security cut to shreds!!! Keep government out of our lives!!!! Go to Hell!!!!!
I wish I could be there??? Maybe another one maybe in order when the ponies are running?
Irish pub. Let's see, drinking, fist fights. More drinking and more fist fights. Real culture.
It was a great evening, well attended and with an interesting mix of candidates. No fist fights, Anonymous. But on a wall is a copy of POBLACHT NA H EIREANN, the 1916 Easter Proclamation of the Irish Republic, released during the failed Easter uprising of 1916. So, yes, there was some Irish culture on hand. All around, a class event.
Nice turn out Gort, wish I could've stayed longer
Me, Gummo, Creep and Skeets all enjoyed our Stegs (a real man's beeer) and puffed on our Luckys ("inside" mind you) enjoying the sounds on the ol' jukebox of greats like Nat King Cole, The Four Aces and Kate Smith. I suspect we had more intelligence after a minute of our conversation than all you Godless Commies had in four hours!!! At one point last night, the Stegs were getting to me and I proposed hosting one of those blogger meetings at the Legion next month. The boys went crazy, promising to expel me from the VFW. TO my pals Creep, Gummo, Skeets and a special hello to our bartender, Duke; I am sorry. God Bless great Men and to hell with Bloggers!!!!! I hate you all!!!!!
Hey Jimbo ol boy, didn't know the irish had any culture beyond what I stated??, too. The corned beef is served in heaping piles at my place on St. Patrick's day...
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