I just watched the press confrence with the Guv, the new speaker Dennis O'Brien and Bill DeWeese. The most dangerous place to be today was between DeWeese and a microphone. He ran right up O'Brien's back and even elbowed Rapid Edward out of the way when he wanted to say something. Not an easy thing to do. I may be wrong but the impression I got was DeWeese will be calling the shots and he is dancing on Perzel's political grave.
The most dysfunctional polical body in the United States topped itself today. After twelve years in the wilderness the Democrats couldn't even get their shit together to elect a leader from their own party.
and i gave the list of those democrats on my blog but this is ugh
Can you say Bill the Puppet Master?
Despite the best efforts of the campaign staff the Dems have in Harrisburg, I don't know how they'll be able to retain this majority when the party not only shows this level of dysfunction, but when the Leader is so blatantly feeding his ego at the expense of others.
It was a roll call vote for Speaker, in that each member's vote was recorded. I have the tally sheet right here.
Kirk's has some sources saying some interesting things about Caltagirone. Stay tuned.
Dude, I have to tell you how much I restrained myself form hammering NADRUBLODA. That's basically a joke and makes fun of what we do.
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