She who hunts whales has pointed out another cool internet thingy.
Sunbeams gives a Definition:
All of the cool kids are saying that this is National Delurking Week. For anyone who doesn't speak internet, "lurking" is when one reads material on a discussion forum or blog yet doesn't post comments. Hence his or her presence is unknown. To delurk means to post a comment and say hi.
I know I don't comment on my favorite blogs enough but it doesn't mean I don't read them everyday. I go down my sidebar first thing everday at the crack of noon and it gives me a heads up on the news of the day. Thanks blog buddies. When I first started doing this I measured my success by the number of comments on a post but after I put sitemeter on I found out that a lot more people were reading but not commenting. Lurkers. When I surf the big blogs I rarely comment as my post would be number 458 on the thread, so I'll continue to lurk.
My friend Dr. Tara is a bit discouraged by the lack of interaction on her site so go say hello.
Perhaps Dr. Tara should allow anonymous postings...
Lurking should be an olympic sport, or something. I'd win Bronze - just because I'm an underachiever.
(And no whales were hurt in the production of my blog...I should probably include that disclaimer somewhere, eh? :) )
I enjoy lurking. But just for the sake of whatever the hell, I'll post a comment.
I've lurked here for awhile. Not stalked, dammit! LURKED. heh
Lurk any time ya like!
thanks/peace - t.g.
I've never really minded lurkers. Many of the people who come to my site are either looking for information about the Firefos js3250.dll problem, or Cathy Baker of Hee Haw - I'm apparently a leading reference for both of them. And I agree, Dr. Tara needs to make commenting easier - or just switch to Blogger! I don't want to have to sign up with a new service just so I can comment.
And while I'm on the subject - Dr. Tara, congratulations on the Pharmacology degree! (I tried to post that on your site months ago, but couldn't!)
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