Dan Hirschorn of pa2010.com is reporting that Synder County Republican Commissioner Malcolm Derk is looking to take on Congressman Chris Carney in the PA 10th Congressional District next year and will make a decision next month.
It's surprising that the GOP is having trouble finding a candidate to run against Carney because the conventional wisdom is it's a Republican district that he won in 2006 because Don ''the Tunkhannock Strangler" Sherwood was caught playing house with a girl that was younger than his daughters then Carney won reelection by 13 points against solid Republican candidate Chris Hackett in a Democratic year. The latest registration figures I've seen from the district is 49% Republican to 40% Democratic with 11% Independent/Other. Some other names that I've heard that may make the race are Republican Pike County Commissioner Richard Caridi who helped organize a tea bagger ambush of one of Carney's staffers and WNEP newsreader Marisa Burke. 2008 GOP primary runner up Dan Meuser still remains a possibility.
Derk said that "The area is hungry for a candidate” and “The largest challenge for any candidate in a tough economic climate is raising funds." He said Carney’s votes for President Obama’s stimulus package and for the recent House health care legislation had troubled him. “It really hurts to see more and more debt piled onto generations to come.”
It's surprising that the GOP is having trouble finding a candidate to run against Carney because the conventional wisdom is it's a Republican district that he won in 2006 because Don ''the Tunkhannock Strangler" Sherwood was caught playing house with a girl that was younger than his daughters then Carney won reelection by 13 points against solid Republican candidate Chris Hackett in a Democratic year. The latest registration figures I've seen from the district is 49% Republican to 40% Democratic with 11% Independent/Other. Some other names that I've heard that may make the race are Republican Pike County Commissioner Richard Caridi who helped organize a tea bagger ambush of one of Carney's staffers and WNEP newsreader Marisa Burke. 2008 GOP primary runner up Dan Meuser still remains a possibility.
Derk said that "The area is hungry for a candidate” and “The largest challenge for any candidate in a tough economic climate is raising funds." He said Carney’s votes for President Obama’s stimulus package and for the recent House health care legislation had troubled him. “It really hurts to see more and more debt piled onto generations to come.”
Derk looks to be a young man in a hurry. He is a graduate of Susquehanna University with a degree in both Political Science and Religion and at 27 is the youngest person ever elected Snyder County Commissioner. He won his first election when he was 20 serving on the Freeburg Borough Council between 2002 and 2007. My pals in the SU College Republicans must be proud. His Wiki page touts his opposition to the bailout of Boscov's Department Store and his campaign site stresses his commitment to fiscal responsibility.
It's refreshing to see a young man without piercings in every body cavity, tattoos over his entire body, and who is a real American. If all young people were like Mr. Derk, the world would be a better place!
He looks like a fetus (with hair).
I hope he runs. I want to see a republican with a chance of beating Carney get the nomination. Carney should be easy-pickins this year if we get any halfway-decent candidate nominated.
“It really hurts to see more and more debt piled onto generations to come.”
Where the hell was Derk when Bush was spending 12 billion a month on a personal war?
anon 9:00am, where are all the Obamanatics now that he is spending $120 Billion per month socializing America???? Makes Bush the RINO's spending seem down right affordable, doesn't it?
Anonymous -
1. I'd take the $12 billion war, hell, I'd take the total inherited $8.67 trillion national debt anyday compared to what Obama has in store - in a few months he will have not only inherited that debt, but also DOUBLED IT.
2. I can definitely see you supporting Derk if he decides to run - since you're so concerned about spending - all you have to do is check Carney's record.
3. I don't know much about Malcolm Derk, but I hate the "all republicans agree with everything Bush did" assumption. I'm a republican and I don't agree with all of Bush's spending. Did you vote for Obama? If so - do you agree with everything Obama does? Apparently not, because you are concerned about spending.
dah um er, Dan Meuser, run dah um er again for da um er congress?
Mean old Man said, "body cavity". Quick!... did anybody check his rectum?!?! We can't have a rectum piercing person fill the slot.
Ritchie Cunningham should stick to blogging..
Marisa Burke? That would be a treat. Can you imagine all the questions surrounder her (ex?) husband. What did she know, when did she know it? I think she will not even consider this, it will expose he life much more than it is already. Not worth the cut in pay for her.
Hey 6:31..The real question is, will the taxpayers pay for her suntan time and make up.. My god, she should look into a mirror sometime..Whats her hubby up to these days?. hahahaha
Who the hell is her husband? All you Obama bashers are mad as hell that the national economist are now saying the Bush caused recession has leveled off and we are now on the up swing. Reagan at the time gave us the biggest deficit in history then Bush did the same thing. So Obama begin to straighten things out and you people can't handle it. Well, get used to it. This is a new time and it's our time and that means the average guy will soon stop taking it up the ...... ah, you know what I mean. How does that song go ..... happy Days Are Here Again la la la la la
THANK YOU CONGRESSMAN CARNEY for voting in favor of health care reform. It was a courageous vote.
I am not interested in a Republican congressman.
Lake Ariel Liberal
Lake Ariel Liberal, you need to read that crap they signed. This is a boondoggle for the insurance companies and had nothing to do with providing coverage to all people. If this is encacted we will be sending people to jail and fining them for not purchasing coverage from the profit laden insurance industry. It was not brave at all. It is a very cowardly action from the house of pansies.
Oh ye of little faith, Obamais going to save us all. Why do people insist on saying the government is going to take us into socialized medicne when the government has been in the middle of it since in the inception of Medicarre? These insurance backed tea baggers need a brain of their own and get out of the mob mentality that the Republicans led by Limbaugh and Rove have created.
This failure will be the end of Obama's presidency. Not because he won't get it passed, because he will and it won't do anything. We need genuine health coverage for all. Not this bullshit, buy it, if you don't pay a fine or worse. We need universal coverage, not cohersed coverage. Obama is Jimmy Carter all over again.
Is it me or does the guy in the photo look a lot like Mr Vonderpsend?
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