With 93% of the precicnts counted it looks like that Judge Peter Paul Olszewski Jr has been not been retained as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. No Luzerne County Judge has even lost a retention race before, this is history. Even Conahan and Lokuta won retention.
No. . . . 30,844 56%
Yes . . . . 24,715 44%
Although I advocated a No vote as a reflex to what has been going on and out of habit I really can't say anything bad about PPO-2. He was a good District Attorney and he slapped around his incompetent successor from the bench after he dropped the ball on paperwork and procedure in the Hugo Selenski case. But that picture on the front page of the CV sunk him. Even though he lost this job I'm sure he will land on his feet and will not worry where his next meal is coming from.
Judge Burke hangs on with a Yes vote of 34,261 61% to No 21,697 39%. Normally a Judge wins retention with 70 or 80 percent of the vote.
9 hours ago
PPO's "incompetent" successor is now a sitting judge, and shortly PPO will not be a sitting judge. I think we see who's laughing tonight in his deep pocketed suit.......
hey lets all fly down to Florida and do some coke. To early? seeeee yaaaaa PPO. as they say, don't let the door knob hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Hey i got an idea, maybe he can be a lawyer for the other two disgraced judges....LOL... and not for nothing he get to go home, not jail... he he
Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye
I would like to welcome Peter to the real world. You stepped on a lot of towes on the way to the robe and I think that those toes were attached to the foot that kicked your boney ass to the curb. And the wheel of life goes round.
Here comes Peter Unemplyed, hopping down the unemployement line, hipity hopping crying all the way. If Peter was going to keep all of his eggs in one basket, he should have kept in mind all those eggs he stepped on his run up the bunny trail.
you all sound like ciavarella cronies. at PPO still has a license and will no doubt be successful in whatever he does. As for the two idicted judges...hope they enjoy their new home within cell walls for the next 10 to 20 years if their arrogance doesn't get them more!!!! hahahhahaaaaa
It is so sad that people who don't even know PPO make cruel, accusatory comments and assumptions, and they delight so much in a good man losing his job. I have known PPO since college and I can assure all you naysayers that: 1) PPO did not go to Florida to do drugs, has NEVER done drugs, and never will; 2) Even though PPO has extensive experience in the sometimes muddy trenches of the legal profession, he has always inhabited a world of honesty and decency and believes, perhaps naively, that his colleagues in law (especially judges) are good and honest men too. Pete assumed that all judges were standup guys (like his Dad) and he was too trusting/polite/
naive to fully grasp that his fellow judges were hanging out with some less than standup guys, one of whom, unfortunately, had his picture taken with PPO. Don't hate for the sake of hate.
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