Better late than never.
Gene Stilp of the Pink Pig fame was busy putting up posters around the Luzerne County Courthouse on Friday that asked people to report any wrongdoing to a Post Office Box.
Commissioner Chair Maryanne Petrilla and Solicitor Vito Deluca are not amused.
I predict that that all the posters will be in the trash by Tuesday.
I love this guy
Here is a legit question, WHO pays Stilp and how much is he paid? He demands transpariency so we need to know who pays his freight. Are there any hidden benefits to what he does? Let's follow the money, all of the money. Like Corbett says, we need to know.
it is easy for a person like Stilp to blow into town, tell us, the people that live here all our lives what is wrong, continue to bring a negative light to the area and then in the end leave. wait did i say leave?
yes leave without trying to improve the area, run for local office, give his time to serve on a recreation board, help raise funds for the local little league,
i am insulted that he wants to get public notice out of our problems.
Take your pig and go away.............
5:37, great question, we do need to know.
6:32, right on the button. He cashes in on us and we know nothng about him except that he makes a black eye into a black cloud. Look at the graphics of his poster and then ask who is paying for it? I agree with 5:37, we need to know who or what is behind this guy. He is well dressed for a guy who is just trying to do some good. I wonder what the pig cost and what does it cost to move it around the state, set it up and maintain it. Corbett thinks this guy is the best thing since Super Bowl Sunday but I question everything about him. He does not help our area, his pig lives in mud!
and as far as Steve Corbett, ask him why he didn't report the juvie issue, i will tell you, he was living in sunny California, got a job a friend of his got for him, nepotism? and then when the paper was sold the new owners asked, WHY WE PAYING this guy so much, they kicked his butt!so what does he do, he moves back to NEPA and continues for his own shows rating, bring the area down.
i have had it with these opportunist.
Corbett and Fred Williams as well as Sue Henry are a cancer on the Valley. They claim to report the truth but in fact sensationalize on a bad situation. I read an earlier posts that asked "with all of this negative talk show stuff, if you were the head of a company looking to relocate, would you consider this area?" I doubt it and we do have a lot to offer. As bad as Bob Mericle has been, he has also done a great deal of good. Take a ride up to and through that new industrial park in Pittston Twp and you will be impressed big time. We need to get past the shit, not wallow in it. The last four indictments are bullshit but are made into a big thing. Just look at them. 1. A school Director is destroyed because he allowed an engineer to pay for a school Christmas party. 2. A member of the County Redevelopment Authority is destroyed because he allowed an engineer to pay the cost of his attending a seminar for the Authority. 3. Another member is destroyed simply because he handed the guy the money. 4. A county official who could not have been in a position to wield real influence get destroyed over a $1500 suit. And there were other items that Corbett and a few others react to as being earth shaking. And finally, Corbett and Sue Henry beat the hell out of Nancy Bellas over something her husband did so being married doesn't give you credit for what your spouse does but it gives you the blame. We didn't creating our mess but we are enhancing it and it is getting worse. Drugs are rampant and our federal agents are busy with nothing more than nonsense.
He is a non-practicing attorney who has filed many public advocacy suits against the government of Pennsylvania
"Can't all just get along"- rodney king
We need people who aren't affraid to be out there and ask the questions that we all are thinking. Back in the day you would see someone on a soap box standing accross the street from the courthouse sounding off until something was done or he or she was hauled off by the police and that was part of the deal. What happened to people that fell so strongly about something that they risk jail, police brutality, maybe even a fire hose? What happened to our passion? Why is it now that we just pretty much expect our politicians to lie to us so when they do it we are just like, eh i knew he would do that. We need to get fired up and if need be shut down the courthouse and rebuild it in such a way that it works for us not for itself, It is said that we the people have a duty to dismantle our government and make it better, because lets face it times have changed in 200 years so it is kind of hard to live by those rules, but we can and always should live by those ideals..
The reason that we recognize names such as Sam Adams, John Adams, Jefferson, and all the others is because they could not sign Anonymous! Unless of course, you consider writings such as Poor Rechard's Almanac! Being Serious, if you want to lead then you have to get up front. Go to public meetings and write letters to the editor. Then sit back and watch nothing happen! People don't give a dman, it's as simple as that.
Why would anyone be upset that he is providing info to root out the evil. You would think honest people would want that. Hmmmmmm
What info is he providing that will root out evil? All I see him doing is spreading the word that this is an evil community so don't come here! I think the questions posed as to where he gets his funding is a legitimate question. Who sponsors him and is the money traceable? I have sound that in life the people who preach the bible the loudest are the worst so if there is to be transparency in government, lets see a little in those who claim to lead the way. Speaking of that, let's begin with our new Controller, he said it isn't about the pay because he earns twice that in his business. Lead the way Walter and make your last two tax returns public. Lead the way.
Hey Anon 9:41
Do you think that each of the four cases you cited were one and done?
I don't - each of these individuals have done this multiple times. If the engineer does get a job through these means, he passes his "costs" along to the taxpayers through higher fees.
All of these incidents add to the tax burden of the individual.
9:20, And you know that they've done it before? One thing this county is not lacking is godlike creatures sitting in judgement of everyone else. You sit in judgment today and God will sit in judgment.
The one anonymous commenter above rationalizes four instances of breaking the law. I thought breaking the law was...ummm...illegal. That guy apparently doesn't think breaking the law is illegal. That's the mentality that caused all of this in the first place.
Maybe that guy thinks it "OK" if "certain" people break the law, but not you and me.
Just when you think you've seen everything, you see someone justifying people breaking the law. Let's get rid of the laws, then! You can get a $1500 suit for a kickback! And then, why stop there???
...but let's add little additions to these laws, like: "If you're related to or know someone, only then is it legal to break the law."
You know what this whole little exercise by the FEDS is exposing? Not only the people breaking the law, but the vast amount of people who condone it, which is equally as shocking.
Big Dan, you just don't get it. No body is condoning illegal activities. The point being made is that hundreds of thousands of dollars in man hours are being spent on a new suit, going to a seminar for the benefit of your agency, etc. while making such a big deal of it creates an image that is much worse than it is. These guys could spend 1 day in Okarma Terrace and grab a dozen drug dealers but that isn't as important as headline grabbing and taking down those real bad guys with the suits. You're the one that needs to wake up and realize what these minimal arrests are doing to the county's image while the drug dealing goes on right under their noses. I know where my priorities are do you?
We have local police for these things and yes crack down on it
5:39 I understand exactly what your saying and I also understand that the Fred are nrusing this thing along and throw out a crumb every 5 or 6 weeks just to justify thier own existance.
Why not get BOTH the Okarma Terrace guys AND the crooked politicians? You seem to be saying to get one or the other.
And the Mericle comment: doing good things doesn't "OK" doing bad things. I work with the Fresh Air Fund for a decade and a half, underprivileged kids. Can I build a "kids for cash" prison, because I've "done some good things"?
New rule: you can get a kickback, if the kickback is less than the cost of prosecuting it!
Dan, take a vacation and get your head on straight. Nobody said anything about letting one thing go for another. I read what you read and I didn't think that was the point. The point is that hundreds of thousands of dollars are bing spent over a very long period of time and they issue an indictment every two months and those particular indictments are not worth the time and effort of so many investigators. That doesn't condone what's going on but the drug dealers are killing our children .... what don't you get about that? When was the last drug ealer brought to justice by the Feds?
That's another subject. I'm for legalizing drugs.
If you're concerned about tax money, we're spending 3 BILLION A WEEK in the wars, and billions in the failed war on drugs.
If you want to bring up other subjects when talking about the Luzerne County corruption, like "why aren't they arresting drug dealers", I'd like to bring up all the billions per week we're spending on the wars during a financial crisis.
Dan, the financial crisis began because of the failed Bush wars. What pisses me off most is that Obama has not marched the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan the same way Bush marched them in. I want the ward ended today but yesterday would be better. Get the Feds into the Commissioner's offices and clean house! All three need to go.
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