So says the Times-Leader endorsement of Paul Kanjorski for another term as our represenative in the 11th CD.
AS WE’VE DONE in this space in the past, we give Paul Kanjorski our reluctant endorsement...Yes, we remember that notorious $9 million earmarked to a firm run by Kanjorski’s nephews. And we also remember some of the congressman’s failed pie-in-the-sky ideas.
But, municipal leaders sing his praises and economic development officials laud his work. Here’s hoping he shows more results in this upcoming two-year term.
The Citizens Voice/Times-Tribune also said we should keep him around because he has seniority. They both say good things about his challenger Joe Leonardi but knock him for "never held public office." I'll remind them that Kanjo had never held public office when he was first elected. The latest from Leonardi.
The Difference
I have often been asked; what is the one major difference between Congressman Kanjorski and myself? I have always had several, but on Sunday, October 22, I heard the congressman speak on “The Pulse with Corey O’Brien.” A side note, Corey O’Brien told me on two occasions; once on the phone and once right to my face, at the Latin Festival in Scranton, that he would have me on his show. He had also told the same to one of my campaign staffers at a debate he moderated at Lackawanna College. To date I have not been invited to appear on his televison or radio show. However, Corey did have the Congressman on for the entire half hour Sunday. After the Congressman completed the interview, it hit me; the one major difference between us is this: From “Wall Street West” to the “Mag-Lev Train” he gives the impression it is his goal to make Northeast PA a subsidiary of New York City. I want to make Northeast PA a viable, independent, economic powerhouse. I want to use the resources we have in here in Northeast PA to create jobs, provide opportunity and give our children a place to stay after college.
Unfortunately, because the Congressman does not believe the voters have the right to hear us debate, he and I will never get to discuss this in front of the voters. As I have stated, his refusal to debate is acceptable to me, but it should not be acceptable to you, the voters. The Congressman does not believe he should come off his mountain and debate with me; a mere middle class citizen. He has taken the elitist position that he knows what is best for us all and doesn’t believe voters have the right to make an informed decision.
Congressman Kanjorski can continue to communicate through select members of the media that gleefully cheer him on. I will continue to make myself available to anyone who wants to interview me, whether it is bloggers, talk show hosts, newspaper or television reporters. Most importantly, I welcome you, the voter, to contact me and ask any questions you would like. If after hearing my answers you still do not want to vote for me, I respect that.If you want change, if you want someone who will demonstrate accountability, responsibility and courage to our constituents, then please vote for me.
2 days ago
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